In Fusion 360, how can I get a view which shows hollow areas? - cad

For instance, I have a body with a hollow area which is not visible from the outside. What's a good way to view the whole body, visualizing all of the surfaces, especially when there are voids within the body? Is changing the opacity the only way? I was hoping there would be a wireframe view, but I haven't been able to find a way to toggle one, if it exists.
Also, to change the opacity, I have to turn the body into a component. Is there a way to do this without having to make a permanent modification like that?
Another way I've found is to use Section Analysis to see a cross section, but that's not great for getting a view of everything at once.

At the bottom of the view, there is a toolbar. Click on the monitor icon, then choose Visual Style, Wireframe in the menu:
Wireframe with Hidden Edges should be the most appropriate in your case.


MergEXT MergZXing layer and barcode not reading

Just started working with this awesome external but have a couple of questions.
When the control is evoked, is it always the top layer or can I have a background transparent image on top of it so I can frame the control nicely?
Also, my testing seems to read most Barcodes but when it comes down to reading Barcodes on hard drives, the control does not want to decode those.... Too dense of bar code pattern?
I am very impressed thus far with the ease of use of your externals. Makes we want to code more for mobile devices!
an overlaying transparent image is not possible, as far as i know.
but couldnĀ“t you use
command mergZXingControlSetRect pLeft,pTop,pRight,pBottom
to define the rect of that scanner after creation
command mergZXingControlCreate pLeft,pTop,pRight,pBottom
to create the scanner control in the specified rect.
Set the rect smaller than the width and the height of the screen.
You could then use an underlying image, which is displayed outside of the scanner rect, to show the frame around scanner control. Did not test it myself, but i would assume that this should work.
Unfortunately the native controls in externals and the ones the engine provides are added as views on top of the LiveCode view. That means you can't intermingle LiveCode controls with them. One thing that some users have done is add a web view with a transparent background and a load a png image. If you create the barcode view first and the web view second then the web view will be on top.

Draw flowchart on webpage as navigation menu

I need to draw a simple "flow chart" that is used to navigation on my site. What I have been doing now is that I've drawn this MSPaint, then I add pixelmaps so that it navigate the user to different pages according to where in the pictures he clicks.
What I also want is that the page the user is on, changes colour (for instance, if user clicks on step 3, he navigates to page 3, and the page 3 changes colour to to green).
What is the best method to implement this? SVG? Canvas? JavaScript? CSS?
All answers that can point me to the right direction is very welcome.
Your first mistake here, I'd say, is that you're using pixelmaps; for something as simple as this, I'd recommend just making it a pure HTML/CSS entity, then giving a .active class or some equivalent to whatever page you're actually on. This is the easiest way of doing things in my books, and it has the benefit of degrading gracefully if the image fails to load for whatever reason.
That said, if you don't want to do it that way and are really attached to the static image for whatever reason, you could have variants of that image where the specific step is highlighted, and display whatever image is appropriate for that page. That would accomplish what you're looking for, but I wouldn't recommend it--it's very heavy in terms of network usage when compared with an HTML solution.
Now, bear in mind you could draw this with canvas, but that seems like overkill in this situation if you're basically just drawing a navbar; if you were drawing a full flowchart already and just wanted to reuse that code, well, that would be a different story; but in this case, with static imagery, just use HTML--it's just faster and easier.

How do I make a circle move on events?

I'm pretty new to javafx so I'm trying to learn here so please be reasonable and don't dis away my question, I really appreciate any help at all, thanks!
I would like to know how I could move an object, let's say this circle on different events, like keypress or mouseclick, mousemove, whatever.
Circle circle = new Circle();
Do I need to use that KeyFrame thing I saw on the javafx site tutorial, or how does this work?
I would not have asked this here if I weren't feeling so lost, honestly.
So to make this clear: What is the code for moving objects that I created, by using events?
EDIT: By moving it I mean, press up key and it moves up by a few pixels, transform it maybe, with another key, or click somewhere on the scene and make it move there instantly or travel there with a certain speed. I don't have to redraw it like you need to with html5 canvas, I hope, right?
I don't have to redraw it like you need to with html5 canvas, I hope, right?
Not if you are using a standard JavaFX scene graph as opposed to a JavaFX canvas.
I would like to know how I could move an object, let's say this circle on different events, like keypress or mouseclick, mousemove, whatever
There are three ways to move a Shape:
You can adjust the shape's geometry (e.g. the centerX/centerY properties of a circle).
You can adjust the shape's layout (e.g. it's layoutX/layoutY properties).
You can adjust the shape's translation (e.g. it's translateX/translateY properties).
You can think of the layout as the home position for the object; i.e. where it should normally be in the context of it's parent group. You can think of it's translation transform as a temporary position for an object (often used when the object is being animated).
If you are using a layout pane such as a VBox or TilePane, then the layout pane will handle setting the layout co-ordinates of the child node for you. If you are using a simple Group or a plain Pane or Region, then you are responsible for setting the correct layout values for the child nodes.
To listen for events, set event handlers on Nodes or Scenes.
Here is a small sample app which demonstrates the above. It places the object to be moved inside a Group and modifies the position of the object within a Group in response to various events.

How to stretch and scale a single child in a container(e.g. panel, groupbox) to fit different resolution screen?

Basically, I have an usercontrol as main container, inside which I have a few groupboxes and buttons. But, my interface controls will not be resized and positioned properly as what I expect in design interface.
I've already tried to change the anchor and dock properties but none of them serve my purpose.
I searched online and found something called viewbox in WPF, I'm wondering if there is something like "viewbox" in visual studio 2010?
Please help!
Try using TableLayoutPanel container and put your controls in it. It is similar to the idea of table in HTML where it is divided to rows and columns each one of them can be set to either a set of pixels or a percentage. Usually if you want to use re-sizable form, usually you should have a control that will give you good results when stretching such as image, multiline textbox etc... In addition, put the dock property to fill to get the stretching you want.
I hope this info was useful for you.

Magnifier like feature inside popup to?

I need to create a magnifier like feature in my app. Like the "loupe" effect on the iphone !
The problem is that I need to do that inside a popup window and I don't get how to make it work !
The popup window display a grid of colors that I generate and draw one by one using shapeDrawables. What I want is to display that color bigger, zoom on it when the user touch and move his finger around the popup window (color grid). The idea is to create a tracking-zooming effect on the colors so the user can see more clearly under wich color his finger is currently located.
Problems are :
I can't seem to create another popup window on top of this one, Android limitation I think ?
If I modify the current shapeDrawable, resize it, change the boundaries, It needs to re-display the popup window before it takes effect (which is not acceptable of course)
So, anyone knows of a way I could draw over that popup window ?
I've tried solving this issue using a Custom Toast object...But it doesn't quite do the trick. It works, but toast object appears slowly and so the touch motion is not in sync at all with the user movement over the color grid.
I'm not sure if this will help you or not, but you might be able to accomplish this by using a second Activity... this second Activity would use Android's translucent theme if you include the following attribute in your manifest:
<activity android:theme="#android:style/Theme.Translucent">
This second activity will now only contain what you place in your layout. That is... the "real" activity you're running will still be visible behind it (anywhere you don't cover it up with views in the new layout).
You also might prefer Theme.Dialog if you really want to resemble a popup.
Something to keep in mind if you take this approach is you will probably want to override onWindowFocusChanged() in the new activity, and finish() in the event of you losing focus. Additionally, you'll need to figure out how to share your data between the two activities.
