Edit text in an Excel column without deleting the current content - excel

I'm at work and this is my first time using Excel.
I have the following question:
When I want to edit text in a column, I can press Enter or Spacebar to do so without using the mouse.
However, this way the whole text gets deleted.
Now, I want to edit text while keeping the text in the current column.
(And, yes, I'm definitely too lazy to use the mouse.)
Thank you very much, everybody. :)

NAvigate to the cell you want and then press "F2" key, this will allow you to edit the text in the selected cell. Just change and press enter!


How can I bulk search and find data with slight differences in different rows?

There is something I want to do; but i don't know if it is possible.
I want to know if I can do what I want to do with EmEditor or something else.
You can find an example of what I want below.
Example Picture:
• The data on the left does not have the full name.
• The data on the right are those with the full name.
I present a small video to express what I want clearly.
Please watch the video first and then see the sample files where you can try how to do what I want.
Sample Video
Sample Files
The file on the right contains much more data than the file on the left.
That's why the first thing that comes to mind is; so sorting is useless.
For example, the data in the 1st row of the data on the left; corresponds to row 2 of the data on the right.
So no one has the same row.
That's why sorting doesn't work; and I need to search the left side data one by one inside the right side data and find the full name.
On the left: 10-infographic-solutions-part-1
On the right: 10-infographic-solutions-part-1-D5DADA
Instead of searching all of them one by one, I want to automatically find the left-hand data among the right-hand data.
I thought this might be possible with EmEditor; but I don't know how.
If this is possible I would like to know how.
Also, there is one more thing I want to know.
I have something to add to the end of each line; but I can't put a bulk cursor at the end of all of them.
How can I do this with EmEditor?
I hope I was able to express clearly what I wanted.
If there is anything that confuses you, please let me know.
You can use Advanced Filter to find multiple strings combined with Logical Disjunction (OR). To do this:
Open Missing Data.txt with EmEditor, select all (Ctrl+A), and copy all the text to the Clipboard (Ctrl+C).
Open Full Data.txt, and click the Advanced Filter button on the Filter toolbar.
Click in the list box of the Advanced Filter dialog box, and press Ctrl+V to paste the Clipboard contents to the list box.
While all the items in the list box are selected, make sure the Match Case, (None), and Logical Disjunction (OR) options are selected, but no other options are selected.
Click the Filter button.
You didn't write what you want to do after searches, but if you want to remove all the matched lines from Full Data.txt:
Click the Abort button if you are already filtering. Click Bookmark button, and Close to dismiss the dialog box.
Right-click on the left edge of the editor (or select Edit menu - Bookmarks), and select Delete Bookmarked Lines.
As for selecting the end of each line, you can drag Mouse while pressing Alt to make a zero-width vertical selection at right (or press Alt+E, E to make a vertical selection, and press End). See Multiple Selection Editing for more information.

Select entire text from current line in Linux using a keyboard shortcut

I've been using Ubuntu/VS Code for a week and I've been struggling with text selection.
In my mac if I want to select text starting from a position until the end of the text I can easily do that with Command + Shift + arrow, but I just can't figure out how to do the same in Linux (Ubuntu), CTRL + Shift only works selecting word by word, and sometimes we just want to select an entire row or the entire text from the current position.
Appreciate the help
Put your courser on the point you want to start. Press Shift+End for the end of the line.
If you want to copy the whole line from first to last simply place the cursor somewhere in that line and hit CTRL+C.
Press Home key to get to the start of the line.
For Selecting multiple lines, use Up/Down key.
The best way is, Put your courser on the point you want to start. Press Shift then click the point you want to end using mouse/touchpad.
I tried the CTRL-C suggestion above without any result. (Mint 19.3 Cinnamon)
Accidentally, I found found that the left mouse button, triple-clicked, selects (highlights) the entire row the cursor is in. [Not seen that documented!] I suppose an expert on xdotools might write you a script for that.
Or position the cursor at the starting point and enter
Ctrl+Shift+End (or repeated right arrow) for a document,
Shift+End (or repeated right arrow) for a single line.

Prevent automatic tab insertion or conversion of spaces to tabs

Google Docs has a "feature" that sometimes converts four spaces to one tab.
Copying and pasting text does not solve this problem, because the spaces in that text are converted to tabs automatically.
Is there a way to turn this off?
No way to turn of that I know of. So annoying.
You can work-around using normal copy-paste, then a search-and-replace.
Copy-Paste you content into the Google Doc
In a text-editor, enter a tab character then cut it to your clipboard
Back in Google Docs, highlight the content you wish to fix
Hit Ctrl + H to open Find and replace dialogue
Paste the tab character into the Find field
Insert 4 space characters into the Replace with field
Click Replace all
The approach that caused me the least headaches was to replace all spaces by another character (say underscore) in the original text, copy/paste it, then replace the underscore using find+replace. This was in Google slides.
i use cmd+shift+v (edit -> paste without formatting) to paste.
The spaces are not converted to tabs.
I did find one solution: there is a Chrome plugin called "Drive Notepad" which edits google drive files and has an option "Tabs: hard"

Short-cut for selecting excel ready-made cell formatting. NOT formatting to table.

I have previously known an excel short-cut command that popped up an window where one could select a layout for a range of cells in the worksheet. There were many selections and several of them were quite beautiful. The layout would change the background color of the heading (first row selected), and format the first column and the cells in the body respectively.
I'm not talking about making tables or the table formatter, also it was only accessible through the shortcut command as far as I know (which I've now forgotten). Does anyone recall what I mean and could that person please share? I've been trying to remember it for some time now.
I believe what you first need to do is enable Excel to recognise your table. Take a look at my screenshot above!
By using Alt + O + A one will get up the AutoFormat window.

is there a shortcut to open filter>contains box in excel?

I use filters a lot.
Filter > contains option
But it is slow because everytime i need to do several clicks.
So, my question is, is there a shortcut to open filter, drop down, contains window?
Assuming you start with filtered data already, you need to have the header cell selected. From there: ALT+DOWN, F, A.
If the filter is not already created then throw in a CTRL+SHIFT+L at at the start.
If you are not in the header row, some combination of CTRL+ARROW keys can get you there. Ideally you have a block of data and can use CTRL+UP if you start in the correct column.
