How to fetch 8 million records of Google Cloud using bigquery API in Node.js? - node.js

I am querying the Google cloud Data using Bigquery.
When i am running the query it return about 8 millions of row.
But it throws error :
Response too large to return
How i can get all 8 million records,can anybody help.

1. What is the maximum size of Big Query Response?
As it's mentioned on Quota-policy queries maximum response size: 128 MB compressed (unlimited when returning large query results)
2. How do we select all the records in Query Request not in 'Export Method'?
If you plan to run a query that might return larger results, you can set allowLargeResults to true in your job configuration.
Queries that return large results will take longer to execute, even if the result set is small, and are subject to additional limitations:
You must specify a destination table.
You can't specify a top-level ORDER BY, TOP or LIMIT clause. Doing so negates the benefit of using allowLargeResults, because the query output can no longer be computed in parallel.
Window functions can return large query results only if used in conjunction with a PARTITION BY clause.
Read more about how to paginate to get the results here and also read from the BigQuery Analytics book, the pages that start with page 200, where it is explained how Jobs::getQueryResults is working together with the maxResults parameter and int's blocking mode.
Query Result Size Limitations - Sometimes, it is hard to know what 128 MB of compressed
data means.
When you run a normal query in BigQuery, the response size is limited to 128 MB
of compressed data. Sometimes, it is hard to know what 128 MB of compressed
data means. Does it get compressed 2x? 10x? The results are compressed within
their respective columns, which means the compression ratio tends to be very
good. For example, if you have one column that is the name of a country, there
will likely be only a few different values. When you have only a few distinct
values, this means that there isn’t a lot of unique information, and the column
will generally compress well. If you return encrypted blobs of data, they will
likely not compress well because they will be mostly random. (This is explained on the book linked above on page 220)

try this,
Under the query window, there is an button 'Show Options', click that and then you will see some options,
select or create a new destination table;
click the 'Allow Large Results'
run your query, and see whether it works.


What is the influence on CosmosDB RUs when using projections in MongoAPI queries

I can't find any information on wether "item size" refers to the original document size, or to the result size of the query after projection.
I can observe that simple queries like these
documents.find({ /*...*/ }, { name: 1 })
consume more than 1000 RU, for results of 400 items (query fields are indexed). The original documents are pretty large, about 500 kb. The actually received data is tiny due to the projection. If I remove the projection, the query runs several seconds but doesn't consume significantly more RUs (it's actually slightly more, but it seems to be due to the fact that it's split into more GetMore calls).
It sounds really strange to me, that the cost of a query mainly depends on the size of the original document in the collection, not on the data retrieved. Is that really true? Can I redruce the cost of this query without splitting data into multiple collections? The logic is basically: "Just get the 'name' of all these big documents in the collection".
(No partitioning on the db...)
Microsoft unfortunately doesn't seem to publish their formula for determining RU costs, just broad descriptions. They do say about RU considerations:
As the size of an item increases, the number of RUs consumed to read
or write the item also increases
So it is the case that cost depends on the raw size of the item, not just the portion of it output from a read operation. If you use the Data Explorer to run some queries and inspect the Query Stats, you'll see two metrics, Retrieved Document Size and Output Document Size. By projecting a subset of properties, you reduce the output size, but not the retrieved size. In tests on my data, I see a very small decrease in RU charge by selecting the return properties -- definitely not a savings in proportion to the reduced output.
Fundamentally, getting items smaller is probably the most important thing to work towards, both in terms of the property data size and the number of properties. You definitely don't want 500 KB items if you can avoid it.

Azure search index storage size stops at 8MB

I am trying to ingest a load of 13k json documents into azure search engine, but the index stops at around 6k documents without any error for the indexer and the index storage size is 7.96MB and it doesn't surpass this limit no matter what.
I have tried using smaller batches of 3k/indexer and after that 1k/indexer, but I got the same result.
In my json I have around 10 simple fields, and 20 complex fields (which have other nested complex fields, but up to level 5).
Do you have any idea if there is a limit per size for an index? And where I can set it up?
As SLA, I think we are using S1 plan (based on what limits we have - 50 indexers, and so on)
Really hard to help without seeing it, but I remember I faced a problem like this in the past. In my case, it was a problem of duplicating with the key field.
I also recommend you smaller batches (~500 documents)
PS: Take a look if your nested jsons are not too big (in case it's marked as retrievable).

