Find specific values and extract in Excel - excel

I am trying to automate a process, on where I need to search an Excel file to find specific values. Below is an example of an Excel file I get:
Now, the excel file contains all sorts of information. However, I only need to get below values (which can occurr on multiple pages). However, the setup is the same for all pages.
I need to get the "Tariff" number and the value for that tariff number, then add them all up. So, for example I would end up with this:
Is this even possible? And how would I go about this?


AnyLogic: False number format when exporting data to excel

I collect various data in time plots. If I copy the timeplot data and then paste it into Excel, the number format is often wrong. For example, I often get a date like Aug 94 instead of the actual number from the TimePlot. Unfortunately, I can't easily format this date into a number either, since the formatted number does not match the actual number from the timeplot. If I format the date in the same format as the number above and below, then I get the number 34547. However, this number does not correspond to the actual number of the TimePlot. Anyone know how I can prevent this problem?
You can only solve this on the Excel side, AnyLogic provides the raw data for you. Excel then interprets stuff. You can test it by pasting the chart raw data into a txt or csv file.
So either fix your Excel settings or paste into a csv, then into an xlsx.
Or better still: Do not manually paste at all. Instead, write your model results into the AnyLogic database and export to Excel from there: this takes away a lot of the pain for you. Check the example models to learn how to do that.
This is not AnyLogic question, rather an Excel & computer formatting problem. One way of resolving this is changing computer's date and time settings.
Another way is to save your output at txt file in AnyLogic. Replace all . with ,. Then open empty Excel, select Text format for the columns. Copy-paste from the txt file.
In Excel there are a few options
when you paste use paste as text only option
But this does not always work as Excel will still try to format the stuff for you
Use the Paste Special option and then choose text
Also possible this will not work, based on your Excel settings.
Paste using the text import wizard
(This works for me without fail)
On step 2 choose tab delimited
On step 3 choose Column format as text for every column (you need to select them in the little diagram below)
You will then see the data exactly as it came from AnyLogic. See the example below where I purposefully imported some text which has something that Excel will think is a date. You will now be able to see what in your data made Excel thing your data needed to be formatted the way it is and then you can fix it. (post a new question if you struggle with this conversion)
But as noted by other answers first prize is to write all the important data to external files. But I know that even I sometimes want to export data from a chart and review it in Excel. Option 3 works for me everytime

Get number of columns in Excel using Oracle

is a possibility to get number of columns in Excel document using Oracle? I can't find even any similar question to this.
You can use the plsql-utils library, the ooxml_utils_pkg package, to open an Excel file and interrogate the contents. You have to know a bit about the file, like how it's laid out to determine what cells to look at to see if they're populated.

Using Excel to Identify Entries that Add to a Specific Value

I have a large list of numbers and would like to identify the different combinations that add up to another certain amount. I have tried installing the solver add in but for some reason it won't appear in the Data tab.
Any other way to do this?
Eva: There's some code at that should be enough to get you started.

VBA code to extract data from website by continuing number series of data

I desperately need your help to extract data from this webpage, here I have to enter number and than it reflect the information. I want a macro that can enter value in that field and than extract data in excel.
This is the website address
I will put number value in IGM field and it will show data that I need in excel, after that I will add next number in IGM field that will reflect data and that needs to be copied on excel. I need this loop to be continued to a desired number e.g. starting number is 11105 and ending value is 11200. Please help I cannot attach screen shot here.
You could try Selenium (although it is doable without). I have never used it in VBA, but it appears to be available on Github. The other way is using the COM interface (only available in Internet Explorer), but that is kind of an old fashioned solution, compared to Selenium.

Matching two sets of Data

I have one list of accounts that I pull at the beginning of the month. There is only one entry in this list per account number. I have another list which I compile throughout the month. I need for Excel to take the first list and list the entries that match to each account number. There will be a large majority that have two or more matches on the second sheet. I am currently using VLOOKUP, but it only returns the first match to each instead of listing all matches. HELLLPPPPP!!!!!!
Simple query in excel like the one you are using is the most excel can do, without using VBA.
Does Excel work like a database? It can work with many limitations, but Excel is not a database app. If you need to use many query and you do not know how to program in VBA, I would highly recommend you to use MS Access. There are many tutorial that you can find online, that will fulfill your needs easier and more efficiently than Excel would ever do.
