When to use a Var instead of a function? - web

I am going through the book Web Development with Clojure and it tells me to pass the handler (defined bellow) as a Var object instead of as the function itself, since the function can then change dynamically (this is what wrap-reload does).
The book says:
"Note that we have to create a var from the handler in order for this middleware
to work. This is necessary to ensure that the Var object containing the current
handler function is returned. If we used the handler instead then the app would
only see the original value of the function and changes would not be reflected."
I don't really understand what this means, are vars similar to c pointers?
(ns ring-app.core
(:require [ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]
[ring.util.response :as response]
[ring.middleware.reload :refer [wrap-reload]]))
(defn handler [request]
(str "<html>/<body> your IP is: " (:remote-addr request)
(defn wrap-nocache [handler]
(fn [request]
(-> request
(assoc-in [:headers "Pragma"] "no-cache"))))
Here is the handler call:
(defn -main []
(wrap-reload (wrap-nocache (var handler)))
{:port 3001
:join? false}))

Yes, a Var in Clojure is similar to a C pointer. This is poorly documented.
Suppose you create a function fred as follows:
(defn fred [x] (+ x 1))
There are actually 3 things here. Firstly, fred is a symbol. There is a difference between a symbol fred (no quotes) and the keyword :fred (marked by the leading : char) and the string "fred" (marked by a double-quote at both ends). To Clojure, each of them is composed of 4 characters; i.e. neither the colon of the keyword nor the double-quotes of the string are included in their length or composition:
> (name 'fred)
> (name :fred)
> (name "fred")
The only difference is how they are interpreted. A string is meant to represent user data of any sort. A keyword is meant to represent control information for the program, in a readable form (as opposed to "magic numbers" like 1=left, 2=right, we just use keywords :left and :right.
A symbol is meant to point to things, just like in Java or C. If we say
(let [x 1
y (+ x 1) ]
(println y))
;=> 2
then x points to the value 1, y points to the value 2, and we see the result printed.
the (def ...) form introduces an invisible third element, the Var. So if we say
(def wilma 3)
we now have 3 objects to consider. wilma is a symbol, which points to a Var, which in turn points to the value 3. When our program encounters the symbol wilma, it is evaluated to find the Var. Likewise, the Var is evaluated to yield the value 3. So it is like a 2-level indirection of pointers in C. Since both the symbol and the Var are "auto-evaluated", this happens automatically and invisibly and you don't have to think about the Var (indeed, most people aren't really aware the invisible middle step even exists).
For our function fred above, a similar situation exists, except the Var points to the anonymous function (fn [x] (+ x 1)) instead of the value 3 like with wilma.
We can "short-circuit" the auto-evaluation of the Var like:
> (var wilma)
> #'wilma
where the reader macro #' (pound-quote) is a shorthand way of calling the (var ...) special form. Keep in mind that a special form like var is a compiler built-in like if or def, and is not the same as a regular function. The var special form returns the Var object attached to the symbol wilma. The clojure REPL prints the Var object using the same shorthand, so both results look the same.
Once we have the Var object, auto-evaluation is disabled:
> (println (var wilma))
If we want to get to the value that wilma points to, we need to use var-get:
> (var-get (var wilma))
> (var-get #'wilma)
The same thing works for fred:
> (var-get #'fred)
#object[clj.core$fred 0x599adf07 "clj.core$fred#599adf07"]
> (var-get (var fred))
#object[clj.core$fred 0x599adf07 "clj.core$fred#599adf07"]
where the #object[clj.core$fred ...] stuff is Clojure's way of representing a function object as a string.
With regard to the web server, it can tell via the var? function or otherwise if the supplied value is the handler function or the var which points to the handler function.
If you type something like:
(jetty/run-jetty handler)
the double auto-evaluation will yield the handler function object, which is passed to run-jetty. If, instead, you type:
(jetty/run-jetty (var handler))
then the Var which points to the handler function object will be passed to run-jetty. Then, run-jetty will have to use an if statement or equivalent to determine what it has received, and call (var-get ...) if it has received a Var instead of a function. Thus, each time through (var-get ...) will return the object to which the Var currently points. So, the Var acts like a global pointer in C, or a global "reference" variable in Java.
If you pass a function object to run-jetty, it saves a "local pointer" to the function object and there is no way for the outside world to change what the local pointer refers to.
You can find more details here:
As OlegTheCat has pointed out, Clojure has yet another trick up its sleeve regarding Var objects that point to Clojure functions. Consider a simple function:
(defn add-3 [x] (+ x 3))
; `add-3` is a global symbol that points to
; a Var object, that points to
; a function object.
(let [add-3-fn add-3 ; a local pointer to the fn object
add-3-var (var add-3)] ; a local pointer to the Var object
(is= 42 (add-3 39)) ; double deref from global symbol to fn object
(is= 42 (add-3-fn 39)) ; single deref from local symbol to fn object
(is= 42 (add-3-var 39))) ; use the Var object as a function
; => SILENT deref to fn object
If we treat a Var object as a function, Clojure will SILENTLY deref it into the function object, then invoke that function object with the supplied args. So we see that all three of add-3, add-3-fn and add-3-var will work. This is what is occurring in Jetty. It never realizes that you have given it a Var object instead of a function, but Clojure magically patches up that mismatch without telling you.