AWS DynamoDB count query results without retrieving

I would like to check how many entries are in a DynamoDB table that matches a query without retrieving the actual entries, using boto3.
I want to run a machine learning job on data from DynamoDB table. The data I'm training on is a data that answers a query, not the entire table. I want to run the job only if I have enough data to train on.
Therefore, I want to check if I want to check that I have enough entries that match the query.
It is worth mentioning that the DynamoDB table I'm querying is really big, therefore actual retrieving is no option unless I actually want to run the job.
I know that I can use boto3.dynamodb.describe_table() to get how many entries there are in the entire table, but as I mentioned earlier, I want to know only how many entries match a query.
Any ideas?
This was asked and answered in the past, see How to get item count from DynamoDB?
Basically, you need to use the "Select" parameter to tell DynamoDB to only count the query's results, instead of retrieving them.
As usual in DynamoDB, this is truncated by paging: if the result set (not the count - the actual full results) is larger than 1 MB, then only the first 1 MB is retrieved, and the items in it counted, and you get back this partial count. If you're only interested in checking whether you have "enough" results - this may even be better for you - because you don't want to pay for reading a gigabyte of data just to check if the data is there. You can even ask for a smaller page, to read less - depending on what you consider enough data.
Just remember that you'll pay Amazon not by the amount of data returned (just one integer, the count) but by the amount of data read from disk. Using such counts excessively may lead to surprising large costs.

ArangoDB - Performance issue with AQL query

I'm using ArangoDB for a Web Application through Strongloop.
I've got some performance problem when I run this query:
FOR result IN Collection SORT result.field ASC RETURN result
I added some index to speed up the query like skiplist index on the field sorted.
My Collection has inside more than 1M of records.
The application is hosted on n1-highmem-2 on Google Cloud.
Below some specs:
2 CPUs - Xeon E5 2.3Ghz
13 GB of RAM
Unluckly, my query spend a lot of time to ending.
What can I do?
Best regards,
Summarizing the discussion above:
If there is a skiplist index present on the field attribute, it could be used for the sort. However, if its created sparse it can't. This can be revalidated by running
in the ArangoShell. If the index is present and non-sparse, then the query should use the index for sorting and no additional sorting will be required - which can be revalidated using Explain.
However, the query will still build a huge result in memory which will take time and consume RAM.
If a large result set is desired, LIMIT can be used to retrieve slices of the results in several chunks, which will cause less stress on the machine.
For example, first iteration:
FOR result IN Collection SORT result.field LIMIT 10000 RETURN result
Then process these first 10,000 documents offline, and note the result value of the last processed document.
Now run the query again, but now with an additional FILTER:
FOR result IN Collection
FILTER result.field > #lastValue LIMIT 10000 RETURN result
until there are no more documents. That should work fine if result.field is unique.
If result.field is not unique and there are no other unique keys in the collection covered by a skiplist, then the described method will be at least an approximation.
Note also that when splitting the query into chunks this won't provide snapshot isolation, but depending on the use case it may be good enough already.

Limited results when using Excel BigQuery connector

I've pulled a data extract from BigQuery using the Excel connector but my results have been limited to 230,000 records.
Is this a limitation of the connector or something I have not done properly?
BigQuery does have a maximum response size of 64MB (compressed). So, depending on the size of your rows, it's quite possible that 230,000 is the maximum size response BigQuery can return.
See more info on quotas here:
What's the use case -- and how many rows are you expecting to be returned? Generally BigQuery is used for large aggregate analysis, rather than results which return tons of unaggregated results. You can dump the entire table as a CSV into Google Cloud Storage if you're looking for your raw dataset too.
Also, you may want to try running the query in the UI at:
