Excel formula to apply penalty column to ranking - excel

I have thought long and hard about this, but I can't find a solution to what I believe is quite a simple problem.
I have a table of results, where sometimes someone will be given a penalty of a varying amount. This is entered into the penalty column (Col C).
I need a formula which checks if there is an entry into the penalty column and applies it, not only to that row, but to the number of subsequent rows which are affected, depending on the severity of the penalty.
I have tried to see if this is possible by referencing the penalty against the 'ROW()' function but have not been able to achieve the desired effect.
Col D shows the desired output of the formula.
Col E is included for reference only, to show the desired effect on each row.
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E
Pos Name Penalty New Pos Change
1 Jack 1 0
2 Matt 2 0
3 Daniel 2 5 +2
4 Gordon 3 -1
5 Phillip 4 -1
6 Günther 6 0
7 Johann 3 10 +3
8 Alain 7 -1
9 John 8 -1
10 Gianmaria 9 -1
The big issue is, if someone is handed a big penalty, for example '10' then it affects the following ten rows. I can't work out how to include this variable logic...
I would be interested to hear the approach of others...

You need to use the RANK() function:
Excel RANK Function Examples
In a new column, add the penalty value to the original position, plus a small coeffieient depending on the original position (0.01 per increment perhaps) to move the penalised player below the original person at that position, then in the next column you can RANK() the new column of values (F in my case).
New value is therefore =A2+(IF(C2>0,C2+(0.01*A2)))
Rank is then =RANK(F2,F2:F11,1)
You can combine all the functions into one, but it's clearer to do it in separate columns at first.


how to reference a specific cell in a formula if other cells match a specific value

Thanks so much for looking at my question! I am trying to create a formula that subtracts a specific value from another formula. However, that specific value may change.
1 1 100 =(2000 - ( if A = 1, i want to subtract the C value where B =1))
1 2 250
1 3 310
1 4 .
2 1
2 2 =((2000 - ( if A = 2, i want to subtract the C value where B =1))
2 3
2 4
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
(A,B,C,D are the columns)
Hopefully this makes sense! I am trying to subtract the C value that goes along with the B1 value for each different A.
I was thinking an index match of some sort but wasnt exactly sure how to do that when the A's change. Thanks so much in advance for help!
INDIRECT or INDEX functions can help you. See this answer.
Would something like a nested if function work for you here? For example:
=IF(A2=1,IF(B2=1,2000-C2,"Enter calculation if B2<>1"),"Enter calculation if A2"<>1)
If this works, then you can simply copy/paste the function down the rows in column D.

Dynamically sort list based off associated values with tie-breaker values

I'm trying to sort students based off frequency of participation. I have a table that is automatically generated totaling up how often a student has participated in the last few days.
I want it to do 2 things that I can't figure out.
I want it to ignore students that are at 0 removing them from the resulting rankings.
The first number is most important but I want it to reference the next value in the result of a tie.
Short example of table:
Andy - 1 1 2 3
Brad - 0 1 2 3
Cade - 1 2 3 4
Dane - 1 1 1 2
Desired result:
Cade - 1
Andy - 1
Dane - 1
The tie-breaker isn't that important and I figure I can have conditional formatting to remove children at 0, but I still can't seem to figure it out.
The closest formulas I have found in my searching are:
This one doesn't work because it returns #N/A for pretty much all students who are tied.
I had this formula that can handle ties but it needs to be OFFSET but I don't know how since it is an array formula. Also, with both these formulas it reverses the ranks with the lowest values at the top. If anyone could assist me I would greatly appreciate it. I'm doing this so that I can give all students a chance to participate equally.
Use a helper column. In that column put the following formula:
This will return a single number based on the rankings.
Then in your output column use:
Then a simple VLOOKUP to return the first number:

Count occurrences of strings just once per row in Google Sheets

I have strings of spreadsheet data that need counting by 'type' but not instance.
1 Lin 1 2 1
2 Tom 1 4 2
3 Sue 3 1 4
The correct sum of students assigned to teacher 1 is 3, not 4. That teacher 1 meets Lin in lessons B and D is irrelevant to the count.
I borrowed a formula which works in Excel but not in Google Sheets where I and others need to keep and manipulate the data.
2 Lin 1 2 1
3 Tom 1 4 2
4 Sue 3 1 4
5 1 [exact string being searched for, ie a teacher name]
I don't know what is not being understood by Google Sheets in that formula. Does anyone know the correct expression to use, or a more efficient way to get the accurate count I need, without duplicates within rows inflating the count?
So this is the mmult way, which works by finding the row totals of students assigned to teacher 1 etc., then seeing how many of the totals are greater than 0.
Also works in Excel if entered as an array formula without the ArrayFormula wrapper.
A specific Google Sheets one can be quite short
counting the unique rows containing a match.
Note - I am subtracting 1 in the last formula above because I am assuming there is at least one zero (non-match) which should be ignored. This would fail in the extreme case where all students in all classes are assigned to the same teacher so you have a matrix (e.g.) of all 1's. This would be more theoretically correct:

Compare multiple data from rows

I'm looking for a way to compare multiple rows with data to each other, trying to find the best possible match. Each number in every column must be an approximately match the other numbers in the same column.
Customer #1: 1 5 10 9 7 7 8 2 3
Customer #2: 10 5 9 3 5 7 4 3 2
Customer #3: 1 4 10 9 8 7 6 2 2
Customer #4: 9 5 6 7 2 1 10 5 6
In this example customer #1 and #3 is quite similar, and I need to find a way to highlight or sort the rows so I can easily find the best match.
I've tried using conditional formatting to highlight the numbers that are the similar, but that is quite confusing, because the amount of data is quite big.
Any ideas of how I could solve this?
The following formula entered in (say) L1 and pulled down gives the best match with the current row based on the sum of the absolute differences between corresponding cells:-
It is an array formula and must be entered with CtrlShiftEnter.
You can then sort on column L to bring the customers with lowest similarity scores to the top or use conditional formatting to highlight rows with a certain similarity value.
If you wanted to penalise large differences in individual columns more heavily than small differences to try and avoid pairs of customers which are fairly similar except for having some columns very different, you could try something like the square of the differences:-
then the scores for your test data would come out as 7,127,7,127.
I'm assuming you want to compare customers 2-4 with customer 1 and that you are comparing only within each column. In this case, you could implement a 'scoring system' using multiple IFs. For example,:
1 Customer 1 1 1 2
2 Customer 2 1 2 2
3 Customer 3 0 1 0
you could use in E2
This will return a 'score' of 1 when you have a match and a 'score' of 0 when you don't. It then adds up the scores and your highest value will be your best match. Copying down would then give
1 Customer 1 1 1 2
2 Customer 2 1 2 2 2
3 Customer 3 0 1 0 1
so customer 2 is the best match.

Find the top n values in a range while keeping the sum of values in another range under x value

I'd like to accomplish the following task. There are three columns of data. Column A represents price, where the sum needs to be kept under $100,000. Column B represents a value. Column C represents a name tied to columns A & B.
Out of >100 rows of data, I need to find the highest 8 values in column B while keeping the sum of the prices in column A under $100,000. And then return the 8 names from column C.
Can this be accomplished?
I attempted the Solver solution w/ no luck. 200 rows looks to be the max w/ Solver, and that is what I'm using now. Here are the steps I've taken:
Create a column called rank RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$200) (used column D -- what is the purpose of this?)
Create a column called flag just put in zeroes (used column E)
Create 3 total cells total_price (=SUM(A2:A200)), total_value (=SUM(B2:B200)) and total_flag (=(E2:E200))
Use solver to minimize total_value (shouldn't this be maximize??)
Add constraints -Total_price<=100000 -Total_flag=8 -Flag cells are binary
Using Simplex LP, it simply changes the flags for the first 8 values. However, the total price for the first 8 values is >$100,000 ($140k). I've tried changing some options in the Solver Parameters as well as using different solving methods to no avail. I'd like to post an image of the parameter settings, but don't have enough "reputation".
EDIT #2:
The first 5 rows looks like this, price goes down to ~$6k at the bottom of the table.
Price Value Name Rank Flag
$22,538 42.81905675 Blow, Joe 1 0
$22,427 37.36240932 Doe, Jane 2 0
$17,158 34.12127693 Hall, Cliff 3 0
$16,625 33.97654031 Povich, John 4 0
$15,631 33.58212402 Cow, Holy 5 0
I'll give you the solver solution as a starting point. It involves the creation of some extra columns and total cells. Note solver is limited in the amount of cells it can handle but will work with 100 anyway.
Create a column called rank RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$100)
Create a column called flag just put in zeroes
Create 3 total cells total_price, total_value and total_flag
Use solver to minimize total_value
Add constraints
-Flag cells are binary
This will flag the rows you want and you can grab the names however you want.
