Active Directory Export via PowerShell (Displayname & EmployeeID) Using Get-ADUser - excel

I want to export list all AD User Accounts with just employeeid attribute form my domain where I want to exclude a particular OU -- want to exclude all of them.
Here is the script I ran, but did not work no luck
BTW must be non-null Employee IDattribute
$OUDN = "OU=Service Accounts,OU=Accounts,DC=domain,DC=tld"
Get-ADUser -Properties mail |select name,samaccountname,mail,manager,department,employeeid -Filter {Enabled -eq $true} | Where-Object { $_.DistinguishedName -notlike "*,$OUDN" }
Other Code:
$OUDN = "OU=Service Accounts,OU=Accounts,DC=domain,DC=tld"
Get-ADUser -properties CN,Title,samaccountname,mail,displayname,manager,department,distinguishedname,employeeid | select-object CN,Title,employeeid,mail,#{n=”PRODID”;e=”samaccountname”},DisplayName,#{n=”Manager Name”;e={(Get-ADuser -identity $_.Manager -properties displayname).DisplayName}},#{n=”ManagerID”;e={(Get-ADuser -identity $_.Manager –properties samaccountname).samaccountname}},Department -Filter {Enabled -eq $true} | Where-Object { $_.DistinguishedName -notlike "*,$OUDN" }

Your Filter parameter is in the wrong place (Select-Object), it should be used with Get-ADUser.
Get-ADUser -properties CN,Title,samaccountname,mail,displayname,manager,department,distinguishedname,employeeid -Filter {Enabled -eq $true -and employeeID -like '*' } |
select-object CN,Title,employeeid,mail,
#{n=”Manager Name”;e={(Get-ADuser -identity $_.Manager -properties displayname).DisplayName}},
#{n=”ManagerID”;e={(Get-ADuser -identity $_.Manager –properties samaccountname).samaccountname}},
Department |
Where-Object { $_.DistinguishedName -notlike "*,$OUDN" }


Get-MsolServicePrincipalCredential with the right propertys

With the code below I can get a list of client secrets listed, but trying to use propertys as in the example here as you could do for example if you want to list certificates on your server won't work. I tried to google on but can't find any examples.
With -property no matter which one you pick in this example the return would be nothing.
$applist = Get-MsolServicePrincipal -all | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.DisplayName -notlike "*Microsoft*") -and ($_.DisplayName -notlike "autohost*") -and ($_.ServicePrincipalNames -notlike "*localhost*") }
foreach ($appentry in $applist) {
$principalId = $appentry.AppPrincipalId
$principalName = $appentry.DisplayName
Get-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $principalId -ReturnKeyValues $false | ? { $_.Type -eq "Password" } | Select-Object -Property DisplayName
If we skip the property, it would look like:
Type :
Password Value :
KeyId : 642ee910-9b17-4d17-93d4-0192f3c1f855
StartDate : 2018-05-25 08:22:37
EndDate : 2019-05-25 08:22:37
Usage : Verify
I want in the same list format just with more propertys so I can recyle another script to upload the data to a sharepoint list.
I solved it this way:
$clientsecrets = #()
$applist = Get-MsolServicePrincipal -all | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.DisplayName -like "*SI*") -or ($_.DisplayName -like "*FD*") -or ($_.DisplayName -like "*AP*") -and ($_.DisplayName -notlike "*Microsoft*") -and ($_.DisplayName -notlike "autohost*") -and ($_.ServicePrincipalNames -notlike "*localhost*") }
foreach ($appentry in $applist) {
$principalId = $appentry.AppPrincipalId
$principalName = $appentry.DisplayName
$clientsecret = Get-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $principalId -ReturnKeyValues $false | ? { $_.Type -eq "Password" } | % { $principalName, $principalId;, ($enddate = $_.EndDate.ToString()) } | select {$principalName}, {$principalId}, {$enddate}
$clientsecret | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'principalId' -Value $principalId
$clientsecret | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'principalName' -Value $principalName
Using an array and using add-member did put it in a format where I could use and read and add it to the sharepoint list.

Powershell - Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs multiple filters

I'm trying to Get last signin date for Global Admins
$role = Get-AzureADDirectoryRole | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq 'Global Administrator'}
$admins = #(Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectId $role.ObjectId | select DisplayName, UserPrincipalName)
Foreach ($admin in $admins){
$upn = $admin.UserPrincipalName
$signons = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq '$upn' " -Top 1 | select UserDisplayName, #{Name = 'LastSignIn'; Expression = {$_.CreatedDateTime}}
And above code works as expected for users who have entry in AuditSignInLogs, but i want to return users who never logged in too, so modified above filter
(all users in for loop)
$signons = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq '$upn' or CreatedDateTime eq '$null'" -Top 1 | select UserDisplayName, #{Name = 'LastSignIn'; Expression = {$_.CreatedDateTime}}
But getting error "Message: Invalid filter clause"
also tried or CreatedDateTime eq '' but same error
Please check below powershell commands.
I have initially checked the same for users .
Then checked the same for admin role i.e;admins and could get the lastlogon for all the admins including who has no recored yet in signins.
$AllSiginLogs = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -All $true
$role = Get-AzureADDirectoryRole | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq 'Global Administrator'}
$admins = #(Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectId $role.ObjectId | select DisplayName, UserPrincipalName)
$results = #()
Foreach ($admin in $admins){
$LoginRecord = $AllSiginLogs | Where-Object{ $_.UserId -eq $admin.ObjectId } | Sort-Object CreatedDateTime -Descending
if($LoginRecord.Count -gt 0){
$lastLogin = $LoginRecord[0].CreatedDateTime
$lastLogin = 'no login record'
$item = #{
userDisplayName = $admin.DisplayName
lastLogin = $lastLogin
accountEnabled = $admin.AccountEnabled
$results += New-Object PSObject -Property $item
Write-Output $results
#$results | export-csv -Path d:\result.csv -NoTypeInformation
thanks #kavyasaraboju-MT
Your hint helped me a lot, based on it, i modified my code which gets what i want
$role = Get-AzureADDirectoryRole | Where-Object {$_.displayName -eq 'Global Administrator'}
$admins = #(Get-AzureADDirectoryRoleMember -ObjectId $role.ObjectId | select DisplayName, UserPrincipalName)
$results = #()
Foreach ($admin in $admins){
$upn = $admin.UserPrincipalName
$LoginRecord = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq '$upn'" -Top 1
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
if($LoginRecord.Count -gt 0){
$lastLogin = $LoginRecord.CreatedDateTime
$lastLogin = 'no login record'
$item = #{
userDisplayName = $admin.DisplayName
lastLogin = $lastLogin
$results += New-Object PSObject -Property $item
$results | export-csv -Path c:\result.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

