vps nameserver setup not working - dns

I am a noob in the VPS-DNS world.
I purchased a VPS (with one ip) and logged into WHM to setup for production. I configured nameservers to "ns1.a-domain-i-have.com" and "ns2.a-domain-i-have.com".
Then logged into that domain account at my register where I
- set default nameservers from the registrar
- in DNS manager I set ns1, A , my server IP and ns2, A, the same server IP
After creating a host account in WHM using "another-domain-I-have.com", I registered "ns1.a-domain-i-have.com" and "ns2.a-domain-i-have.com" in the custom nameservers.
But my new website refuse to work/ nothing works, I did all these based on the understanding of tutorials I googled.
I have tried
- reinstalled the VPS
- used the default nameserver that came with the VPS host. Although, this nameserver ip is unknown.
- update cPanel
I need some help!

I already got it. It works now. The steps I mentioned aboved did it. Maybe am supposed to take this down but I'll leave it for newbies like me.


website does't work in some network

In the last month, my site no longer works on my computer or any computer connected to the same network that I use at home and I have tried other internet networks and the site doesn't work too, but strangely it works in some other networks!
The error message in the browser is : ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED
I did not know the problem but when I looked at the site intoDNS I found 3 problems :
WARNING: One or more of your nameservers did not return any of your NS records.
You should already know that your NS records at your nameservers are missing, so here it is again:
ERROR: One or more of your nameservers did not respond:
The ones that did not respond are:
Also, two months ago I moved my domain from Godaddy to Namecheap.
Please can you help me?
The domain's name servers are pointed to the servers of Godaddy, but there is no DNS zone for the domain there. You need to check what are the name servers of Namecheap (or another DNS hosting service) and point the name servers of the domain to these servers. Also you will have to create a DNS zone for the domain at the new DNS host (Namecheap or other of your choice) and create DNS records pointed to your web host's IP address.
If you only have a web site and no other services, like mail server you can only create two A records, like this:
Type: A
Host: # (or empty, it means the same)
Target (or Value, or Points to): ip.of.web.site
Type: A
Host: www
Target: ip.of.web.site

Moved VPS - Setting up nameserver on new machine

I just upgraded to a new VPS with GoDaddy. My old onw was with them as well. I setup the DNS on the new machine just like the old one, but with the new IP address. Is there anything I need to do other than that to get the new DNS information to propagate? Did it last night at about 10:30, but when I use DNSStuff.com it still shows the old IP. Do I just need to wait?
Thank you for your help.
This is pretty vague. Are you saying you want to change the hostname of your VPS from the IP of the old VPS to that of the new one?
If so, you need to change the hostname record in the DNS for the hostname's parent domain, wherever that is.
When you say "you setup DNS on the new machine" do you mean you are running a nameserver on it? Is that with the intention of it acting as an authoritative nameserver for some domains (presumably hosted on that machine?)
If so, you would need to update the nameserver glue record, again within the domain that is the parent to the nameserver hostname.
There are even more possibilities. You have to be a bit more specific I'm afraid.

Domain transfered to OVH but DNS Host is still on 1and1

I've transfered a domain from 1and1.com to OVH, now I need to manage my DNS to point them to a new server, but running this command from here
command line> nslookup
> set querytype=soa
> mydomain.com
I found out that DNS are still managed from 1and1.
Reading the OVH guide about DNS i found out that i need to activate DNS zone from my manager. But... won't this conflict with the DNS declared on 1and1?
I'm not sure about how is this working, so does someone knows the right workflow to do this?
Thanks in advance
after a call with OVH Support the correct workflow is:
Create or configure the DNS zone
Change the DNS Server to the OVH server
in 24 hours all should work fine, I'll let you know...

Plesk Nameserver Not Resolving

I have a VPS from myhosting.com with Plesk 11. I've set up dns in windows plenty of times but for the life of me I can't seem to get this working through Plesk. Here are my settings through Plesk and Godaddy... I asked myhosting about the setup and they said as far as they can see it seems correct but for the life of me the site will not resolve... Any help would be much appreciated!!
GoDaddy Host Names:
GoDaddy Nameserver Settings:
Enter your domain name here http://who.godaddy.com/ and in results:
Check "status" - should be ACTIVE
Check "Name Servers" it should be ns1.v...v.com, ns2.v...v.com
Check that ns1.v...v.com or ns2.v...v.com can be resolved by command:
nslookup ns1.v...v.com
I suppose that it will be NOT resolved because your NS servers are placed in zone which can be resolved yet.
The easiest way is to use some another DNS servers, maybe GoDaddy or some other DNS hoster.
Or you can make a trick:
change domain's DNS servers to GoDaddy DNS servers
In GoDaddy's domain management panel add in DNS zone records with: ns1.v...v.com, ns2.v...v.com
Wait until you can resolve ns1.v...v.com and ns2.v...v.com - it's about 24 hours.
Switch domain's DNS server back to ns1.v...v.com and ns2.v...v.com.
Wait until changes will be visible by other DNS servers like Google:
nslookup ns1.v...v.com
All should works now.

Host Changed IP - What to do?

My host has changed my IP address in my VPS hosting. This was a planned change they asked me when will it be good for me.
When they've changed my IP I managed to change the 2 nameserver's IP at my domain host so they will point to the new ip now.
I'm using kloxo and I have changed the DNS records for my main domain. It is working correctly with the new IP address now.
However I'm hoiting other domains there aswell but they just can't seem to be loading those sites...
Can anyone please tell me what could be the problem? Maybe change their DNS to the new ip aswell? (But if I do that, won't all my domain point to the main domain?)
The DNS records for those other domains will also need to be updated. Provided that you've correctly set up your VirtualHosts (or equivalent), then changing the A-records of the other domains to match the new IP of your server shouldn't cause any issues.
