Search text file for word from list then output word that matched in Python 3.x - python-3.x

I have been searching a large directory of text files for files that match a list of words. How do I have python output the word from the list that matches?
This is what I have so far. It writes the file name every time one of the words from the list is found. I want to add the matching word to the line with the file name so I have the file name and 1 matched word each time. How do I do that?
ngwrds= ['words'...]
for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
with open(filename, 'r') as searchfile:
for line in searchfile:
if any(x in line for x in ngwrds):
with open("keyword.txt", 'a') as out:
out.write(filename + '\n')
The input is a long text file a line might read like this:
The company reported depreciation of $1.20.
The if one of the search words from the list was depreciation then the output file would look like this:
filename depreciation
Thank you.

I am not sure what out is and I can't run your code from where I am but you could try something like this:
ngwrds= ['words'...]
for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
with open(filename, 'r') as searchfile:
for line in searchfile:
line = line.strip().split(" ")
for word in line:
if word in ngwrds:
out.write(filename + " " + word)
strip gets rid of whitespace on either end of line. split returns a list of the words in line.


extract words from a text file and print netxt line

sample input
in parsing a text file .txt = ["'blah.txt'", "'blah1.txt'", "'blah2.txt'" ]
the expected output in another text file out_path.txt
Code that I tried, this just appends "[]" to the input file. While I also tried perl one liner replacing double and single quotes.
read_out_fh = open('out_path.txt',"r")
for line in read_out_fh:
for word in line.split():
curr_line = re.findall(r'"(\[^"]*)"', '\n')
this happens because while you reading a file it will be taken as string and not as a list even if u kept the formatting of a list. thats why you getting [] while doing re.for line in read_in_fh: here you are taking each letters in the string thats why you are not getting the desired output. so iwrote something first to transform the string into a list. while doing that i also eliminated "" and '' as you mensioned. then wrote it in to a new file example.txt.
Note: change the file name according to your files
read_out_fh = open('file.txt',"r")
for line in read_out_fh:
line=line.strip("[]").replace('"','').replace("'",'').split(", ")
with open("example.txt", "w") as output:
for word in line:
The code below works out for your example you gave in the question:
# Content of textfile.txt:
asdasdasd=["'blah.txt'", "'blah1.txt'", "'blah2.txt'"]asdasdasd
# Code:
import re
read_in_fh = open('textfile.txt',"r")
write_out_fh = open('out_path.txt', "w")
for line in read_in_fh:
find_list = re.findall(r'\[(".*?"*)\]', line)
for element in find_list[0].split(","):
element_formatted = element.replace('"','').replace("'","").strip()
write_out_fh.write(element_formatted + "\n")

Split text in text file into lines

I need to split a text file into lines.
I imported the text file into python but print(readline()) prints the whole file.
with open('laxdaela_saga.en.txt', 'r+') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
I eventually need to count unique words in the text file and other stats, but one step is to divide into lines. This is the step I'm dealing with.
You can use split() function of Python. It splits the given string into an array based on some pattern.
In your case, the pattern will be newline \n.
so split('\n') should do it.
Try this
with open('laxdaela_saga.en.txt', 'r+') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
x = line.split()
Hope this will be of your help.

How to print a file containing a list

So basically i have a list in a file and i only want to print the line containing an A
Here is a small part of the list
So i only want to print the line containing A
Sorry im still new at python,
i gave a try using one "print" to print the whole line but ended up failing guess i will always suck at python
You just have to:
open file
read lines
for each line, split at ","
for each line, if the 5th part of the splitted str is equal to "A", print line
filepath = 'file.txt'
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line.split(',')[4] == "A":

Python 3.x outputting a text file with names of files that contain a list of words

I have approximately 160,000 text files in a directory. My first objective is to create a list of files that contain at least one item from a list of about 50 keywords. My current code is
import os
ngwrds= [list of words]
for filename in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
with open(filename, 'r') as searchfile:
for line in searchfile:
if any(x in line for x in ngwrds):
with open("keyword.txt", 'a') as out:
out.write(filename + '\n')
Which works but sends out duplicate filenames. Ideally what I would like is for the loop to stop once it hits the first keyword, write the file name to 'keyword.txt', and move on to the next file in the directory. Any thoughts on how to do this?
A more in depth answer to #strubbly's comment, you would simply add a break in the 2nd for loop
with open(filename, 'r') as searchfile:
for line in searchfile:
if any(x in line for x in ngwrds):
with open("keyword.txt", 'a') as out:
out.write(filename + '\n')
What does the break do? from the python3 docs:
The break statement, like in C, breaks out of the smallest enclosing for or while loop.
for more information on break go to the control flow documentation :

python,find Specified word in large text file and return that lines?

i have large text file.i want to find Specified word on that file and i want to know the line of that word in file.(maybe the word Repeated several time, i want to know all lines)
with open("file.txt") as f:
allLines = f.readlines()
for lineNumber in range(len(allLines)):
if "word" in allLines[lineNumber]:
print("Match in line {0}".format(lineNumber))