How to use Get-AzWebApp command to list all the custom domains and Subscription names

How can I modify my command below to include the Subscription name in a CSV file just after the ResourceGroup name? I though the missing parameter is "Subscription" but it returns blank value. Thanks!
$Subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription
foreach ($sub in $Subscriptions) {
Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $sub.Name | Set-AzContext
#Out-String -InputObject $sub
Get-AzWebApp | foreach-object {$_} | select-object SiteName, DefaultHostName, ResourceGroup, #{n="EnabledHostNames";e={$_.EnabledHostNames -join ","}} | Export-Csv -Path c:\temp\AzAppsUrl2.csv -append -NoType
Please try something like:
foreach ($sub in $Subscriptions) {
Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $sub.Name | Set-AzContext
#Out-String -InputObject $sub
Get-AzWebApp | foreach-object {$_} | select-object SiteName, DefaultHostName, ResourceGroup, #{n="Subscription";e={$sub.Name}}, #{n="EnabledHostNames";e={$_.EnabledHostNames -join ","}} | Export-Csv -Path c:\temp\AzAppsUrl2.csv -append -NoType

Exporting Group Types from Azure AD Powershell

I am trying to export all Azure AD groups, their owners, description, email and its group type. Such as Office 365, Security or Distrubution. I have managed to export everything correctly into a .csv except the group type. Get-AzureADGroup will return only "Group" and I can't get any results from get-msolgroup -grouptype.
Script I have been using:
$array = #()
$groups = Get-AzureADGroup -All $true
$GroupType = Get-MsolGroup -Grouptype
Foreach($group in $groups){
$Owners = Get-AzureADGroupOwner -ObjectId $group.ObjectId -All $true
if($Owners -ne $null){
# group has owner
Foreach($Owner in $Owners){
$obj=New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
$array +=$obj
#group has no owner
$obj=New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
$array +=$obj
$array | export-csv -Path C:\scripts\Owners13.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
According to my research, the command Get-MsolGroup is a command of Azure AD V1 module : MSOnline. But the other commands you use are the command of Azure AD V2 module: AzureAD. They are in different modules. So if you want to use the command Get-MsolGroup, you need to run the command Connect-MsolService at frist.
For example:
Get-MsolGroup -all | Select-Object DisplayName, GroupType
Besides, if you just want to use AzureAD module to get group type, we can use the command Get-AzureADMSGroup to get it. But if we use the command, we need to make some judgments by the response's properties. For more details, please refer to the document
For example
Get-AzureADMSGroup -All $true | Select-Object DisplayName, GroupTypes,MailEnabled, SecurityEnabled
You can use the following script to implement your need.
$array = #()
$groups = Get-AzureADGroup -All $true
Foreach($group in $groups){
$Owners = Get-AzureADGroupOwner -ObjectId $group.ObjectId -All $true
$result=Get-AzureADMSGroup -Id $group.ObjectId | Select-Object GroupTypes,MailEnabled, SecurityEnabled, DisplayName
If($result.GroupTypes -contains "Unified"){
elseif($result.SecurityEnabled ){
if($Owners -ne $null){
# group has owner
Foreach($Owner in $Owners){
$obj=New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
$array +=$obj
#group has no owner
$obj=New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
$array +=$obj
$array | export-csv -Path E:\test.csv -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation

Wait until all threads complete before running next task

I would wrap everything inside foreach($computer in $computers) in a Start-Job to make them run simultaneously. The only problem is, I need to wait for all the jobs to complete before I do the ConvertTo-Json at the bottom.
$sb = "OU=some,OU=ou,DC=some,DC=domain"
$computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter {(Enabled -eq $true)} -SearchBase "$sb" -Properties *
$hasmanufacturer = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
foreach($computer in $computers)
$drives = try{#(Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_CDROMDrive -Property * -ComputerName $computer.Name -ErrorAction Stop)} catch {$null}
foreach($drive in $drives)
} # inner foreach
ConvertTo-Json $hasmanufacturer
Use a Get-Job | Wait-Job before executing the ConvertTo-Json
How about using the array of computer names as a parameter to Invoke-Command. It will run, by default, 32 concurrent remote sessions. The number can be changed with the -Throttle parameter.
$computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter {(Enabled -eq $true)} -SearchBase "OU=Servers,DC=xxx,DC=com" -Properties Name |
Where-Object { $_.Name -match 'LAX_*' } |
ForEach-Object { $_.Name }
$j = Invoke-Command `
-ComputerName $computers `
-ScriptBlock { Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_CDROMDrive -Property * -ErrorAction Stop } `
while ( (Get-Job -Id $j.Id).Status -eq 'Running') {}
Get-Job -Id $j.Id | Wait-Job
$results = Receive-Job -Id $j.Id
