Cron job not running in CentOS - linux

I have a script which runs a command to generate a csv file and send an email. This script runs fine when I manually execute it.
I have added the following entry to my crontab using crontab -e command:
00 18 * * * /home/
However, this cron job does not execute at all.
I checked
service crond status
and the CRON service is running.
Am I missing some permissions?


Cron job not running automatically for a non-root user

I am running SUSE Linux as a non-root user (getting root access also will not be a possibility). I would like to have a .sh script I created be run daily.
My crontab looks like:
0 0 * * * * /path/to/
I also have a line return after this as per many troubleshooting suggestions. My script deletes files older than 14 days. I also added a means to log output to check whether the script runs.
However, the job does not run automatically. I also am not able to check /var/log/messages for any notifications on whether cron can run or not.
What am I doing wrong? How can I check if cron itself is running/can run for my user? Do I have to supply cron with any paths or environment variables?
The correct approach to run your cron every midnight is:
00 00 * * * /bin/bash path/to/your/ >> /path/to/log/file.log

Cron job is not triggered on Ubuntu VM

In my Ubuntu VM, I have configured a cronjob
cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/*
* * * * * python /home/forge/web-app/database/
I checked pgrep cron I got number printing out fine.
It been 5 mins now, I don't see any email send to me.
I don't see any backup file is being generated.
I have a feeling that this cronjob never got run.
How do I debug this ?
Do I need to restart some kind of service ?
Could you please check the cron service.
service cron status.
And check the cronjob logs to check it is running or not
tail -f /var/log/cron | grep username
Check the cron
crontab -e -u username
And also check permission.
chmod +x <file>

Cron job does not run in RHEL

I'm running RHEL and I'm trying to set up a cron job to run a shell script every 5 minutes.
Following the directions here:
I have service crond start and chkconfig crond on. Then I edited /etc/crontab and added:
*/5 * * * * my-user /path/to/
I did a chmod +x And I made sure to add a new line character at the end.
I'm expecting it to run every 5 minutes but it never executes.
What am I doing wrong?
Simply try to add the cronjob entry and check the script is working fine or not by taking the viewable output in the script.
echo "test time - $(date)" >
chmod +x
crontab -e
Then enter the cronjob as below,
*/5 * * * * sh /path/to/ > /path/to/log.file
Check if the log is writing correctly. If its fine, better cross check the script that you are trying to execute via cron. Otherwise it will be a cron issue.

Downloading files with bash via cron

I have build a bash script that gets .tar.gz files from IMDb and writes to a log file, the script works when run on its own as I can see the folder with the files present, but when I run the script via cron it doesn't work. Would this be due to permissions? I have edited the sudo crontab file, but I'm not sure what else I need to do.
Try this solution:
Cronjob is a file that contains your job:
cat cronjob
* * * * * bash /path/to/ >> /path/to/log.txt
Then you should set executable permission and start cron service:
chmod +x cronjob
/etc/init.d/crond start #redhat based servers like centos
/etc/init.d/cron start #debian based servers like ubuntu
After that you should tell cron service to run cronjob file:
crontab cronjob
Your script should download a file.
If your script doesn't run you should run it from good path[full path], so your cronjob file would be something like this:
* * * * * /bin/bash /path/to/ >> /path/to/log.txt

Raspberry crontab script running

I'm trying to run a command by cron in Raspbian.
If I run ./, than my script runs, If I try to run it via crontab every 5 min, than nothing happens.
crontab -e shows me the followings:
*/5 * * * * ./
Did I configure the crontab wrong?
Thx in advance
scripts started from a cronjob are not setup with your usual environment, especially not with your current working directory (referenced by the . in ./ so to make this work you should specify a full path name like /home/user/
