Synchronization between Spark RDD partitions - apache-spark

Say that I have an RDD with 3 partitions and I want to run each executor/ worker in a sequence, such that, after partition 1 has been computed, then partition 2 can be computed, and after 2 is computed, finally, partition 3 can be computed. The reason I need this synchronization is because each partition has a dependency on some computation of a previous partition. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this type of synchronization does not appear to be well suited for the Spark framework.
I have pondered opening a JDBC connection in each worker task node as illustrated below:
rdd.foreachPartition( partition => {
// 1. open jdbc connection
// 2. poll database for the completion of dependent partition
// 3. read dependent edge case value from computed dependent partition
// 4. compute this partition
// 5. write this edge case result to database
// 6. close connection
I have even pondered using accumulators, picking the acc value up in the driver, and then re-broadcasting a value so the appropriate worker can start computation, but apparently broadcasting doesn't work like this, i.e., once you have shipped the broadcast variable through foreachPartition, you cannot re-broadcast a different value.

Synchronization is not really an issue. Problem is that you want to use a concurrency layer to achieve this and as a result you get completely sequential execution. No to mention that by pushing changes to the database just to fetch these back on another worker means you get not benefits of in-memory processing. In the current form it doesn't make sense to use Spark at all.
Generally speaking if you want to achieve synchronization in Spark you should think in terms of transformations. Your question is rather sketchy but you can try something like this:
Create first RDD with data from the first partition. Process in parallel and optionally push results outside
Compute differential buffer
Create second RDD with data from the second partition. Merge with differential buffer from 2, process, optionally push results to database.
Back to 2. and repeat
What do you gain here? First of all you can utilize your whole cluster. Moreover partial results are kept in memory and don't have to be transfered back and forth between the workers and the database.


Asynchronous object sharing in Spark

I have a very basic understanding about spark and I am trying to find something that can help me achieve the following :
Have a Pool of objects shared over all the nodes, asynchronously.
What I am thinking of currently, is, lets say there are ten nodes numbered from 1 to 10.
If I have a single object, I will have to make my object synchronous in order for it to be accessible by any node. I do not want that.
Second option is, I can have a pool of say 10 objects.
I want to write my code in such a way that the node number 1 always uses the object number 1, the node number 2 always uses the object number 2 and so on..
A sample approach would be, before performing a task, get the thread ID and use the object number (threadID % 10). This would result in a lot of collisions and would not work.
Is there a way that I can somehow get a nodeID or processID, and make my code fetch an object according to that ID ? Or some other way to have an asynchronous pool of objects on my cluster?
I apologize if it sounds trivial, I am just getting started and cannot find a lot of resources pertaining to my doubt online.
PS : I am using a SparkStreaming + Kafka + YARN setup if it matters.
Spark automatically partitions the data across all available cluster nodes; you don't need to control or keep track of where the partitions are actually stored. Some RDD operations also require shuffling which is fully managed by Spark, so you can't rely on the layout of the partitions.
Sharing an object only makes sense if it's immutable. Each worker node receives a copy of the original object, and any local changes to it will not be reflected on other nodes. If that's what you need, you can use sc.broadcast() to efficiently distribute an object across all workers prior to a parallel operation.

Hazelcast - when a new cluster member is merging, is the new member operational?

When a new member joins a cluster, table repartitioning and data merge will happen.
If the data is large, I believe it will take some time. While it is happening, what is the state of the cache like?
If I am using embedded mode, does it block my application until the merging is completed? or if I don't want to work with an incomplete cache, do I need to wait (somehow) before starting my application operations?
Partition migration will start as soon as the member joins the cluster. It will not block your application because it will progress asynchronously in the background.
Only mutating operations that fall into a migrating partition are blocked. Read-only operations are not blocked.
Mutating operations will get PartitionMigrationException which is a RetryableHazelcastException so they will be retried for default 2 minutes. If you have small partition sizes, then migration of a partition will last shorter. You can increase partition count via system property hazelcast.partition.count.
If you want to block your application until all migrations finish, you can check isClusterSafe method to make sure there are no migrating partitions in the cluster. But beware that isClusterSafe returns the status of the cluster rather than current member so it might not be something to rely on. Instead, I would recommend not to block the application while partitions are migrating.

Cassandra : Batch write optimisation

I get bulk write request for let say some 20 keys from client.
I can either write them to C* in one batch or write them individually in async way and wait on future to get them completed.
Writing in batch does not seem to be a goo option as per documentation as my insertion rate will be high and if keys belong to different partitions co-ordinators will have to do extra work.
Is there a way in datastax java driver with which I can group keys
which could belong to same partition and then club them into small
batches and then do invidual unlogged batch write in async. IN that
way i make less rpc calls to server at the same time coordinator will
have to write locally. I will be using token aware policy.
Your idea is right, but there is no built-in way, you usually do that manually.
Main rule here is to use TokenAwarePolicy, so some coordination would happen on driver side.
Then, you could group your requests by equality of partition key, that would probably be enough, depending on your workload.
What I mean by 'grouping by equality of partition key` is e.g. you have some data that looks like
MyData { partitioningKey, clusteringKey, otherValue, andAnotherOne }
Then when inserting several such objects, you group them by MyData.partitioningKey. It is, for all existsing paritioningKey values, you take all objects with same partitioningKey, and wrap them in BatchStatement. Now you have several BatchStatements, so just execute them.
If you wish to go further and mimic cassandra hashing, then you should look at cluster metadata via getMetadata method in com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster class, there is method getTokenRanges and compare them to result of Murmur3Partitioner.getToken or any other partitioner you configured in cassandra.yaml. I've never tried that myself though.
So, I would recommend to implement first approach, and then benchmark your application. I'm using that approach myself, and on my workload it works far better than without batches, let alone batches without grouping.
Logged batches should be used carefully in Cassandra becase they impose additional overhead. It also depends on the partition keys distribution. If your bulk write targets a single partition then using Unlogged batch results in a single insert operation.
In general, writing them invidually in async manner seems to be a good aproach as pointed here:
You can find sample code on the above site how to handle multiple async writes:
please read this also:
What does a single partition batch cost?
There’s no batch log written for single partition batches. The
coordinator doesn’t have any extra work (as for multi partition
writes) because everything goes into a single partition. Single
partition batches are optimized: they are applied with a single
RowMutation [10].
In a few words: single partition batches don’t put much more load on
the server than normal writes.
What does a multi partition batch cost?
Let me just quote Christopher Batey, because he has summarized this
very well in his post “Cassandra anti-pattern: Logged batches” [3]:
Cassandra [is first] writing all the statements to a batch log. That
batch log is replicated to two other nodes in case the coordinator
fails. If the coordinator fails then another replica for the batch log
will take over. [..] The coordinator has to do a lot more work than
any other node in the cluster.
Again, in bullets what has to be done:
serialize the batch statements
write the serialized batch to the batch log system table
replicate of this serialized batch to 2 nodes
coordinate writes to nodes holding the different partitions
on success remove the serialized batch from the batch log (also on the 2 replicas)
Remember that unlogged batches for multiple partitions are deprecated since Cassandra 2.1.6

