Can I use old kernel module on newer kernel version - linux

I'm trying to replace centos 6.6 system with centos 7.2, but my kernel module for centos 6.6(kernel 2.6.32) dose not work on centos 7.2(kernel 3.10.0).
There is no source code and I am just a server engineer, not a programmer.
Could you please help me... is there any good solution?
For example, kernel module converter 2.6.32 => 3.10.0, or some hacks to force loading old kernel module...

You can, depending on the kernels.
You can also force load it. But if you force load it your system might crash, depending on how you do it.
I tried that with mint 17 and mint 18.


Compiling 2.4.20 kernel in (CentOS 6.5) 2.6.32 kernel

My target system running on top of 2.4.20 Linux kernel. Till now my host environment also has been running on the same kernel. Now i am planning to change my Host Environment to Cent OS 6.5 which is running on 2.6.32 kernel. What is the best way to successfully compile kernel 2.4.20 on it? How to customize my host environment to compile my old kernel?
It's very hard to compile 2.4.20 on CentOS 6.5.
The 2.4.20 kernel need gcc-2.95.3 and binutils- which are very obsolete. Besides, gcc-2.95.3 may need an older version of glibc which is impossible to be installed on CentOS 6.5. If you really need to compile kernel-2.4.20, you can download RedHat 7.3 (released in 2001) and use this system to compile the old kernel.

Update linux kernel to > 3.15-rc5 and still use CentOS 6.5

I am running CentOS 6.5 on top of Linux kernel 2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.x86_64
I got a warning from my vserver hoster that I need to upgrade to a Linux kernel > 3.15-rc5 because there is a security breach that would allow my server to be taken over.
I did a yumupgrade, but it wouldn't upgrade the kernel to a higher version than 2.6.32-358.6.1.el6.x86_64.
Currently I am confused about how to go on.
Could anybody tell me what is going on and how he would act in my position?
Thank you!
That kernel is a development kernel and will likely require you compile from source to install it. Upgrading from kernel 2.6 to 3.1n will likely break a bunch of packages also. The upgrade path for 3.1n in CentOS would be to upgrade to CentOS7 and then compile that kernel yourself.
CentOS backports security fixes and I certainly haven't heard anything about any security bug, and we manage like 150 centos servers. I would ask your host to specify what the security bug is and which patch applied in the 3.15-rc5 kernel fixes it. Who's the host?
I'm using CentOS 6.5 and have no problem using the ElRepo Long term kernel (currently 3.10.x).
Upgrading was just a case of
yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install kernel-lt
and rebooting.

Install 2.4.33 kernel in Debian Wheezy

I need to install old kernel into Kali (Debian like) distro. I need to run program which requires older kernel.
I downloaded kernel but the installation gives me too many errors. I was reading similar topics and watch the videos, but so far I am not successful.
I do not have experience with kernels. Is there .deb package for kernels or any other easier way to do it?
Can I use such old kernel for this distribution?
Thank you
The 2.4.33 kernel is pretty old. According to Debian's packaging files installing that old a kernel doesn't seem to be doable in wheezy. Attempting to install and run an old kernel outside the packaging system is not going to to work. All the "modern" libraries and applications will be broken when running the 2.4 kernel, as will the program (you need more than just a kernel for your program). If it were me, I'd set up a virtualization environment like VirtualBox or something similar and pick an old distro like CentOS 3.9 or an older Debian release (sarge or later). If that's not an option, you could always try and port the program to a more recent kernel.

make-kpkg not working in Fedora 20

I have been working with Linux kernel, compiling and inserting modules, in my custom kernels. Previously I had Ubuntu where I had been working with my custom kernel and all the commands for compiling and installing kernel worked like a charm once I had installed all the required libraries.
Now I have switched over to Fedora 20, here I want to install my custom kernel and for that I downloaded all possible kernel tools, namely, Kernel Development Kernel Tools these are group installs and other libraries that I downloaded were ia32 libraries (as I am working on 64-bit OS), kernel-devel package. Still I am not able to work with make-kpkg command. It says bash: make-kpkg: command not found....
I googled out and did everything I could.
Can anyone get me out of this trouble?
make-kpkg is a Debian kernel packaging tool. It does not exist on RHEL family distributions, such as Fedora.
Please refer to the Fedora documentation page "Building a custom kernel" for the correct procedure. (I have not reproduced it here as it is rather long, and I'm not sure how far you may have gotten.)
The make-kpkg tool is part of the 'kernel-package' package on Debian systems. It is a Debian tool to produce debian package files. Ubuntu is based on Debian and has this tool. However, Fedora uses a different system to manage packages. So, make-kpkg would not be available on Fedora.

kdb debugging in Ubuntu 11.04

in kernel module programming how we can debug using Kdb? I tried with ubuntu 11.04 but I am not getting correct kdb patch for 2.6.38 kernel version so can any one suggest how to proceed
with kdb debugging under this kernel version?
KDB must be turned on in your kernel. I suspect it is compiled off on Ubuntu default release.
Here the details. I expecting you know how to rebuild kernel.
