why EMR SPARK job fails when task group node is lost? - apache-spark

I am using AWS emr-5.0.0 to run a small cluster that consists of the following notes:
1 Master - AWS on demand instance
1 CORE - AWS on demand instance
2 TASK - AWS SPOT instance
All of them are x3.xlarge machines.
I run a python spark application with two stages.
The problem is that when I manually terminate one of the TASK instances (or it gets terminated due to spot price change) the entire spark job fails.
I would expect that SPARK would just continue running the lost tasks on remaining nodes. Please explain why it does not happen.
Below is the log, master ip is 172-31-1-0, core instance it is 172-31-1-173, the lost not ip is 172-31-3-81).
log file (stderr and stdout from spark-submit)


Is AWS EMR suited for an HA spark direct streaming application

I am trying to run a apache spark direct streaming application in AWS EMR.
The application receives and sends data to AWS kinesis and needs to be running the whole time.
If course if a core node is killed, it stops. But it should self-heal when the core node is replaced.
Now I noticed: When I kill one of the core nodes (simulating a problem), it is replaced by AWS EMR. But the application stops working (no output is send to kinesis anymore) and in also does not continue working unless I restart it.
What I get in the logs is:
ERROR YarnClusterScheduler: Lost executor 1 on ip-10-1-10-100.eu-central-1.compute.internal: Slave lost
Which is expected. But then I get:
20/11/02 13:15:32 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 193.1 in stage 373.0 (TID 37583, ip-10-1-10-225.eu-central-1.compute.internal, executor 2): FetchFailed(null, shuffleId=186, mapIndex=-1, mapId=-1, reduceId=193, message=
org.apache.spark.shuffle.MetadataFetchFailedException: Missing an output location for shuffle 186
These are just warnings, still the application does not produce any output anymore.
So I stop the application and start it again. Now it produces output again.
My question: Is AWS EMR suited for a self-healing application, like the one I need? Or am I using the wrong tool?
If yes, how do I get my spark application to continue after a core node is replaced?
Its recommended to use On-Demand for CORE instances
And at the same time use TASK instance to leverage SPOT instances.
Have a look
Amazon Emr - What is the need of Task nodes when we have Core nodes?
AWS DOC on Master, Core, and Task Nodes

Should slave nodes be launched/started separately on Amazon EMR server?

I have just launched Amazon Elastic MapReduce server after trying java.lang.OutofMemorySpace:Java heap space while fetching 120 million rows from database in pyspark where I have 1 master and 2 slave nodes running each having 4 cores and 8G RAM.
I am trying to load a massive dataset from MySQL database (containing approx. 120M rows). The query loads fine but when I do a df.show() operation or when I try to perform operations on the spark dataframe I am getting errors like -
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job 0 cancelled because SparkContext was shut down
Task 0 in stage 0.0 failed 1 times; aborting job
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded
My questions are -
When I SSH into the Amazon EMR server and do htop, I see that 5GB out of 8GB is already in use. Why is this?
On the Amazon EMR portal, I can see that the master and slave servers are running. I'm not sure if the slave servers are being used or if its just the master doing all the work. Do I have to separately launch or "start" the 2 slave nodes or does Spark do that automatically? If yes, how do I do this?
If you are running spark as standalone mode (local[*]) from master then it will only use master node.
How are you submitting spark job?
Use yarn cluster or client mode while submitting spark job to use resources efficiently.
Read more on YARN cluster vs client
Master node runs all the other services like hive, mysql, etc. Those services may
taking 5GB of ram if aren’t using standalone mode.
In yarn UI (http://<master-public-dns>:8088) you can check what other containers are running in more detail.
You can check where your spark driver and executer are spinning,
in spark UI http://<master-public-dns>:18080.
Select your job and go to the Executor section, there you would find machine ip of each executor.
Enable ganglia in EMR OR go to CloudWatch ec2 metric to check each machine utilization.
Spark doesn’t start or terminates nodes.
If you want to scale your cluster depending upon job load, apply autoscaling policy to CORE or TASK instance group.
But at-least you need 1 CORE node always running.

