Can't add icon to Action Right Click Drop Down Menu in Notes Client View - lotus-notes

I am trying to add an icon to the Right Click, Drop Down Menu , on an Action, in a View. The icon shows up in the Action Bar (with no text, but that is how it's supposed to work) at the top (see image) but in the drop down menu, it does not appear, only the text does. Is there something I am missing? Is this not suppported?

In my opinion this feature is only supported for actions in the action bar:


Android Studio layout design view doesn't show menu bar items?

i've defined a simple menu in res/menu/simple_menu.xml, with a single item called TITLE2. i then iflate this menu in my MainActivity, and all is good (See device screenshot on right, where my TITLE2 is visible in the action bar top right. however, in the layout preview (activity_main.xml, Design view, left image in below) the menu item is not visible! is this intentional? is there a way to get my menu items to show up in preview mode? thanks,
play with showAsAction for a while collapseActionView will add an item menu to a vertical list menu Something like this:
is there a way to get my menu items to show up in preview mode?
No, because the menu items show up in the action bar after you inflate it in your Kotlin/Java code.

Navigation in Xamarin.Form from masterdetail page

I am new to Xamarin and want to develop an Xamarin.Form Portable App.For that, I have created the project template as Xamarin.Form Portable.
After login, I have successfully created a Master Detail Page to display the Menu List like Home, AboutUs, ContactUs links in the left corner which is initially hide and when i click on the Menu Icon (Menu Icon is like three dashes(-) in parallel) all Menu List is populated to the right side in window. Now when i click on any Menu Item,I don't want to repeat the menu list or its icon in the inner pages. Instead of that, I want Navigation back arrow button instead of the Menu Icon. When I tried to navigate it like below it gives me error like "PushAsync is not supported globally on iOS/Android, please use a NavigationPage"
await Navigation.PushAsync(new AboutUs());
If instead of this, I navigate it to the master detail page and set the About Us page as Detail property of the Master Detail Page then Menu Icon and Menu list will be reapeated which i don't want. Please help me how can i show the navigate the page with Back Arrow button in inner pages.
Overall, I want functionality like in Gmail where when we open any Detail of Email Menu button is not there but the back arrow button is there.
Thanks in advance!
Try this approach(Because DetailPage must be NavigationPage in Xamarin.Forms):
await Navigation.PushAsync(new NavigationPage(new AboutUs()));

Custom menu for chrome text field

I want to create a custom pop-up menu, which appears when the user focuses a text field. In this menu, the user should be able to click on buttons or something.
I tried using content scripts, but my problem is, that I don't find good events to show and hide the menu.
I tried the focus event to show the menu and the blur event to hide the menu, but obviously when selecting something in the menu, the text field looses focus and blur fires, which hides the menu and does not process the click. Additionally, when I use the focus and blur events on text fields, I guess I will override existing event of the webpage.
Is there a good way to accomplish this?

ExtJS 4: Prevent Ext.grid.Panel header menu from closing after clicking "Columns" sub menu

The Sencha ExtJS framework Ext.grid.Panel component is great for representing result set data. However, it gets rather annoying for end-users when they try to enable and disable the columns in the grid. When you click the right side of a column header, a down arrow appears indicating there's a menu. When you click that arrow, a menu drops down. In any other HTML application based menu (or desktop app menu), you can either hover over a [sub] menu option or click the [sub] menu option and the next sub menu pops out. In the case of the Ext.grid.Panel, when you click a menu option on the main header menu hoping to expand the nested sub-menu, the entire root (column header) menu disappears. This would be represented as an enhancement by Sencha since there is a workaround--that being don't click on the menu option "Columns". It still works if you don't click, but it's just not intuitive. Who is bright enough to fix this in the extjs 4 framework code?
According to source files in the documentation this behavior is fixed in 4.1.2 (which is not available yet for public).
Ext.define('MenuFix', {
override: '',
onClick: function () {
return ? null : this.callParent(arguments);

left and right command menus in LWUIT form

Using LWUIT framework to develop mobile application.
In LWUIT by default first command is placed in the left and subsequent commands will be placed in the right menu of the form including the command which is already placed in form left.I need to add two menus to form.Left menu contains general application specific commands such as "Minimize","Back" and "Exit". Right Menu contains screen specific commands such as "Play Audio","Play Video" etc... Initially left softbutton of the form contains the text "Options" and the right softbutton of the form contains the text "Menu". When user selects "Options", a menu will be displayed with the following commands:
When user selects right soft button "Menu", a menu will be displayed with screen specific commands:
Play Audio
Play Video etc...
Commands of the right menu keeps changing from one form to another form, whereas the commands of left menu remains the same for all screens(forms). I know command menu can be customized by overriding "Form.createCommandList(Vector)" which returns a list. But here in my case I need two lists(menus). One at the left of the form and the other one at the right of the form.Please do help me in resolving this issue.
A LWUIT menu is just a dialog containing a List (or buttons for touch menu or pretty much anything you want), so to implement this just create a Command called options and place it in the left soft button. When options is pressed just show the dialog with your "additional commands". Since a List can accept a command array or vector doing something like this can be really easy.
You can look at the code for MenuBar which is pretty simple, you can also replace the menu bar component in the latest version LWUIT (SVN at the moment) but that seems redundant for this particular use case.
