Lua Allows to Delete Files in CS2D game - linux

Linux permissions can't stop Lua from going outside its own directory and into another.
Also, if declaring these values before:
os.execute = nil
io.popen = nil
It actually solves the problem, but disables many functions, like my clients not being able to use their other saved scripts.

You could create a new linux user, with permissions only for the needed directory, and run as that.
Otherwise there really is no solution. You can sandbox as much as you want, but if those functions are needed then you're out of luck.

You could always create your wrapper functions around the original os.execute before setting it to nil, so that you have more control of the actions taken. for example:
local osExecute = os.execute
os.execute = nil
os.createDir = function(dir)
osExecute("mkdir "..dir)
osExecute("command to save script goes here")
Of course, this example is prone to attacks, you would need to validate the parameters, to make sure it really is a folder name, and not folder;rm -rf /, for example.
Same goes for popen, you can always create your set of commands to execute.
You can then, of course create a user with restricted permissions, for extra security.


Flag to Create Missing Directories During fs.promises.writeFile

As I review these file system flags, I'm I correct in concluding that there is no flag you can pass to fs.promises.writeFile that will automatically create all missing directories leading up to a filename? If not, which flag does this?
I don't like solutions that check for the existence of the folders first before attempting writeFile, because after the folders are created that check happens every time you write to a file in that folder.
In my program, after the folders are created once, it should always be there, so it seems more efficient to only create the folders if there is an exception. However, I'm hoping there is a flag that avoids all this micro-management.
If a flag for auto-creating the folders doesn't exist for writeFile, then I'd like to attempt writeFile first, and then (only if there is an exception) create the folders recursively.
fs.promises.writeFile() does not automatically create the directory structure for you. That must exist first.
If you want to automatically create the path because you received an error indicative of a path problem, you can use fs.promises.mkdir() and pass the recursive flag.
And you could, of course, create your own wrapper function that calls fs.promises.writeFile() and if it gets whatever error you get when the path doesn't exist (you'd have to test to see exactly what that error is), then call fs.promises.mkdir() and then repeat the fs.promises.writeFile(). It could all be wrapped in your own utility function.

How to share a variable between 2 pyRevit scripts?

I am using the latest version of pyRevit, v45.
I'm writing some info in temporary files with
myTempFile = script.get_instance_data_file("id")
This creates a file named pyRevit_2018_xxxx_id.tmp in which I store useful info. If I'm not mistaken, the "xxxx" part is changing every time I reload Revit. Now, I need to get access to this information from another pyRevit script.
How can I retrieve the name of the temp file I need to read? In other words, how do I access "myTempFile" from within the second script, which has no idea of the name of "myTempFile"?
I guess I can share somehow that variable between my script, but what's the proper way to do this? I know this must be a very basic programming question, but I'm indeed not a programmer ;)
Thanks a lot,
Ok, I realise now that my variables in the 1st script cease to exist after its execution.
So for now I wrote the file name in another file, of which I know the name.. That works.
But if there's a cleaner way to do this, I'd be glad to learn ;)
pyrevit.script module provides 4 different methods for creating temporary files based on their use case:
for data files marked with Revit instance pid. This means that scripts running on another instance will not see this temp file.
for temp files accessible to all Revit instances and versions
Base method to get a standard temp file for current revit version
temp file marked with active document (so scripts working on another document will not see this)
Each method uses a pattern to create the temp file name. So as long as the call to the method is the same of different scripts, the method generates the same file name.
Script 1:
from pyrevit import script
tfile = script.get_data_file('mydata')
Script 2:
from pyrevit import script
tempfile = script.get_data_file('mydata')
In this example tempfile = tfile since the file id is the same.
There is documentation on each so make sure you take a look at those and pick the flavor that serves your purpose.

When I create a Temporary File/Directory, when will it be removed?

