How to use SharePoint REST API to send outlook invitation (I know how to send email)? - sharepoint

Thanks for helping me with this issue.
I am trying to send a calendar invitation through the SharePoint Rest API, but couldn't find any documentation about it.
I am able to use sp.utilities.utility.sendemail to send email, and I have the correct ics file as well, just not sure where to put.
Can someone please provide me with a post example of sending outlook invitation by using SharePoint REST API.
Many Thanks

This is the url for O365 calender api :
This may resolve your issue.


Get a list of envelopes that are close to expiration via DocuSign API

My company uses DocuSign API to automate document-related tasks.
Via the API, I need to retrieve all envelopes that are expiring soon. Similar to what the DocuSign UI has in the screen below but for all users:
Can somebody point me in the right direction -- which API endpoint/method I need to use to get all envelopes that are about to expire? Is there any way to use DocuSign Connect to trigger a callback from DocuSign for each document that is about to expire?
Thank you!
Add the following to your API call (GET to /envelopes endpoint)
Remember to also have from_date and to_date parameters
Also, the way I found this out for you was by trying it from the web app and recording API logs, Suggest you try that too as it will mean you can find it yourself.

Outlook mail authentication

I have created an REST API and it will be consumed from an outlook web mail addins which I also build. Now, I want to make sure that only those who logged-in in Outlook web mail can get access to my API.
So my question now, is how to get the active user in outlook web mail? Is that possible?
You can authenticate your user for service you have implemented. There are several ways of doing this, please read here:
Please read about Addin API 'getUserIdentityTokenAsync' which looks like what you are looking for in this case.

API call for "Check mail from other accounts > Check mail now"?

Is there an Gmail API call that corresponds to "Check mail from other accounts > Check mail now"?
Neither Gmail API nor Apps Script's GmailApp have a way to force to update the messages from the other accounts pulled with POP3.
There may be an easy way to update those accounts from the app. Asking how to do this may bring people that knows how to do so and may be able to help you (but that know nothing about Gmail API) :)
As a side note, if you don't find a way of doing it, you may request Google to implement a refresh method in their Gmail API.
Gmail API resource summary (Gmail API reference)
Class GmailApp (Apps Script reference)
Getting started (Google Issue Tracker documentation)

how to build an email functionality in Node js?

I need to build an api for email integration for every client (like yahoo,gmail,outlook) using same api. For gmail I have used nodemailer. And in that I am using refresh token for security. And in that also I am able to integrate email for only one user. I need to send emails to the user and also they can reply to that same email.
Anyone know any clue how to do this. Please help.
Thanks in Advance.

Get all meeting rooms from outlook API

I'm trying to use the outlook API to return all meeting rooms from an account in a list.
Is this possible? I can't find it anywhere in the documentation.
Which api call do I have to make?
No, the Outlook API itself does not have this ability currently. However, we are planning to release a beta API for this in the coming weeks. We'll announce it on our blog.