Sidebar: Please note this only works since our "jetty" is actually
the Clojure wrapper code ring.adapter.jetty, and not the actual Java
webserver Jetty. If you tried to depend on this trick with an
actual Java function instead of a Clojure wrapper, it would fail. Indeed, you must use a Clojure wrapper like proxy in order to pass a Clojure function to Java code.
You have no such guardian angel to save you if you use the Var object as anything other than a function:
(let [wilma-long wilma ; a local pointer to the long object
wilma-var (var wilma)] ; a local pointer to the Var object
(is (int? wilma-long)) ; it is a Long integer object
(is (var? wilma-var)) ; it is a Var object
(is= 4 (inc wilma)) ; double deref from global symbol to Long object
(is= 4 (inc wilma-long)) ; single deref from local symbol to Long object
(throws? (inc wilma-var)))) ; Var object used as arg => WILL NOT deref to Long object
So, if you are expecting a function and someone gives you a Var object that points to a function, then you are OK since Clojure silently fixes the problem. If you are expecting anything other than a function and someone gives you a Var object that points to that thing, then you are on your own.
Consider this helper function:
(defn unvar
"When passed a clojure var-object, returns the referenced value (via deref/var-get);
else returns arg unchanged. Idempotent to multiple calls."
(if (var? value-or-var)
(deref value-or-var) ; or var-get
Now you can safely use the thing you were given:
(is= 42 (+ 39 (unvar wilma))
(+ 39 (unvar wilma-long))
(+ 39 (unvar wilma-var)))
Notice that there are three dualities that can confuse the issue:
Both var-get and deref do the same thing with a Clojure Var
The reader macro #'xxx is translated into (var xxx)
The reader macro #xxx is translated into (deref xxx)
So we have (confusingly!) many ways of doing the same thing:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.core tupelo.test))
(def wilma 3)
; `wilma` is a global symbol that points to
; a Var object, that points to
; a java.lang.Long object of value `3`
(is= java.lang.Long (type wilma))
(is= 3 (var-get (var wilma)))
(is= 3 (var-get #'wilma))
; `deref` and `var-get` are interchangable
(is= 3 (deref (var wilma)))
(is= 3 (deref #'wilma))
; the reader macro `#xxx` is a shortcut that translates to `(deref xxx)`
(is= 3 #(var wilma))
(is= 3 ##'wilma)) ; Don't do this - it's an abuse of reader macros.
Another note
The (def ...) special form returns the clojure.lang.Var object it creates. Normally, a (def ...) form is used only at the top level in a Clojure source file (or at the REPL), so the return value is silently discarded. However, a reference to the created Var object can also be captured:
(let [p (def five 5)
q (var five)]
(is= clojure.lang.Var
(type p)
(type q))
(is= 6
(inc five)
(inc (var-get p))
(inc (deref q)))
(is (identical? p q)))
Here we create a global Var five pointing to the number 5. The return value of the def form is captured in the local value p. We use the (var ...) special form to get a reference q pointing to the same Var object.
The first test shows that p and q are both of type clojure.lang.Var. The middle test shows three ways of accessing the value 5. As expected, all retrieve the value 5 which is incremented to yield 6. The last test verifies that p and q both point to the same Java object (i.e. there is only one clojure.lang.Var object that points to the integer 5).
It is even possible for a Var to point to another Var instead of a data value:
(def p (def five 5)) ; please don't ever do this
While it works, I cannot think of a legitimate reason for ever doing this.

There are a couple of good answers already. Just wanted to add this caveat:
(defn f [] 10)
(defn g [] (f))
(g) ;;=> 10
(defn f [] 11)
;; -Dclojure.compiler.direct-linking=true
(g) ;;=> 10
;; -Dclojure.compiler.direct-linking=false
(g) ;;=> 11
So, when direct linking is on, the indirection via a var is replaced with a direct static invocation. Similar to the situation with the handler, but then with every var invocation, unless you explicitly refer to a var, like:
(defn g [] (#'f))

Hopefully this small example will get you on track:
> (defn your-handler [x] x)
> (defn wrap-inc [f]
(fn [x]
(inc (f x))))
> #'wrap-inc
> (def your-app-with-var (wrap-inc #'your-handler))
> (def your-app-without-var (wrap-inc your-handler))
> (your-app-with-var 1)
> (your-app-without-var 1)
> (defn your-handler [x] 10)
> (your-app-with-var 1)
> (your-app-without-var 1)
The intuition for this is when you use a var when creating your handler you are actually passing a "container" with some value, content of which can be changed in future by defining var with the same name. When you don't use var (like in your-app-without-var) you are passing a current value of this "container", which cannot be redefined in any way.


Common lisp: calling a class method in a separate thread

I am trying to build a common lisp implementation of the channel construct of Golang for a personal project (also to learn lisp). So far I've implemented the channels as objects of a class, containing a queue, a lock and a condition variable to signal listening functions that a new message has been added to the queue. I'm using bordeaux threads to create threads, locks, condition variables and join the executions (from the lisp cookbook).
