Converting PNG file into SVG format in Corel Draw x7 - svg

What is the correct sequence of actions to convert PNG file in SVG format in Corel Draw? I import the image into a new file, then export it (selected only) into SVG format. But as a result I get very low-quality image, much worse than PNG.

The lower quality is due to the fact that your image has been embedded in the SVG, and the image is no a vector.
Import PNG Image
Trace Bitmap (From Bitmap Menu)
Export to SVG
That's simple.

select Import in file (ctrl+I) png and select Export in File (ctrl+E) SVG in save as type DropDown
4.Select the options as shown below


How to rasterize svg to png without aliasing effect with "....Zz4=" x="-312" y="-139" width="624" height="278"></image>
- When I open svg in web browsers, when zoom in browser images are nice, and not have aliasing effect.
- But using Inkscape command : /Applications/ /test/test.svg -e /test/test.png -d 300 --> image is aliasing.
Here is result on browser and output png file:
Here is my files:
1. --> svg file which include with svg data "data:image/svg+xml"
2. Exported png using inkscape with dpi 300
Please help me!
Thank you!
Use a raster file that uses the correct export dpi
Scale it to the correct size in Inkscape
Position it at a full pixel value
(untested, but should work)
In (future) Inkscape 1.0, you can also uncheck the antialiasing functionality in the export dialog, but not sure how that affects raster images. It might not look good.

Why when importing SVG file from inkscape to blender it's not importing anything?

In inkscape I saved the file as plain svg or as inkscape svg format. The file size on hard disk is about 1.59 MB
Then in blender I opened the add-ons window and searched for svg and check the first addon I also tried to check the second one but it didn't work in any case.
Then I did in blender: File > Import > Scalable Vector Graphic (.svg)
And selected the file and clicked on import SVG:
Then it's thinking for some seconds and then it's staying in the opening window showing the cube. Tt didn't load the file:
In the Inkscape I loaded/opened this jpg file:
Then selected it and then in the Inkscape I did:
Path > Trace Bitmap...
Then clicked on Update and then on OK
Then saved it as SVG and then tried to import it in blender.
The main goal is to use inkscape and blender and to convert the image to 3d object.

Inkscape convert svg to png vertical text has different format

I find there is a problem when I use inkscape convert svg to png.
I run inkscape filename.svg+xml --export-png=filename.png.
this in the contrast of svg and png.
enter image description here
How can I unify the format ,thank you!

OpenModelica svg icon for blocks

The svg icon of a block is not displayed. Here's how I set it:
I switch to Icon view
Click on Bitmap
Draw a rectangle
In Bitmap properties I select the svg file through Browse (the option for svgs exists). The svg file is in the same folder as the .mo file.
Click Ok and the svg icon is not displayed - I get nothing (like a white icon - I can only see the corners of the bitmap rectangle). The svg file was created in Inkscape and saved as Plain svg.
Is this svg icon option not implemented yet but will be in the near future? or am I doing something wrong?
The svg option was there by mistake. The supported formats for bitmap are PNG, BMP and JPEG. I have fixed it now in r18662.

How are 16x16 PNG icons rendered from original SVG files?

When I open a Tango SVG icon file and export it (using Inkscape) to a 16x16 png, I get a rather blurry image. Instead, the "official" 16x16 render is extremely sharp. How did they do it? Did they pixel-paint the icons at small resolutions?
Compare and for an example.
Gimp has a better scaling algorithm than Inkscape.
I Export from inkscape to 256x256 pixels and then scale to 16x16 in Gimp.