Julia contains a number of methods for making temporary files and directories.
I'm making fairly heavy use of them (and /dev/shm), to inferface with libraries that really want to work with actual files (JLD/HDF5, and OpenStack Swift).
I had been assuming they would be deleted when their finalisers on the pointer to there name were called.
But then after exiting julia it seemed like they were all still there.
Will linux delete them?
If the app didn't clean after itself, the OS will delete the files eventually. It depends on system settings when temp files are deleted. For example, it can happen on boot or nightly (via cron job) or some another way.
See this answer, for example: How is the /tmp directory cleaned up?
What you are likely looking for,
given your surprise that they were not removed, based on going out of scope, as the do block versions of mktemp.
In the very documentation you linked.
mktemp(f::Function[, parent=tempdir()])
Apply the function f to the result of mktemp(parent) and remove the temporary file upon completion.
mktempdir(f::Function[, parent=tempdir()])
Apply the function f to the result of mktempdir(parent) and remove the temporary directory upon completion.
Which you can use like:
mktempdir("/dev/shm") do tdir
fname = joinpath(tdir, name)
#Do some things with your new temp filename `fname` in your tempdir `tdir`
#the directory referenced by `tdir`, and `fname`, have now been deleted.

File name sanitation for deleting via web

If we have a web page that able to read or delete file (based on name) inside certain folder, for example: 'public/upload/', what kind of filtering we must use to prevent security issues?
For example in Ruby/Sinatra:
file_name = params[:file_name]
base_dir = 'public/upload/'
# prevent user from entering ../../../../../etc/passwd or any other things
File.delete "#{base_dir}/#{file_name}"
Is it enough?
This kind of filtering is always error prone. However, something that could work, but which I cannot say is bulletproof, would be this:
Preventing Directory Traversal in PHP but allowing paths
Ruby has something like php's "realpath" afaik.
OWASP also has bit on how to prevent path traversal:
Along with examples of how path traversal can be exploited:

Is it possible to break out of a restricted (custom) shell?

Not sure if this is the right place to ask.
Say I write a shell that takes stdin input, filters this input so let's say only certain commands like
ls (list contents of binary directory and subdirectory)
update (git clone)
build (go build)
test (go test)
start (systemctl start this.service only)
stop (systemctl stop this.service only)
running (is the binary being executed and with how many GOMAXPROCS?)
usage (memory, cpu usage)
gensvc (generate .service file)
exit (leave shell/logout)
work, you guessed it, I'm trying to give a user only very limited maintenance access over ssh.
Say I'm careful with \0 (I'd write it in Go anyway using bufio.Scanner)
Is there any way to stop the running shell and execute /bin/sh or similar or any way to get around this shell?
The idea is a user should push their stuff via git to a bare repo, this repo is cloned to the filesystem to a certain directory, then go build is called and the binary is ran with a systemd .service file that is generated previously.
Thinking logically, if the user is only able to write certain strings that are accepted, no there is no way. But maybe you know of one, some ctrl+z witchcraft ;) or whatever.
The only attack surface is the input string or rather bytes. Of course the user could git push a program that builds its own shell or runs certain commands, but that's out of scope (I would remove capabilities with systemd and restrict device access and forbid anything but the connection to the database server, private tmp and all, namespace and subnamespace it TODO)
The only problem I see is git pushing but I'm sure I could work around that in a git only mode argv and adding it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. something like lish gitmode and execute stdin commands if they start with git or something like it.
If you're only allowed certain commands, your "shell" will read the command, parse it and then execute it then you should be fine, unless I misunderstood it.
Go "memory" can't be executed, not without you doing some nasty hacks with assembly anyway, so you don't have to worry about shell injection.
Something along these lines should be safe:
func getAction() (name string, args []string) {
// read stdin to get the command of the user
func doAction() {
for {
action, args := getAction()
switch action {
case "update": //let's assume the full command is: update https://repo/path.git
if len(args) != 1 {
out, err := exec.Command("/usr/bin/git", "clone", "--recursive", args[0]).CombinedOutput()
// do stuff with out and err
If you are implementing the shell yourself and directly executing the commands via exec() or implementing them internally, then it is certainly possible to produce a secure restricted shell. If you are just superficially checking a command line before passing it on to a real shell then there will probably be edge cases you might not expect.
With that said, I'd be a bit concerned about the test command you've listed. Is it intended to run the test suite of a Go package the user uploads? If so, I wouldn't even try to exploit the restricted shell if I was an attacker: I'd simply upload a package with tests that perform the actions I want. The same could be said for build/start.
Have it reviewed by a pentesting team.
People can be very creative when breaking out a sandbox of any type. Only if you never accept the user's input you can consider yourself rather safe on premises (but here any command is an input) - paper security assumptions are considered a weak to assess the software. They are similar to 'no-bug' assumptions for an algorithm on paper: as soon as you implement it, 99% of time a bug raises
