Python json.loads() failing to parse json string - python-3.x

I have a web service written in Python 3.4 that uses the Falcon framework. One particular method accepts a post of json values. My code:
raw_json =
except Exception as ex:
raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_400, 'Error', ex.message)
result_json = json.loads(raw_json.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError:
raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_400,
'Malformed JSON', 'Could not decode the request body. The JSON was incorrect.')
clientIp = result_json['c']
wpIp = result_json['w']
lan = result_json['l']
table = int(result_json['t'])
This code was working fine 9 months ago but currently throws the error: "list indices must be integers or slices, not str." I think it likely broke after a Python or Falcon package update.
The ouput of raw_json.decode('utf-8') looks ok, returning [{"w": "", "c": "", "l": "", "t": "4"}]. I think json.loads() is the root of my problem. len(result_json) is returning 1 where I would expect 4. Is there an additional parameter needed for json.loads() to help it parse correctly? Or am I missing something else entirely?
Greg (Python noob)

The returned result [{"w": "", "c": "", "l": "", "t": "4"}] is a json array, which is parsed into a python list. Therefore
produces the the mentioned error. Maybe there was a change in the API and it now returns an array where it previously returned a json object.
This should work:
clientIp = result_json[0]['c']


Modifying a nested dictionary

I'm using regex to look through a file to check for a username and whether their action caused an error or not (ERROR for error, INFO for successful action)
I am using a nested dictionary to keep track of actions, with the username as the primary key and the nested dictionary of how many INFO and ERROR lines they generate.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
users = {}
with open('logfile.txt') as f:
for line in f:
regex_user = r"(INFO|ERROR): .* \((.+)\)$"
"""searches for users and if there message was info or error"""
user = re.serach(regex_user, line)
if user is None:
name = user[2]
cat = user[1]
# Method 1?
users[name][cat] = users[name].get(cat, 0) + 1
# Method 2?
users[name][cat] = users.get(name, {}).get(cat, 0) + 1
except KeyError:
print("Where are my keys?")
I am wondering which of the two methods (if any) are correctly modifying the dictionary to increase the count of the respective nested key.
Output should look like:
{'John': {'INFO': 22, 'ERROR': 3}}
if the log contained 22 lines of INFO and 3 lines of ERROR for user John.
You probably want to solve this with a nested collections.defaultdict or alternatively using setdefault() though the latter is not a clean in my opinion. collections.defaultdict() will allow you to reference a dictionary key that does not yet exist which is the crux of your issue.
Try something like:
import collections
import json
import random
users = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(int))
for i in range(100):
user = random.choice(["John", "Jane", "Sanjay"])
cat = random.choice(["INFO", "ERROR"])
users[user][cat] += 1
print(json.dumps(users, indent=2))
That will print out something like:
"Jane": {
"INFO": 16,
"ERROR": 19
"John": {
"ERROR": 21,
"INFO": 10
"Sanjay": {
"INFO": 18,
"ERROR": 16
though each run will be different.
As we noted by #Ryukashin, a defaultdict() does not print() as nicely as a dict(). So casting back is possilbe if it is really needed for some reason. The easiest (no not the most efficient) manner for that might be:
users = json.loads(json.dumps(users))

ValueError: malformed node or string: <_ast.Name object at 0x0000016835AEE3D0>

why do i get this error message: ValueError: malformed node or string: <_ast.Name object at 0x0000016835AEE3D0>. i dont understand please help me..
import ast
def convert_text_list(text):
texts = ast.literal_eval(str(text))
return text
TWEET_DATA["tweet_list"] = TWEET_DATA["tweet"].apply(convert_text_list)
print("\ntype : ", type(TWEET_DATA["tweet_list"][90]))```
It has been some months since you asked, so you might have found the answer for yourself, I got this problem yesterday, all you have to do is to get rid os every "null" value in the dataset.

Fetch Keys from Response Dictionary

Sending Client request to get data from API.
request =client.get_income('ET',incomeType='PNL',startTime=1611287550000)
The API returns the following data:
It's a dictionary inside the list. When I try to access the items through a for loop or any of the following methods, It returns the OBJECT.
Methods I tried:
for item in request:
returns this : <model.income.Income object at 0x000000684EFB4580>
ERROR: TypeError: 'Income' object is not subscriptable
None of them works.
I have fixed it myself.
request =client.get_income('ET',incomeType='PNL',startTime=1611287550000)
for x in range(len(request)):
request = [{"symbol":"ET","incomeType":"R","income":"-2.4","time":1611287909000,"info":"50538270"},{"symbol":"ET","incomeType":"R","income":"1.68","time":1611287909000,"info":"50538271"}]
for item in request:
it's working fine on my pc, I'm using python 3.9
The data structure you have is a JSON. Use Pandas to parse it and access it elements:
import pandas as pd
request = [{"symbol":"ET","incomeType":"R","income":"-2.4","time":1611287909000,"info":"50538270"},
df = pd.DataFrame(request)
print(f'Incomes are: {df["income"].tolist()}')

Python ldap3 print entries based on variable

I am new to Python, stupid question ahead
I need to compare the entries from a MySQL database with ldap. I created a dictionary to hold the corresponding values, when I try to loop through the dictionary and pass them to ldap3 entries to show the results it takes the variable as literal.
for x in values_dict:
except Exception as error:
attribute 'value2' not found
If I replace value2 with 'sn' or any of the other attributes I have pulled it works fine. I have also played around with exec() but this returns nothing.
for x in values_dict:
except Exception as error:
Any ideas?
EDIT 1 : As requested here are the values for values_dict. As stated previously the loop does parse these correctly, ldap does return the attributes, but when I try to use a variable to lookup the attributes from entries the variable is taken literally.
values_dict = {
"First_Name": "givenname",
"Middle_Name": "middlename",
"Last_Name": "sn",
"Preferred_Name": "extensionattribute2",
"Work_Location": "physicaldeliveryofficename",
"Work_City": "l",
"Work_State": "st",
"Work_Postal": "postalcode",
"Work_Email": "mail"
The syntax somevariable.someattr, which you are using here:
Always means "access an attribute named someattr of somevariable". It's always interpreted as a literal string. If you need to dynamically access an attribute, use the getattr function:
getattr(ldap_conn.entries[0], value2)
You're not currently assigning that that result anywhere, so you probably want something like:
result1 = getattr(ldap_conn.entries[0], value2)

json() on "requests" response raises UnicodeEncodeError

I'm querying Github's Jobs API with python3, using the requests library, but running into an error parsing the response.
import requests
import json
url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u2019' in
position 321: ordinal not in range(128)
Using this API in the past with Ruby, I've never run into this issue.
I also tried converting it to a dictionary but it resulted in the same errors.
There's other questions on SO about the UnicodeEncodeError (mostly re: opening files), but I'm not familiar with Python and didn't find them helpful.
First, check that the response is actually JSON. Try printing response.text and see if it looks like a valid JSON object.
Assuming it is JSON: it's very "hack"-ey, but you can replace the non ASCII characters with their escaped Unicode representation:
def escape_unicode(c):
return c.encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace').decode('ascii')
response = ...
text = response.text
escaped = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7F]', lambda m: escape_unicode(, text)
json_response = json.loads(escaped)