This is the channel class and the recive function:
(defclass channel ()
((messages :initform '()
:accessor messages
:documentation "Messages in the channel")
(lock :initform (bt:make-lock)
:accessor lock
"Lock to push/pop messages in the channel")
(cv :initarg :cv
:initform (bt:make-condition-variable)
:accessor cv
"Condtional variable to notify the channel of a new message")))
(defmethod recive-loop ((self channel))
(with-slots (lock cv messages) self
(let ((to-ret nil))
(bt:with-lock-held (lock)
(if (not (null messages))
(setf to-ret (car (pop messages)))
(bt:condition-wait cv lock))
(if to-ret (return to-ret)))))))
(defmethod recive ((self channel))
(with-slots (name thread) self
(let ((thread
(bt:make-thread #'(lambda() (recive-loop self))
:name name)))
(bt:join-thread thread))))
(defmacro gorun (f &rest args)
(flet ((fn () (apply f args)))
(bt:make-thread #'fn
:initial-bindings (list args)
:name "gorun worker")))
gorun should be the equivalent of go routine() for go (without the light threading). To test the setup I've built a printer function over a channel
(defvar printch (channel))
(defun printover (ch)
(let ((x (recive ch)))
(format t "Recived variable x: ~d~%" x)))
but when I run
(gorun printover printch)
The interpreter (using sbcl, but with clisp the same happens) gives back an error:
There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments
See also:
Common Lisp Hyperspec, 7.6.6 [:section]
0: [RETRY] Retry calling the generic function.
1: [ABORT] abort thread (#<THREAD "gorun worker" RUNNING {100293E9F3}>)
[No Locals]
I'm confused, since the method to run over the channel printch should be the one I've defined.
Trying to call a class method inside of a new thread, but got no applicable method
A macros is supposed to return code to run in place of the original call. Your macro is creating the thread at expansion time.
If you're not using backtick in a macro definition, there's usually something wrong with it. You should figure out what the code would look like without the macro, then define a macro that returns code with that same structure in a backticked list, replacing the places that need to vary with the parameters, using comma to expand them.
(defmacro gorun (f &rest args)
`(bt:make-thread (function ,f)
:initial-bindings (list ,#args)
:name "gorun worker"))
In the above, you need to substitute the function name into a (function ...) expression, and the args list as the :initial-bindings argument.
In multi-threaded environments it is often the case that special variables are thread-local. The global binding is visible from all threads, but if you bind one locally its value will not automatically be transferred to a thread created in that context. It has to be done explicitly, and I wrote a pair of macros recently just for that.
The first one captures bindings into lexically-scoped variables; the other bind the original variables back to the values captured in a different context.
I am using an intermediate data structure in the code to store bindings:
(defstruct bindings data)
The first macro is with-captured-bindings:
(defmacro with-captured-bindings ((&rest symbols) as name &body body)
(assert (eq as :as))
(loop for s in (alexandria:flatten
'((:stdio *standard-output* *error-output* *standard-input*)
(:path *default-pathname-defaults*))
for g = (gensym)
collect (list g s) into capture
collect (list s g) into rebind
`(let ,capture
,#(subst (make-bindings :data rebind)
The capture variable holds a list of bindings to initialize the lexically-scoped variables. The rebind variables is a list of bindings to set back special variables to their values in another thread.
I inject with subst an instance of the bindings struct in the code. It helps to have a dedicated data structure, but the crude search-and-replace approach means the symbols name will not be usable as a function, local macro, etc. in body. I don't think it is too much of a problem.
Also, I define aliases like :stdio and :path for commonly used variables.
The second macro is with-bindings:
(defmacro with-bindings (bindings &body body)
(check-type bindings bindings)
`(let ,(bindings-data bindings)
This replaces the intermediate struct with the proper code. The final code does not have this struct anymore and can be processed as usual.
For example:
(defvar *my-var* "hello")
(with-captured-bindings (:stdio :path *my-var*) :as <bindings>
(lambda ()
(with-bindings <bindings>
(print *var*)))))
A first application of macroexpand gives:
(#:G3883 *ERROR-OUTPUT*)
(#:G3886 *MY-VAR*))
(*ERROR-OUTPUT* #:G3883)
(*MY-VAR* #:G3886)))
(PRINT *MY-VAR*)))))
Notice that there is #S(BINDINGS ...) object in the tree.
The full expansion is:
(#:G3888 *ERROR-OUTPUT*)
(#:G3891 *MY-VAR*))
(*ERROR-OUTPUT* #:G3888)
(*MY-VAR* #:G3891))
(PRINT *MY-VAR*)))))

Does SBCL for lisp handle scope differently? It does not seem to pass scope into called functions?

When using emacs or my android app I run
(defun big (num) (setf num2 5)(little num)))
(defun little (num)(+ num2 num))
Little happily accepts num2 but when I run it in my SBCL repl (with sublimetext3) it does not.
Is this correct?
What is a workaround without creating a global variable for num2?
I could just pass a second argument (little num num2)
But this wont work when I am trying to mapcar little over a list. Because I can only have one argument when mapcaring correct?
Please read §6. Variables from Practical Common Lisp.
Unlike Emacs Lisp, Common Lisp relies on lexical scope by default (Emacs Lisp is dynamic by default). Dynamic scope (i.e. indefinite scope and dynamic extent) is provided by declaring variables special, and by convention, they are written with asterisks around their names (named "earmuffs"), like *standard-output*. You use defparameter or defvar to declare those variables. Since it has a global effect, you should never use them from inside functions; likewise, your usage of setf is not defined in Common Lisp: no variable named num2 was declared previously in the scope; besides, even if it did, using a global/special variable for local variable is bad style.
Dynamic scope
With special variables, you can for example locally rebind the standard output: the new value is only visible while the code is inside the body of the let binding:
(let ((*standard-output* *error-output*))
(print "Stream redirection"))
By default, print writes to the stream bound to *standard-output*; here, the stream is locally bound to the one given by *error-output*. As soon as you escape the let, *standard-output* reverts to its previous value (imagine there is a stack).