Concurrent operations in spark streaming

I wanted to understand something about the internals of spark streaming executions.
If I have a stream X, and in my program I send stream X to function A and function B:
In function A, I do a few transform/filter operations etc. on X->Y->Z to create stream Z. Now I do a forEach Operation on Z and print the output to a file.
Then in function B, I reduce stream X -> X2 (say min value of each RDD), and print the output to file
Are both functions being executed for each RDD in parallel? How does it work?
--- Comments from Spark Community ----
I am adding comments from the spark community -
If you execute the collect step (foreach in 1, possibly reduce in 2) in two threads in the driver then both of them will be executed in parallel. Whichever gets submitted to Spark first gets executed first - you can use a semaphore if you need to ensure the ordering of execution, though I would assume that the ordering wouldn't matter.
#Eswara's answer is seems right but it does not apply to your use case as your separate transformation DAG's (X->Y->Z and X->X2) have a common DStream ancestor in X. This means that when the actions are run to trigger each of these flows, the transformation X->Y and the transformation X->X2 cannot happen at the same time. What will happen is the partitions for RDD X will be either computed or loaded from memory (if cached) for each of these transformations separately in a non-parallel manner.
Ideally what would happen is that the transformation X->Y would resolve and then the transformations Y->Z and X->X2 would finish in parallel as there is no shared state between them. I believe Spark's pipelining architecture would optimize for this. You can ensure faster computation on X->X2 by persisting DStream X so that it can be loaded from memory rather than being recomputed or being loaded from disk. See here for more information on persistence.
What would be interesting is if you could provide the replication storage levels *_2 (e.g. MEMORY_ONLY_2 or MEMORY_AND_DISK_2) to be able to run transformations concurrently on the same source. I think those storage levels are currently only useful against lost partitions right now, as the duplicate partition will be processed in place of the lost one.
It's similar to spark's execution model which uses DAGs and lazy evaluation except that streaming runs the DAG repeatedly on each fresh batch of data.
In your case, since the DAGs(or sub-DAGs of larger DAG if one prefers to call that way) required to finish each action(each of the 2 foreachs you have) do not have common links all the way back till source, they run completely in parallel.The streaming application as a whole gets X executors(JVMs) and Y cores(threads) per executor allotted at the time of application submission to resource manager.At any time, a given task(i.e., thread) in X*Y tasks will be executing a part or whole of one of these DAGs.Note that any 2 given threads of an application, whether in same executor or otherwise, can execute different actions of the same application at the same time.

reducer concept in Spark

I'm coming from a Hadoop background and have limited knowledge about Spark. BAsed on what I learn so far, Spark doesn't have mapper/reducer nodes and instead it has driver/worker nodes. The worker are similar to the mapper and driver is (somehow) similar to reducer. As there is only one driver program, there will be one reducer. If so, how simple programs like word count for very big data sets can get done in spark? Because driver can simply run out of memory.
The driver is more of a controller of the work, only pulling data back if the operator calls for it. If the operator you're working on returns an RDD/DataFrame/Unit, then the data remains distributed. If it returns a native type then it will indeed pull all of the data back.
Otherwise, the concept of map and reduce are a bit obsolete here (from a type of work persopective). The only thing that really matters is whether the operation requires a data shuffle or not. You can see the points of shuffle by the stage splits either in the UI or via a toDebugString (where each indentation level is a shuffle).
All that being said, for a vague understanding, you can equate anything that requires a shuffle to a reducer. Otherwise it's a mapper.
Last, to equate to your word count example:
.flatMap(_.split(" "))
.map((_, 1))
In the above, this will be done in one stage as the data loading (textFile), splitting(flatMap), and mapping can all be done independent of the rest of the data. No shuffle is needed until the reduceByKey is called as it will need to combine all of the data to perform the operation...HOWEVER, this operation has to be associative for a reason. Each node will perform the operation defined in reduceByKey locally, only merging the final data set after. This reduces both memory and network overhead.
NOTE that reduceByKey returns an RDD and is thus a transformation, so the data is shuffled via a HashPartitioner. All of the data does NOT pull back to the driver, it merely moves to nodes that have the same keys so that it can have its final value merged.
Now, if you use an action such as reduce or worse yet, collect, then you will NOT get an RDD back which means the data pulls back to the driver and you will need room for it.
Here is my fuller explanation of reduceByKey if you want more. Or how this breaks down in something like combineByKey
