How to apply custom domain to Azure Linux server - azure

New to Azure.
I need to point a custom domain to a Linux based Resource Group (Not sure if Resource Group is correct nomenclature).
Here are my steps.
I created a new Linux Virtual machine. (works great!)
It has a built in url: This was
provided during the creation of the resource by Azure, is publicly
available, and works great. I want to customize the url and could
not find any DNS type settings for this particular resource.
In order to customize the domain I created a new Web App and pointed
it to the MySite Resource group, purchased a new domain
( within Azure and associated it to
the Web App. My hope here was that the new domain would magically
point to the MySite resource, it didn't.
When I go to the new url ( I see a standard 'Web app successfully
created' message not the Linux server.
Can someone point me in the right direction.

You're misunderstanding some things. Resource groups are simply a container and don't have runtime implications. A Web App is a completely different resource from a VM, it is just an self-contained website, and doesn't affect the VM at all.
To give your VM a custom domain name: make sure your Linux VM has a public IP address, and then go to your registrar and create an A record to that IP Address with host #. Then create a CNAME record with host www to whatever the URL of the machine given by Azure is.
This should work although you may need to change your Apache or Nginx config.

Ok 2 things here, you have 2 resources here
1. A Linux VM
2. A Web App - which is a PAAS based service
Both provide a default URL from azure
your site could be at either , I am not sure where but lets wager that you have it at the LinuxVM which has this default url all you need to do is go to your domain provider and create a CName which points to the "Azure Default URL" of this VM and then go to the Dashboard->Configure->Manage Domains and provide the CNAME here.
These steps do well if you are using , if you are using the then select your app or the VM - go to settings->Routing->customdomains & SSL settings.
This link should be able to help you
Know more about VM and Webapps


DNS Transfer from Plesk Domain Controller to Azure

Good Afternoon,
after 2-3 Days trying to move my Domain from a Webhoster to Azure, i need your Help.
My actual Webhoster has Plesk. Over Plesk i can access and change all the DNS Entrys.
Based on this Walkthrough i'll have created 4 Entrys at my actual WebHoster and the Verification of the Domain is allright. When i run the command
nslookup -type=SOA #mydomain# i see a azure dns.
After that i wanted to create a Test App in Azure. Based on the above Walkthroughs i managed to set my Custom Domain for my App Service. I made this Settings at my old WebHoster and in my newly created DNS-Zone in Azure.
So far so good. So I have deactivated the local DNS Service in Plesk in order to move on to Azure that should manage my DNS now. So i'll have deleted the Custom Domain in my App Service and created it again but this time it should point to my Azure DNS. But in the Creation Dialog of Creating a Custom Domain it tells me that im not the owner of the Domain.
Im confused and floating somwhere in the Dark. Could some guys point to the right direction. Do i have to do additional Entrys in the Azure DNS?
I hope someone can understand my bad Descriptions :).
Thanks for every help
After you host your domain in Azure DNS, you only need to manage your DNS entry in the Azure DNS zone.
Thus, in the step of migrating an active DNS name to Azure App Service, you can create domain verification records in the Azure DNS zone.
Then you also need to add the custom domain to the web app and remap the active DNS records via A or CNAME record following that steps in the document.
Thanks Nancy for the answer.
i could solve the Problem. I found this ?-Button in Plesk that let you test the DNS-Zone on the Nameserver. There was an ip poping up that does not belong to an A-Reccord. But the weird thing is thtat this Ip-Adress also did not belong to the App-Service IP.
But as soon as i added this Ip everything went fine and is working now.

How to set custom domain name for nodejs app hosting on azure linux VM

I am hosting my nodejs project on microsoft azure. Now i wanted do custom domain but i don't know how to do, I have external go daddy domain.
Presently my project running on azure vm's default domain, now I wanted to change my goDaddy domain. How can I do that, Can anyone help to do this
below is my vm's configuration.
According to your description, we can add A record to map your domain name to this VM's public IP address, or you can add CNAME to map your domian name to this VM's
About add an A record.
More information about add a record, strong textplease refer to this link.

Using custom domain for an IIS app running on Azure VM

Sent from my Windows 10 phone
I have a problem in seeing up a custom finding to reach the website which is running on Azure VM.
Recently I have set up a new VM on Azure Virtual Network and let it run an php application as IIS. I have successfully configured custom DNS label so I can reach to the website with "".
However, I can't well get a way to set up a custom domain, for example, "". I made some search and managed to create a new DNS Zone, and then I also added a CNAME record, which is shown in the attached image, to it.
But I can't reach to the site. I know it is probably matter of course since I didn't configure DNS registrar. Also I haven't yet purchased the domain.
I think I made some mistake in my procedure. Could anyone point out what is wrong?
The problem is that your machine is not using the Azure DNS nameservers by default. You should add the CNAME/A records in your domain registrar's records, not in Azure DNS.

Where is the web url of my VM?

I'm trying to create a web server with a VM.
I installed IIS and am trying to follow this guide to add a CNAME record and use my custom domain name to point to my VM. However I can't find the web url of my VM as explained here:
What is the correct way to setup a domain name to point to a VM on Azure?
You are looking at the wrong documentation, the article is for PaaS services, not for an IaaS vm.
For example look here for more info on setting the NEtwork Security Group NSG: IIS/HTTP Endpoint on Azure VM (non-classic)

is there a way to change DNS name in windows Azure

I setup my VM in windows Azure, and I didn't fully understand how it would all work together at the time, so I gave my cloud service a weird DNS name, and now I want to change it. Is there a way to change my DNS name? I really don't wanna have to delete my whole cloud service and all my VMs just to change the cloud service DNS. I know I can use a custom domain with CNAME or A Records, but that only affects production and forwarding etc... I want my DNS to have a different name. Is that possible? Or do I have to delete everything and start over from the beginning?
It's currently impossible to change the name without deleting and recreating the service. I think this is because they have to reserve expensive (DNS) resources dynamically and they try to minimize the strain on these systems, but this is pure speculation.
It's an old post but I can help someone else.
When you created the VM (Cloud Service), it was automatically created a separated Storage. So you can create another Cloud Service - with the new name you want - using this Storage and delete the old one. I've already made it successfully.
Also, you can target an IP with a name from any domain name registration service.
For example, if on Azure you created a site called and you would rather it be, you can do the following:
1) register a name anywhere (here's a search all ready for you: )
2) find the ip address of your server on azure
3) enter that ip address as the target on the website of the domain name registration site.