Lexical scope
With lexical scope, your code can only access the bindings that are visible in the text surrounding your code (and the global scope), and the extent is indefinite: it is possible to access a binding (sometimes indirectly) even after the code returns from the let:
(let ((closure
(let ((count 0))
(lambda () (print (incf count))))))
(funcall closure)
(funcall closure))
;; prints:
;; 1
;; 2
The lambda expression creates a closure, which captures the variable named count. Every time you call it, it will increase the count variable and print it. If you evaluate the same code another time, you define another closure and create another variable, with the same name.
Because I can only have one argument when mapcaring correct?
Not exactly; the function called by mapcar should be able to accept at least as many elements as the number of lists that are given to it (and it should also not require more mandatory arguments):
(mapcar (lambda (x y) (* x y))
'(1 2 3)
'(0 3 6))
=> (0 6 18)
(mapcar #'list '(1 2) '(a b) '(+ /))
=> ((1 a +) (2 b /))
The function can also be a closure, and can use special variables.
... with a closure
(defun adder (x)
(lambda (y) (+ x y)))
(mapcar (adder 10) '(0 1 2))
=> (10 11 12)
The adder functions takes a number x and returns a closure which accepts a number y and returns (+ x y).
... with a special variable
If you prefer dynamic scope, use earmuffs and give it a meaningful name:
(defparameter *default-offset* 0)
... and define:
(defun offset (x)
(+ x *default-offset*))
You can then mapcar too:
(let ((*default-offset* 20))
(mapcar #'offset '(1 2 3)))
=> (21 22 23)
As said by jkiiski in comments, you can also declare special variables with (declare (special ...)) where you usually put declarations (when entering a let, a defun, ...). You could also use the special operator progv. This can be useful to have "invisible" variables that are only known by a set of functions to exchange information. You rarely need them.

What is the best way to append to an array in each iteration of a loop on a map using clojure?

I have created a structure which builds a URL query from a map but it is not thread-safe since it's relying on a defined variable which probably isn't needed so what is the best way to do this?
(def charset "UTF-8")
(defn make-query
(def tmpa [])
(doseq [keyval params]
(def tmpa
(into tmpa
(java.net.URLEncoder/encode (name (first keyval)) charset)
(java.net.URLEncoder/encode (apply (first keyval) [params]) charset)
(clojure.string/join "&" tmpa)
The use of nested defs is not really the way to go when you need to work with an intermediate value in a function, that's what the let form is for. Also note that def creates a top level var, so even after the make-query function returns, you will still have a tmpa var lying around in the namespace where you declared the function.
The function you posted has an imperative style since it's using doseq (which is by definition to be used for side-effects) and changing the value of the tmpa var in every iteration of the loop.
A functional approach would be reduceing the key-value pairs and build the result by concatenating the key and value to the query string in each call to the reducing function. The following is an example of how this can be achieved:
(def charset "UTF-8")
(defn make-query
(reduce (fn [query [k v]]
(str query
(java.net.URLEncoder/encode (name k) charset)
(java.net.URLEncoder/encode (str v) charset)
(make-query {:name "clojure" :year 2014})
;= "name=clojure&year=2014&"
It takes some time to get used to thinking this way, when one comes from an imperative and OOP background, but with practice it gets a lot easier.
Hope it helps.

Explanation of currying in simple terms [duplicate]

I've seen references to curried functions in several articles and blogs but I can't find a good explanation (or at least one that makes sense!)
Currying is when you break down a function that takes multiple arguments into a series of functions that each take only one argument. Here's an example in JavaScript:
function add (a, b) {
return a + b;
add(3, 4); // returns 7
This is a function that takes two arguments, a and b, and returns their sum. We will now curry this function:
function add (a) {
return function (b) {
return a + b;
This is a function that takes one argument, a, and returns a function that takes another argument, b, and that function returns their sum.
add(3)(4); // returns 7
var add3 = add(3); // returns a function
add3(4); // returns 7
The first statement returns 7, like the add(3, 4) statement.
The second statement defines a new function called add3 that will
add 3 to its argument. (This is what some may call a closure.)
The third statement uses the add3 operation to add 3 to 4, again
producing 7 as a result.
In an algebra of functions, dealing with functions that take multiple arguments (or equivalent one argument that's an N-tuple) is somewhat inelegant -- but, as Moses Schönfinkel (and, independently, Haskell Curry) proved, it's not needed: all you need are functions that take one argument.
So how do you deal with something you'd naturally express as, say, f(x,y)? Well, you take that as equivalent to f(x)(y) -- f(x), call it g, is a function, and you apply that function to y. In other words, you only have functions that take one argument -- but some of those functions return other functions (which ALSO take one argument;-).
As usual, wikipedia has a nice summary entry about this, with many useful pointers (probably including ones regarding your favorite languages;-) as well as slightly more rigorous mathematical treatment.
Here's a concrete example:
Suppose you have a function that calculates the gravitational force acting on an object. If you don't know the formula, you can find it here. This function takes in the three necessary parameters as arguments.
Now, being on the earth, you only want to calculate forces for objects on this planet. In a functional language, you could pass in the mass of the earth to the function and then partially evaluate it. What you'd get back is another function that takes only two arguments and calculates the gravitational force of objects on earth. This is called currying.
It can be a way to use functions to make other functions.
In javascript:
let add = function(x){
return function(y){
return x + y
Would allow us to call it like so:
let addTen = add(10);
When this runs the 10 is passed in as x;
let add = function(10){
return function(y){
return 10 + y
which means we are returned this function:
function(y) { return 10 + y };
So when you call
you are really calling:
function(y) { return 10 + y };
So if you do this:
it's the same as:
function(4) { return 10 + 4} // 14
So our addTen() always adds ten to whatever we pass in. We can make similar functions in the same way:
let addTwo = add(2) // addTwo(); will add two to whatever you pass in
let addSeventy = add(70) // ... and so on...
Now the obvious follow up question is why on earth would you ever want to do that? It turns what was an eager operation x + y into one that can be stepped through lazily, meaning we can do at least two things
1. cache expensive operations
2. achieve abstractions in the functional paradigm.
Imagine our curried function looked like this:
let doTheHardStuff = function(x) {
let z = doSomethingComputationallyExpensive(x)
return function (y){
z + y
We could call this function once, then pass around the result to be used in lots of places, meaning we only do the computationally expensive stuff once:
let finishTheJob = doTheHardStuff(10)
We can get abstractions in a similar way.
Currying is a transformation that can be applied to functions to allow them to take one less argument than previously.
For example, in F# you can define a function thus:-
let f x y z = x + y + z
Here function f takes parameters x, y and z and sums them together so:-
f 1 2 3
Returns 6.
From our definition we can can therefore define the curry function for f:-
let curry f = fun x -> f x
Where 'fun x -> f x' is a lambda function equivilent to x => f(x) in C#. This function inputs the function you wish to curry and returns a function which takes a single argument and returns the specified function with the first argument set to the input argument.
Using our previous example we can obtain a curry of f thus:-
let curryf = curry f
We can then do the following:-
let f1 = curryf 1
Which provides us with a function f1 which is equivilent to f1 y z = 1 + y + z. This means we can do the following:-
f1 2 3
Which returns 6.
This process is often confused with 'partial function application' which can be defined thus:-
let papply f x = f x
Though we can extend it to more than one parameter, i.e.:-
let papply2 f x y = f x y
let papply3 f x y z = f x y z
A partial application will take the function and parameter(s) and return a function that requires one or more less parameters, and as the previous two examples show is implemented directly in the standard F# function definition so we could achieve the previous result thus:-
let f1 = f 1
f1 2 3
Which will return a result of 6.
In conclusion:-
The difference between currying and partial function application is that:-
Currying takes a function and provides a new function accepting a single argument, and returning the specified function with its first argument set to that argument. This allows us to represent functions with multiple parameters as a series of single argument functions. Example:-
let f x y z = x + y + z
let curryf = curry f
let f1 = curryf 1
let f2 = curryf 2
f1 2 3
f2 1 3
Partial function application is more direct - it takes a function and one or more arguments and returns a function with the first n arguments set to the n arguments specified. Example:-
let f x y z = x + y + z
let f1 = f 1
let f2 = f 2
f1 2 3
f2 1 3
A curried function is a function of several arguments rewritten such that it accepts the first argument and returns a function that accepts the second argument and so on. This allows functions of several arguments to have some of their initial arguments partially applied.
Currying means to convert a function of N arity into N functions of arity 1. The arity of the function is the number of arguments it requires.
Here is the formal definition:
curry(f) :: (a,b,c) -> f(a) -> f(b)-> f(c)
Here is a real world example that makes sense:
You go to ATM to get some money. You swipe your card, enter pin number and make your selection and then press enter to submit the "amount" alongside the request.
here is the normal function for withdrawing money.
const withdraw=(cardInfo,pinNumber,request){
// process it
return request.amount
In this implementation function expects us entering all arguments at once. We were going to swipe the card, enter the pin and make the request, then function would run. If any of those steps had issue, you would find out after you enter all the arguments. With curried function, we would create higher arity, pure and simple functions. Pure functions will help us easily debug our code.
this is Atm with curried function:
const withdraw=(cardInfo)=>(pinNumber)=>(request)=>request.amount
ATM, takes the card as input and returns a function that expects pinNumber and this function returns a function that accepts the request object and after the successful process, you get the amount that you requested. Each step, if you had an error, you will easily predict what went wrong. Let's say you enter the card and got error, you know that it is either related to the card or machine but not the pin number. Or if you entered the pin and if it does not get accepted you know that you entered the pin number wrong. You will easily debug the error.
Also, each function here is reusable, so you can use the same functions in different parts of your project.
Currying is translating a function from callable as f(a, b, c) into callable as f(a)(b)(c).
Otherwise currying is when you break down a function that takes multiple arguments into a series of functions that take part of the arguments.
Literally, currying is a transformation of functions: from one way of calling into another. In JavaScript, we usually make a wrapper to keep the original function.
Currying doesn’t call a function. It just transforms it.
Let’s make curry function that performs currying for two-argument functions. In other words, curry(f) for two-argument f(a, b) translates it into f(a)(b)
function curry(f) { // curry(f) does the currying transform
return function(a) {
return function(b) {
return f(a, b);
// usage
function sum(a, b) {
return a + b;
let carriedSum = curry(sum);
alert( carriedSum(1)(2) ); // 3
As you can see, the implementation is a series of wrappers.
The result of curry(func) is a wrapper function(a).
When it is called like sum(1), the argument is saved in the Lexical Environment, and a new wrapper is returned function(b).
Then sum(1)(2) finally calls function(b) providing 2, and it passes the call to the original multi-argument sum.
Here's a toy example in Python:
>>> from functools import partial as curry
>>> # Original function taking three parameters:
>>> def display_quote(who, subject, quote):
print who, 'said regarding', subject + ':'
print '"' + quote + '"'
>>> display_quote("hoohoo", "functional languages",
"I like Erlang, not sure yet about Haskell.")
hoohoo said regarding functional languages:
"I like Erlang, not sure yet about Haskell."
>>> # Let's curry the function to get another that always quotes Alex...
>>> am_quote = curry(display_quote, "Alex Martelli")
>>> am_quote("currying", "As usual, wikipedia has a nice summary...")
Alex Martelli said regarding currying:
"As usual, wikipedia has a nice summary..."
(Just using concatenation via + to avoid distraction for non-Python programmers.)
Editing to add:
See http://docs.python.org/library/functools.html?highlight=partial#functools.partial,
which also shows the partial object vs. function distinction in the way Python implements this.
Here is the example of generic and the shortest version for function currying with n no. of params.
const add = a => b => b ? add(a + b) : a;
const add = a => b => b ? add(a + b) : a;
Currying is one of the higher-order functions of Java Script.
Currying is a function of many arguments which is rewritten such that it takes the first argument and return a function which in turns uses the remaining arguments and returns the value.
Let see an example,
function add(a,b)
return a+b;
This is similar to the following currying function,
function add(a)
return function(b){
return a+b;
var curryAdd = add(5);
So what does this code means?
Now read the definition again,
Currying is a function of many arguments which is rewritten such that it takes first argument and return a function which in turns uses the remaining arguments and returns the value.
Still, Confused?
Let me explain in deep!
When you call this function,
var curryAdd = add(5);
It will return you a function like this,
curryAdd=function(y){return 5+y;}
So, this is called higher-order functions. Meaning, Invoking one function in turns returns another function is an exact definition for higher-order function. This is the greatest advantage for the legend, Java Script.
So come back to the currying,
This line will pass the second argument to the curryAdd function.
which in turns results,
curryAdd=function(6){return 5+6;}
// Which results in 11
Hope you understand the usage of currying here.
So, Coming to the advantages,
Why Currying?
It makes use of code reusability.
Less code, Less Error.
You may ask how it is less code?
I can prove it with ECMA script 6 new feature arrow functions.
Yes! ECMA 6, provide us with the wonderful feature called arrow functions,
function add(a)
return function(b){
return a+b;
With the help of the arrow function, we can write the above function as follows,
Cool right?
So, Less Code and Fewer bugs!!
With the help of these higher-order function one can easily develop a bug-free code.
I challenge you!
Hope, you understood what is currying. Please feel free to comment over here if you need any clarifications.
Thanks, Have a nice day!
If you understand partial you're halfway there. The idea of partial is to preapply arguments to a function and give back a new function that wants only the remaining arguments. When this new function is called it includes the preloaded arguments along with whatever arguments were supplied to it.
In Clojure + is a function but to make things starkly clear:
(defn add [a b] (+ a b))
You may be aware that the inc function simply adds 1 to whatever number it's passed.
(inc 7) # => 8
Let's build it ourselves using partial:
(def inc (partial add 1))
Here we return another function that has 1 loaded into the first argument of add. As add takes two arguments the new inc function wants only the b argument -- not 2 arguments as before since 1 has already been partially applied. Thus partial is a tool from which to create new functions with default values presupplied. That is why in a functional language functions often order arguments from general to specific. This makes it easier to reuse such functions from which to construct other functions.
Now imagine if the language were smart enough to understand introspectively that add wanted two arguments. When we passed it one argument, rather than balking, what if the function partially applied the argument we passed it on our behalf understanding that we probably meant to provide the other argument later? We could then define inc without explicitly using partial.
(def inc (add 1)) #partial is implied
This is the way some languages behave. It is exceptionally useful when one wishes to compose functions into larger transformations. This would lead one to transducers.
Curry can simplify your code. This is one of the main reasons to use this. Currying is a process of converting a function that accepts n arguments into n functions that accept only one argument.
The principle is to pass the arguments of the passed function, using the closure (closure) property, to store them in another function and treat it as a return value, and these functions form a chain, and the final arguments are passed in to complete the operation.
The benefit of this is that it can simplify the processing of parameters by dealing with one parameter at a time, which can also improve the flexibility and readability of the program. This also makes the program more manageable. Also dividing the code into smaller pieces would make it reuse-friendly.
For example:
function curryMinus(x)
return function(y)
return x - y;
var minus5 = curryMinus(1);
I can also do...
var minus7 = curryMinus(7);
This is very great for making complex code neat and handling of unsynchronized methods etc.
I found this article, and the article it references, useful, to better understand currying:
As the others mentioned, it is just a way to have a one parameter function.
This is useful in that you don't have to assume how many parameters will be passed in, so you don't need a 2 parameter, 3 parameter and 4 parameter functions.
