How to find number of days in a date range for each month in dax - excel

I need to calculate, using DAX (Data Analysis eXpressions), how many days within a given range fall into each calendar month.
I am given 2 dates, which define a date range; for example 2016-07-01 to 2016-08-03. I need to find how many days in that range fall in to each month i.e. how many fall into July, and how many into August.
In the example given, the expected result is 30 days in July and 2 days in August.

Assuming your dates are called "Date1" and "Date2" you could calculate the number of days in the second month as:
DaysInMonth2 = 1 + Date2 - MAX(Date1, DATE(YEAR(Date2),MONTH(Date2),1)
The Max is required in case the Date1 is on the same month
DaysInMonth1 = MAX(0,DATE(YEAR(Date2),MONTH(Date2),1)-Date1)
This second formula would calculate the number of days in the 1st month, and again in the case in which Date1 and Date2 are on the same month DaysInMonth1 would be 0.


Excel how to convert weeknum to date when crossing the year

I have a table with Date column and weeknum column.
The weeknum column has below formula to create a srting: 2022/10.
I would like to get the start day and end day of the week converting from the string "2022/10".
I tried =DATE($M$1,1,-2)-(WEEKDAY(DATE($M$1,1,3))+(MID(M4,6,2)*7)) where $M$1 references current year and M4 references Year/ weeknum but it returns 10/17/2021. It should return 2/28/2022, and as the weeknumber increases. the returned dates decrease.
The dates of 2021/53 are correct, but the others got wrong.
How do I get fixed the dates?
You can do this by taking the weekday number of the date away from itself and adding 7-weekday to itself.
If we use the first date on your list and we say weeks start on Monday:
The first day of the week (Monday) = E2-WEEKDAY(E2,2)+1 = 12/27/21
The last day of the week (Sunday) = E2+(7-WEEKDAY(E2,2)) = 01/02/22
Note: I have assumed your first date (12/27/2021) is in Cell E2
If you want Sunday to be the first day of the week, simply add a 1 instead of a 2 into the WEEKDAY part of the formula.

SUMPRODUCT difference between two dates for THIS WEEK entries only

I have a column D containing all the Dates in DD/MM/YYYY format, and I would like to show the count of missed days for THIS WEEK values only from all the entries in column D.
In other words, if there is a difference between two Dates in column D and it occured this week, I would like to count it.
I have below formula to calculate "Total days missed" between first and the last entry in Dates column D, however I can't adopt this formula to display "Days Missed" for THIS WEEK only entries.
Sample of data set.
Please help, thanks.
For O365, in accord with your statement that there can be multiple entries of one date, I suggest the following (assuming your dates are real dates and not text strings that happen to look like dates):
Total Missing Dates
=MAX($D$18:$D$500)- MIN($D$18:$D$500)+1-COUNT(UNIQUE($D$18:$D$500))
Missing Dates THIS WEEK obviously, you'll need to define the first and last dates of THIS WEEK
If your week starts on Monday, you can calculate:
wkStart: =TODAY()+1-WEEKDAY(TODAY()-1)
wkEnd: =wkStart+6
More generally, to return a particular day of the week prior to someDate (or wkStart):
wkStart = someDate - WEEKDAY(someDate - DayOfWeek)
where DayOfWeek is: Sunday=1 Monday=2 , etc
So, making someDate = TODAY()+1 ensures that if today is monday, it will return today and not the monday from a week ago.
HINT: It might be more convenient to define wkStart and wkEnd as a Named formula.

How to collect number of days from a month in excel

I have a column which will have some days from a month in dd-mm-yyyy format. What I need to get total number of days from each month mentioned in that column. The column might not contain all days from each month.
Example :
Column A :
In above example, from 2017 Jan, I have 4 days and from Feb I have one day. I need this count for a IF statement to run in C column. ie, in C1 there will be an IF function which will check the month in A1 and count the total number of days for that specific month from A column. If that count is below a specific digit, I need to perform a formula otherwise a different one. This will repeat for all C cell
If this column contains all date from each month I can use Day function to get total days, but here how Can I collect it
This will work: =SUMPRODUCT(1*(MONTH($A1:$A5)=D1))
And an example of manipulating basing on the result:
Another one when row number represents a month (JAN in C1, FEB in C2...):
In your case:
Array formula - use Ctrl+Shift+Enter:

In Excel, how to calculate # of days between a date range, counting only specific days of week

I'm trying to get # days between 2 dates, but had to count only days of the week specified per pair of dates in questions.
For example:
Date of operation = 9/1/2013 and 5/16/2014
Days of the Week in operation = Monday, Wednesday, Friday
I want to calculate total number of days in actual operation, given the days in operation per week.
If you have Excel 2010 or later you can use NETWORKDAYS.INTL function which allows you to customise which days are counted, e.g. the following formula will count Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between a start date in A2 and an end date in B2 (inclusive) while excluding holiday dates listed in H2:H10
The string "0101011" defines the days to include - 0 is included, 1 is excluded - it starts with Monday
In earlier excel versions you can use this formula for the same result
where {2,4,6} defines the weekdays to include (1=Sun through to 7=Sat)
The number of days between to dates is just date1 - date2.
One method is to divide the number of days in operation by the number of days in the week. In this case that would be 3/7. In this example, the number of days in operation would be 110.14 days. Below is your example. cell B4 has 1-sep-13, b6 has 16-may-14, both formatted as dates.
4 41518
6 41775
8 =B6-B4 Days
9 =B8/7 Weeks
10 =B8*3/7
257 Days
36.71 Weeks
To get more accurate, you would need to know which day of the week, weekday(), the first day in your range was and which day of the week your last day was.

Calculate the number of days of a date range occur between two dates

I have a datasheet that contains a list of start and end dates for a task. I need to calculate how many days between the start date and end date are part of our Christmas break (11th December to 7th January)
So for example,when start date is 10/12/2012 and end date is 12/01/2013, 28 of the days are between those dates. when the start date is 15/12/2012 and the end date is 12/03/2013, then 22 days of days are between those dates. If the start date is 10/12/2012 and the end date is 12/01/2014, 56 of the days are between those dates (because there's two years of the range).
I need to do this with a formula because of the requirements that I've been set.
Initially I decided to use the number of times Christmas Day (25th December) occurs and just calculate 4 weeks per occurrence.
The formula I used was
But obviously this doesn't help if the range start and end date falls between those two dates.
Any suggestions? I'm at a dead end
Your date math on the second example is wrong -- there are 24 days in that range, not 22.
I can get you there for one holiday period:
A1 contain the holiday start (11-Dec-2012)
A2 contain the holiday end (7-Jan-2013)
B1 contain the start date
B2 contain the end date
=MAX(MIN(A2+1,B2+1),A1) - MIN(MAX(A1,B1),A2+1)
The formula basically finds the overlapping date range, if there is one, and subtracts to get the number of whole days. The "+1" is because your "end dates" are actually inclusive, so for date math you need to have the holiday ending on 8 Jan, not 7 Jan, to capture that last day.
But this only works for a single year's holiday. You could store holiday ranges in other cells and use the same formula and add them all up, but you'll be limited to however many years you set up.
This formula will count dates between 11th December and 7th January inclusive within any date range, even across multiple years
where your start date is in B1 and end date in B2
This converts every date in the range to a number , e.g. 1st Dec becomes 1201, 4th March becomes 304, then it counts those dates that are either greater or equal to 1207 (7th December) or smaller than or equal to 107 (7th January), so that will give 56 for your last example
You can shorten the formula if you subtract 7 from every date (based on 7th January as the end date) then you only need to check that resultant numbers are >= 1204, i.e.
.....and a third option which should also give the same result, closer to richardtallent's approach - gets the number of years and multiplies by 28 and then adjusts the figures based on the start/end date