How to know if a machine in a Spark cluster 'participate's a job

I wanted to know when it is safe to remove a node from a machine from a cluster.
My assumption is that it could be safe to remove a machine if the machine does not have any containers, and it does not store any useful data.
By the APIs at https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/ResourceManagerRest.html, we can do
GET http://<rm http address:port>/ws/v1/cluster/nodes
to get the information of each node like
If numContainers is 0, I assume it does not run containers. However can it still store any data on disk that other downstream tasks can read?
I did not get if Spark lets us know this. I assume if a machine still stores some data useful for the running job, the machine may maintain a heart beat with Spark Driver or some central controller? Can we check this by scanning tcp or udp connections?
Is there any other way to check if a machine in a Spark cluster participates a job?
I am not sure whether you just want to know if a node is running any task (is that's what you mean by 'participate') or you want to know if it is safe to remove a node from the Spark cluster
I will try to explain the latter point.
Spark has the ability to recover from the failure, which also applies to any node being removed from the cluster.
The node removed can be an executor or an application master.
If an application master is removed, the entire job fails. But is you are using yarn as a resource manager, the job is retried and yarn gives a new application master. The number if retries is configured in :
By default, this value is 2
If a node on which a task is running is removed, the resource manager (which is handled by yarn) will stop getting heartbeats from that node. Application master will know it is supposed to reschedule the failed job as it will no longer receive progress status from the previous node. It will then request resource manager for resources and then reschedule the job.
As far as data on these nodes is concerned, you need to understand how the tasks and their output are handled. Every node has its own local storage to store the output of the tasks running on them. After the tasks are run successfully, the OutputCommitter will move the output from local storage to the shared storage (HDFS) of the job from where the data is picked for the next step of the job.
When a task fails (may be because the node that runs this job failed or was removed), the task is rerun on another available node.
In fact, the application master will also rerun the successfully run tasks on this node as their output stored on the node's local storage will not longer be available.

Kill Spark Job or terminate EMR Cluster if job takes longer than expected

I have a spark job that periodically hangs, leaving my AWS EMR cluster in a state where an application is RUNNING but really the cluster is stuck. I know that if my job doesn't get stuck, it'll finish in 5 hours or less. If it's still running after that, it's a sign that the job is stuck. Yarn and the Spark UI is still responsive, the it's just that an executor gets stuck on a task.
Background: I'm using an ephemeral EMR cluster that performs only one step before terminating, so it's not a problem to kill it off if I notice this job is hanging.
What's the easiest way to kill the task, job, or cluster in this case? Ideally this would not involve setting up some extra service to monitor the job -- ideally there would be some kind of spark / yarn / emr setting I could use.
Note: I've tried using spark speculation to unblock the stuck spark job, but that doesn't help.
EMR has a Bootstrap Actions feature where you can run scripts that start up when initializing the cluster. I've used this feature along with a startup script that monitors how long the cluster has been online and terminates itself after a certain time.
I use a script based off this one for the bootstrap action. https://github.com/thomhopmans/themarketingtechnologist/blob/master/6_deploy_spark_cluster_on_aws/files/terminate_idle_cluster.sh
Basically make a script that checks /proc/uptime to see how long the EC2 machine has been online and after uptime surpasses your time limit you can send a shutdown command to the cluster.

Sudden surge in number of YARN apps on HDInsight cluster

For some reason sometimes the cluster seems to misbehave for I suddenly see surge in number of YARN jobs.We are using HDInsight Linux based Hadoop cluster. We run Azure Data Factory jobs to basically execute some hive script pointing to this cluster. Generally average number of YARN apps at any given time are like 50 running and 40-50 pending. None uses this cluster for ad-hoc query execution. But once in few days we notice something weird. Suddenly number of Yarn apps start increasing, both running as well as pending, but especially pending apps. So this number goes more than 100 for running Yarn apps and as for pending it is more than 400 or sometimes even 500+. We have a script that kills all Yarn apps one by one but it takes long time, and that too is not really a solution. From our experience we found that the only solution, when it happens, is to delete and recreate the cluster. It may be possible that for some time cluster's response time is delayed (Hive component especially) but in that case even if ADF keeps retrying several times if a slice is failing, is it possible that the cluster is storing all the supposedly failed slice execution requests (according to ADF) in a pool and trying to run when it can? That's probably the only explanation why it could be happening. Has anyone faced this issue?
Check if all the running jobs in the default queue are Templeton jobs. If so, then your queue is deadlocked.
Azure Data factory uses WebHCat (Templeton) to submit jobs to HDInsight. WebHCat spins up a parent Templeton job which then submits a child job which is the actual Hive script you are trying to run. The yarn queue can get deadlocked if there are too many parents jobs at one time filling up the cluster capacity that no child job (the actual work) is able to spin up an Application Master, thus no work is actually being done. Note that if you kill the Templeton job this will result in Data Factory marking the time slice as completed even though obviously it was not.
If you are already in a deadlock, you can try adjusting the Maximum AM Resource from the default 33% to something higher and/or scaling up your cluster. The goal is to be able to allow some of the pending child jobs to run and slowly draining the queue.
As a correct long term fix, you need to configure WebHCat so that parent templeton job is submitted to a separate Yarn queue. You can do this by (1) creating a separate yarn queue and (2) set templeton.hadoop.queue.name to the newly created queue.
To create queue you can do this via the Ambari > Yarn Queue Manager.
To update WebHCat config via Ambari go to Hive tab > Advanced > Advanced WebHCat-site, and update the config value there.
More info on WebHCat config:
