Where is the web url of my VM? - azure

I'm trying to create a web server with a VM.
I installed IIS and am trying to follow this guide to add a CNAME record and use my custom domain name to point to my VM. However I can't find the web url of my VM as explained here:
What is the correct way to setup a domain name to point to a VM on Azure?

You are looking at the wrong documentation, the article is for PaaS services, not for an IaaS vm.
For example look here for more info on setting the NEtwork Security Group NSG: IIS/HTTP Endpoint on Azure VM (non-classic)


Point Azure VM to Local DNS

I feel like I may be trying to sprint before I can even walk here, but I'm getting there! I've got a VM on Azure that I want to be able to access a local fileserver from. We have the following setup:
$COMPANY.net is the local domain, $COMPANY.com is the Azure domain. They are connected using Azure AD Connect, and the VM on Azure is using AADDS; we have a site to site vpn setup between Azure and our local network. I can put in the IP address of the local fileserver and reach it from the Azure VM, but I can't resolve the name if I try that. I believe it is a DNS problem, I need the Azure VM to use my local DNS server to resolve the host name rather than the AADDS addresses. Do I need to set up a DNS server on Azure that will point the requests to my local DNS, or is there another way?
Thank you!
You can specify DNS server for your Azure VM to use. The doc is quite large: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/blob/master/articles/virtual-network/virtual-networks-name-resolution-for-vms-and-role-instances.md
Your name resolution needs might go beyond the features provided by Azure. For example, you might need to use Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory domains, resolve DNS names between virtual networks. To cover these scenarios, Azure provides the ability for you to use your own DNS servers.

How to allow specific ip address to access my webapp deployed in azure?

I have a deployed web app in azure but I want to allow only specific ip address ( or mac address if possible) to access the sites on the web app I deployed on azure. I've been searching for internet for step by step instructions but I really cannot find one. I saw several codes to paste to web.config but I do not know how to do it nor find that file.
What I understand is that I need to setup a network security group found under the settings on my web app but I cannot find it there. I can only see networking. Can someone please provide step by step instructions. TIA
According to your description, we should create an app service Environment(virtual network), in this way, we can add NSG to the virtual network, then we can set inbound rules for this virtual network, in this way, we can control inbound traffic to web app.
We can follow this official article to create app service environment and add NSG to web app.

How to expose a website on the new VMs in Azure?

I used to use the "classic" VMs to host test web sites on Azure, but now when I create a VM using the new Azure portal I don't get the option to create a cloud service when I create the VM and can't seem to figure out how to hook up the VM to a cloud service.
My requirement is simple, I have a third party BA web site that I need to install and test. The site gets installed and runs fine locally in IIS but I can't seem to expose it as a ".cloudapp.net" site.
Thanks in advance,
Cloud services do not exist in the new portal (known as ARM). Instead you should be creating a load balancer or traffic manager resource in front of the VM and then configuring access that way.
A number of considerations will be needed before picking which method to go with, for example traffic manager profiles can only be pointed at Web Apps, classic cloud services or ARM based network adapters on VMs with public IP addresses. Your public IP address must have a DNS name associated with it as well.
For load balancers, you have more options in some areas over traffic manager profiles but it really does depend on your requirements.
Personally I use traffic manager profiles for providing access to IaaS VMs.

How to apply custom domain to Azure Linux server

New to Azure.
I need to point a custom domain to a Linux based Resource Group (Not sure if Resource Group is correct nomenclature).
Here are my steps.
I created a new Linux Virtual machine. (works great!)
It has a built in url: http://mysite.cloudapp.net/. This was
provided during the creation of the resource by Azure, is publicly
available, and works great. I want to customize the url and could
not find any DNS type settings for this particular resource.
In order to customize the domain I created a new Web App and pointed
it to the MySite Resource group, purchased a new domain
(MyAwesomeSite.com) within Azure and associated it to
the Web App. My hope here was that the new domain would magically
point to the MySite resource, it didn't.
When I go to the new url (MyAwesomeSite.com) I see a standard 'Web app successfully
created' message not the Linux server.
Can someone point me in the right direction.
You're misunderstanding some things. Resource groups are simply a container and don't have runtime implications. A Web App is a completely different resource from a VM, it is just an self-contained website, and doesn't affect the VM at all.
To give your VM a custom domain name: make sure your Linux VM has a public IP address, and then go to your registrar and create an A record to that IP Address with host #. Then create a CNAME record with host www to whatever the URL of the machine given by Azure is.
This should work although you may need to change your Apache or Nginx config.
Ok 2 things here, you have 2 resources here
1. A Linux VM
2. A Web App - which is a PAAS based service
Both provide a default URL from azure
your site could be at either , I am not sure where but lets wager that you have it at the LinuxVM which has this default url all you need to do is go to your domain provider and create a CName which points to the "Azure Default URL" of this VM and then go to the Dashboard->Configure->Manage Domains and provide the CNAME here.
These steps do well if you are using manage.windowsazure.com , if you are using the portal.azure.com then select your app or the VM - go to settings->Routing->customdomains & SSL settings.
This link should be able to help you http://candordeveloper.com/2013/04/16/how-to-forward-a-godaddy-domain-to-azure/
Know more about VM and Webapps
1. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/choose-web-site-cloud-service-vm/
2. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-dotnet-create-visual-studio-powershell/

How To setup Azure DNS server

I want to change name-server of my domain, but Azure websites services only offer CNAME and not name-server, Somebody told me we can host our DNS on Azure using virtual machine,, So anybody here which can provide all steps to create DNS server on Azure and how to setup name-servers out of it?
This isn't a direct answer to your question but more a suggestion.
You can host your DNS records in Azure using Azure DNS (currently in public preview).
Here are some more information about the service https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/dns/ and steps required to get the service working https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/dns-getstarted-create-dnszone/.
