How to implement SSO in azure developer service - azure

We have an API, we planning to publish this API in the Azure marketplace under developer service. For authentication, we are planning to use developer service SSO (Single sign-on) in API. I googled this but can't find any useful link, please suggest some links

Azure AD B2C became generally available recently and it somehow offers what you are looking for. You can use local Azure identity and/or social account for your end users to authenticate with SSO support.
With that being said and although you can secure your Web API with AAD b2C as in this guide, your customers won't be able to call this WebAPI from their own applications as the calling app must be registered in the same Azure AD directory with the same application Id. This is a limitation that is mentioned here:
Azure AD B2C currently supports only web APIs that are accessed
by their own well-known clients. For instance, your complete app may
include an iOS app, an Android app, and a back-end web API. This
architecture is fully supported. Allowing a partner client, such as
another iOS app, to access the same web API is not currently
supported. All of the components of your complete app must share a
single application ID.
If the above limitation is OK with you, then you might also be interested in this Azure article to list your app in the Azure AD application gallery.


Azure Active directory app registration vs enterprise application

I'm really struggling with these Azure AD concepts.
Here is my situation. I have a webapp with users belonging to Companies. I have a requirement that is to be able to authenticate those users through their Companies' Azure AD. Eventually, We would want to offer this in the Azure app gallery in the future.
I started registering the app through App Registration, which gives me the information to integrate using OIDC. We would like to support both, OIDC and SAML protocols (I see that there are apps in the gallery offering both).
I tested OIDC out and it's working correctly, but when I want to develop SAML integration, the documentation says that it has to be done using an enterprise application. I can't edit the SSO section of the enterprise app generated by my registration:
The single sign-on configuration is not available for this application in the Enterprise applications experience. MY APP was created using the App registrations experience.
so I tested creating a new enterprise app. Using this app I can do all the SAML flow correctly.
My questions here are:
Do I have to connect the registrated app with the enterprise app? How I do that?
Why I can't edit the SSO info in the enterprise generated app?
If it's done through the registration app. Where do I set up the SAML endpoints, certificates etc.?
By reading the docs, I understand that enterprise apps are like "an instance of a registered app". That leads me to think that I should configure all in the registered app, but I can't see how to support SAML.
As mentioned by #Srinath Menon in the above answer, If the application was registered using App registrations then the single sign-on capability is configured to use OIDC OAuth by default. In this case, the Single sign-on option won't show, For enterprise applications we have an option.
In both the ways applications are get registered in AAD, and there are two types of objects get created once the app registration is done.
The Application Object is what you see under App Registrations in AAD. The application object describes three aspects of an application: how the service can issue tokens to access the application, resources that the application might need to access, and the actions that the application can take.
. App Registration are basically the apps local to the tenant/organization.
The Service Principal Object is what you see under the Enterprise Registration blade in AAD. Every Application Object would create a corresponding Service Principal Object in the Enterprise Registration blade of AAD. A service principal is created in each tenant where the application is used and references the globally unique app object.
Enterprise apps blade shows global apps (other tenants) which can be configured and used within your tenant/organization.
Set up SAML-based single sign-on for an application
No, there is no specific reason to connect the 2 apps.
The reason for this is by default "App Registration" is wired for OIDC Auth.
This need to be done from the Enterprise apps for any SAML related functionality.

Is it possible to manage Azure AD B2C applications via APIs?

is it possible to manage apps and services from Azure AD B2C via APIs (REST etc.) for individual users?
The authorised AD applications should be managed later in a self-developed dashboard via APIs.)
Best regards
Using the rest API, you can manage All the App services and also Azure resources.
for example updating the Api service
API for App service Please refer to this document it may help

How to pass access token acquired by b2c authentication to Azure API Management Service from Angular/MVC application to Micro services

I have created two different micro services.
I have created API application in B2C tenant and I am able to access both micro service APIs from client (MVC/Angular) application using token acquired by B2C authentication.
Now, I would like to access these two micro services from my client application via azure API management service.
I tried to follow below article but it seems out dated.
Can some one please provide an article link or sample to match my requirement.
You can refer to This also applies to Azure AD B2C.

Azure AD B2C client workflow vs server workflow

I'm looking into using Azure AD B2C for our Xamarin.Forms mobile app. I've used it previously for a web app and want to use it for our mobile app. I have an Azure AD B2C and Azure Mobile backend created already and am setting up the login page.
What I can't find are the differences between the client workflow and server workflow. Are there any guidelines as to when and why you would choose one over the other? I've googled this but can't seem to find any useful documents or links anywhere.

azure app service basic api security

I have running the basic todoitem app service running on azure. Calling the below url will display the content in the todoitem table. How can I add basic security to prevent this data from being accessed by anyone, like a basic parameter, ToDoItem?MyToken=12345.
How can I add basic security to prevent this data from being accessed by anyone, like a basic parameter, ToDoItem?MyToken=12345.
I would recommend you using the build-in Authentication and authorization in Azure App Service.
App Service supports five identity providers out of the box: Azure Active Directory, Facebook, Google, Microsoft Account, and Twitter. To expand the built-in support, you can integrate another identity provider or your own custom identity solution.
Here are some great tutorials, you could refer to them:
For Node.js backend, you could follow 30 DAYS OF AZURE MOBILE APPS.
For developing azure mobile apps with C#, you could follow here.