As all other answers currying helps to create partially applied functions. Javascript does not provide native support for automatic currying. So the examples provided above may not help in practical coding. There is some excellent example in livescript (Which essentially compiles to js)
times = (x, y) --> x * y
times 2, 3 #=> 6 (normal use works as expected)
double = times 2
double 5 #=> 10
In above example when you have given less no of arguments livescript generates new curried function for you (double)
A curried function is applied to multiple argument lists, instead of just
Here is a regular, non-curried function, which adds two Int
parameters, x and y:
scala> def plainOldSum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
plainOldSum: (x: Int,y: Int)Int
scala> plainOldSum(1, 2)
res4: Int = 3
Here is similar function that’s curried. Instead
of one list of two Int parameters, you apply this function to two lists of one
Int parameter each:
scala> def curriedSum(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + y
curriedSum: (x: Int)(y: Int)Intscala> second(2)
res6: Int = 3
scala> curriedSum(1)(2)
res5: Int = 3
What’s happening here is that when you invoke curriedSum, you actually get two traditional function invocations back to back. The first function
invocation takes a single Int parameter named x , and returns a function
value for the second function. This second function takes the Int parameter
Here’s a function named first that does in spirit what the first traditional
function invocation of curriedSum would do:
scala> def first(x: Int) = (y: Int) => x + y
first: (x: Int)(Int) => Int
Applying 1 to the first function—in other words, invoking the first function
and passing in 1 —yields the second function:
scala> val second = first(1)
second: (Int) => Int = <function1>
Applying 2 to the second function yields the result:
scala> second(2)
res6: Int = 3
An example of currying would be when having functions you only know one of the parameters at the moment:
For example:
func aFunction(str: String) {
let callback = callback(str) // signature now is `NSData -> ()`
func callback(str: String, data: NSData) {
// Callback code
func performAsyncRequest(callback: NSData -> ()) {
// Async code that will call callback with NSData as parameter
Here, since you don't know the second parameter for callback when sending it to performAsyncRequest(_:) you would have to create another lambda / closure to send that one to the function.
Most of the examples in this thread are contrived (adding numbers). These are useful for illustrating the concept, but don't motivate when you might actually use currying in an app.
Here's a practical example from React, the JavaScript user interface library. Currying here illustrates the closure property.
As is typical in most user interface libraries, when the user clicks a button, a function is called to handle the event. The handler typically modifies the application's state and triggers the interface to re-render.
Lists of items are common user interface components. Each item might have an identifier associated with it (usually related to a database record). When the user clicks a button to, for example, "like" an item in the list, the handler needs to know which button was clicked.
Currying is one approach for achieving the binding between id and handler. In the code below, makeClickHandler is a function that accepts an id and returns a handler function that has the id in its scope.
The inner function's workings aren't important for this discussion. But if you're curious, it searches through the array of items to find an item by id and increments its "likes", triggering another render by setting the state. State is immutable in React so it takes a bit more work to modify the one value than you might expect.
You can think of invoking the curried function as "stripping" off the outer function to expose an inner function ready to be called. That new inner function is the actual handler passed to React's onClick. The outer function is a closure for the loop body to specify the id that will be in scope of a particular inner handler function.
const List = () => {
const [items, setItems] = React.useState([
{name: "foo", likes: 0},
{name: "bar", likes: 0},
{name: "baz", likes: 0},
].map(e => ({...e, id: crypto.randomUUID()})));
// .----------. outer func inner func
// | currying | | |
// `----------` V V
const makeClickHandler = (id) => (event) => {
setItems(prev => {
const i = prev.findIndex(e => e.id === id);
const cpy = {...prev[i]};
return [
...prev.slice(0, i),
...prev.slice(i + 1)
return (
{items.map(({name, likes, id}) =>
<li key={id}>
/* strip off first function layer to get a click
handler bound to `id` and pass it to onClick */
{name} ({likes} likes)
.render(<List />);
button {
font-family: monospace;
font-size: 2em;
<script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react#18/umd/react.development.js"></script>
<script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom#18/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script>
<div id="app"></div>
Here you can find a simple explanation of currying implementation in C#. In the comments, I have tried to show how currying can be useful:
public static class FuncExtensions {
public static Func<T1, Func<T2, TResult>> Curry<T1, T2, TResult>(this Func<T1, T2, TResult> func)
return x1 => x2 => func(x1, x2);
var add = new Func<int, int, int>((x, y) => x + y).Curry();
var func = add(1);
//Obtaining the next parameter here, calling later the func with next parameter.
//Or you can prepare some base calculations at the previous step and then
//use the result of those calculations when calling the func multiple times
//with different input parameters.
int result = func(1);
"Currying" is the process of taking the function of multiple arguments and converting it into a series of functions that each take a single argument and return a function of a single argument, or in the case of the final function, return the actual result.
The other answers have said what currying is: passing fewer arguments to a curried function than it expects is not an error, but instead returns a function that expects the rest of the arguments and returns the same result as if you had passed them all in at once.
I’ll try to motivate why it’s useful. It’s one of those tools that you never realized you needed until you do. Currying is above all a way to make your programs more expressive - you can combine operations together with less code.
For example, if you have a curried function add, you can write the equivalent of JS x => k + x (or Python lambda x: k + x or Ruby { |x| k + x } or Lisp (lambda (x) (+ k x)) or …) as just add(k). In Haskelll you can even use the operator: (k +) or (+ k) (The two forms let you curry either way for non-commutative operators: (/ 9) is a function that divides a number by 9, which is probably the more common use case, but you also have (9 /) for a function that divides 9 by its argument.) Besides being shorter, the curried version contains no made-up parameter name like the x found in all the other versions. It’s not needed. You’re defining a function that adds some constant k to a number, and you don’t need to give that number a name just to talk about the function. Or even to define it. This is an example of what’s called “point-free style”. You can combine operations together given nothing but the operations themselves. You don’t have to declare anonymous functions that do nothing but apply some operation to their argument, because *that’s what the operations already are.
This becomes very handy with higher-order functions when they’re defined in a currying-friendly way. For instance, a curried map(fn, list) let’s you define a mapper with just map(fn) that can be applied it to any list later. But currying a map defined instead as map(list, fn) just lets you define a function that will apply some other function to a constant list, which is probably less generally useful.
Currying reduces the need for things like pipes and threading. In Clojure, you might define a temperature conversion function using the threading macro ->: (defn f2c (deg) (-> deg (- 32) (* 5) (/ 9)). That’s cool, it reads nicely left to right (“subtract 32, multiply by 5 and divide by 9.”) and you only have to mention the parameter twice instead of once for every suboperation… but it only works because -> is a macro that transforms the whole form syntactically before anything is evaluated. It turns into a regular nested expression behind the scenes: (/ (* (- deg 32) 5) 9). If the math ops were curried, you wouldn’t need a macro to combine them so nicely, as in Haskell let f2c = (subtract 32) & (* 5) & (/ 9). (Although it would admittedly be more idiomatic to use function composition, which reads right to left: (/ 9) . (* 5) . (subtract 32).)
Again, it’s hard to find good demo examples; currying is most useful in complex cases where it really helps the readability of the solution, but those take so much explanation just to get you to understand the problem that the overall lesson about currying can get lost in the noise.
There is an example of "Currying in ReasonML".
let run = () => {
Js.log("Curryed function: ");
let sum = (x, y) => x + y;
Printf.printf("sum(2, 3) : %d\n", sum(2, 3));
let per2 = sum(2);
Printf.printf("per2(3) : %d\n", per2(3));
Below is one of currying example in JavaScript, here the multiply return the function which is used to multiply x by two.
const multiply = (presetConstant) => {
return (x) => {
return presetConstant * x;
const multiplyByTwo = multiply(2);
// now multiplyByTwo is like below function & due to closure property in JavaScript it will always be able to access 'presetConstant' value
// const multiplyByTwo = (x) => {
// return presetConstant * x;
// };
console.log(`multiplyByTwo(8) : ${multiplyByTwo(8)}`);
multiplyByTwo(8) : 16

Define global from within a function

I need some function which among other stuff would define a new global symbol. So that I could use it like this:
(define (func-prototype symbol value comment)
(define symbol value) ; this should somehow be reformulated
(format "~a=~a !~a\n" symbol value comment))
(define string-list (map func-prototype
'((s1 1 "first value")
(s2 20 "second value")
(s3 300 "third value))))
and be able to get the following results:
> string-list
'("s1=1 !first value\n"
"s2=20 !second value\n"
"s3=300 !third value\n")
> s1
> s2
> s3
Can this be implemented as a function or it is possible to do that only with the help of macros? Could you please suggest any possible implementations or at least give some hints/references that might be helpful?
I'd rethink the general approach, making it simpler. My suggestion: define a global hash table and inside the function add bindings to it, for example:
(define value-map (make-hash))
(define (func-prototype symbol value comment)
(hash-set! value-map symbol value)
(format "~a=~a !~a\n" symbol value comment))
Use it like this:
(define string-list
(map (lambda (lst)
(apply func-prototype lst))
'((s1 1 "first value")
(s2 20 "second value")
(s3 300 "third value"))))
=> '("s1=1 !first value\n"
"s2=20 !second value\n"
"s3=300 !third value\n")
And wherever you need to refer to one of the symbols in the hash table, do this:
(define (get key)
(hash-ref value-map key))
(get 's1)
=> 1
(get 's2)
=> 20
(get 's3)
=> 300
In general it is not possible to accomplish what you are trying to accomplish in the way you described. Your only hope would be to write stuff out to a file and then load that file into an interactive session. But even then.
In scheme you can't introduce top-level names, such as your desired s1, s2, and s3, except at the top-level. To do so, you could define a macro as:
>(define-syntax define-foo
(syntax-rules ()
((_ name value)
(define name value))))
>(define-foo s1 1)
> s1
If you try to use that macro in a function, it is no dice because the body of a function must end with an expression and any definition forms, like what the above macro would expand into, become local variables. That is:
(define (func-prototype name value comment)
(define-foo name value)
>(func-prototype 's1 1 "com")
> s1
One approach that you could take that would work if your string-list is a constant would be as such:
> (define-syntax declare-variables
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (name value comment) ...)
(define name value)
> (declare-variables (s1 1 "com") (s2 20 "com") (s3 300 "com"))
> s1
This gets it done (I've ignored using 'comment') but, as I said, requires a compile time string-list.
One possibility you might think would work, but wouldn't, would be to use eval as:
(eval '(define s1 1) (environment ...))
but 'eval' only works for expressions, not declarations. Which gets me back to 'load' as a possibility.
First, consider whether you really want to do this, or whether a different solution (like a hash table) would work as well.
You can do this with reflection and dynamic evaluation using the eval procedure.
;; define-variable-with-value! : symbol any -> void
(define (define-variable-with-value! name value)
(eval `(define ,name (quote ,value))))
The quote is important; otherwise you risk reinterpreting a value as an expression to evaluate. To see the difference, consider the example
(define-variable-with-value! 'x (list 'error "kaboom"))
