Not able to generate DKIM record for .net domain in google app - dns

I'm using google apps for mail service. I have generated and submitted DKIM records for .co and .in domains successfully. But I'm not able to generate DKIM record for .net domain (say It shows an error we are unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later. (Error #1000). I have tried this for 2 .net domains. Both provide the same error. I have tried using in different browser and different machine, and the results are the same.
I am not sure if the issue is with the .net domain or if this is just a coincidence.

Had the same issue today (setup of DKIM on a new GSuite domain) and chatted with Google Support about it.
They pointed me to the following quote on the DKIM setup process.
Important: After you create your G Suite account and turn on Gmail, you must wait 24–72 hours before you can generate a DKIM domain key.
So you'll need to wait 24 - 72 hours after setup of the GSuite account before you can set up DKIM.
I also asked the support person whether I could get access to submit this as a product request (that the DKIM setup is prevented before this time) and he gave me access to the G Suite Feature Ideas (customers only) Cloud Connect Community. I've posted this as a feature suggestion there - upvote if you think this is needed! (needs login):
Preview Screenshot:

I had a "Google Apps for Work" account and wanted to setup DKIM for Google Apps email and another provider and I couldn't do it. I contacted Google Apps support and they said it was a bug with no immediate plans to fix it.
I got the same useless error code you did. I'm disappointed in Google about this. They just leave the broken submit form up, leaving it to the user to contact support to find out it's broken with no plans to fix it.
I'm going to cancel my paying google apps account.

I experienced the same error message when I tried to set up DKIM immediately after signing up for GSuite. It worked when I re-tried about two days later.


Issue when trying to create a sendgrid account on azure server

I am trying to use sendgrid on azure, but when I am creating the account, it gives me an error saying:
The portal is having issues getting an authentication token. The experience rendered may be degraded.
Additional information from the call to get a token:
Extension: SendGrid_EmailService
Details: code: 500, statusText: error, message: There was an error processing your request. Please try again in a few moments., stack:
It has been giving me this since morning, pretty annoyed. And also it disables two fields, and marks them as loading:
Screenshot of the two fields marked as loading (For a very long time)
Since sendgrid wasnt working I thought I'd try and use SparkPost- The signup was successful, but its been taking hours to deploy.
Then I thought of manually configuring the smtp settings so the host and user and stuff could be sendgrid, but I wasnt able to find a way to do so.
Could someone help me out please! Thanks in advance!!
EDIT: This problem has been solved by the Microsoft Team.
Looks like SendGrid has some technical problems. You should check first SendGrid official support website if this is the issue. I was using SendGrid for a while, but I had to move to another solution. When you are registering SendGrid account via Azure you getting standard SendGrid plan. That means that you are sending your mails through shared SendGrid IPs. This is probably ok for marketing emails, but if you intend to send any transactional emails like password reset, bills etc you will end up eventually with tearing your hair off the head, because shared SendGrid IPs are in most existing spam blacklists out there.
SendGrid app status
I was able to enter to SendGrid using the following steps from Aaryaman Maheshwari in this comment:
Steps from Aaryaman's answer:
Step 1: In order to find ur username for SendGrid, first, go to the
SendGrid resource and then click properties. Now copy the resource id.
Step 2: Now, in the azure online shell, open bash and type the
following command: az resource show --ids [THE COPIED RESOURCE ID]
Make sure to replace [THE COPIED RESOURCE ID] with the resource Id you
copied in step 1
Step 3: In the json string that the terminal outputs, look for the
username property and note that down
Step 4: After you do that you can manually go to and then
enter the username you just retrieved and then the password which you
used to sign up with.
Thanks Aaryaman Maheshwari
In order to incresase security, Sendgrid has recently requested to enable 2 factors authentication to connect to your account (it started one or two weeks ago).
Since this moment, the "automatic" connection from Azure to Sendgrid stopped to succes, and we have the same 500 error.
Also, "basic authentication" (username / password) will stop to work (starting from 10 decemeber I believe) in your api.
I'm not sure this is the reason, but it happens at the same time ;)
Just to update:
There was bug identified on Azure Portal and our product engineering team have fixed the issue.
Provisioning SendGrid account via and managing works as expected.
The alternate URL was shared during the impact and is no longer required to be used.
We had a discussion on Q&A thread. Once again apologies for all the inconvenience. Much appreciate the follow-up and great collaboration.

Phone sign up and sign in custom policy in Azure ADB2C does not work

I attempted to implement the custom policy to allow phone authentication while setting up Azure ADb2c for my application and tried to follow the instructions present here -
I completed the prerequisites and believe I have everything setup correctly, but when i try to run the custom policy B2C_1A_SignUpOrSignInWithPhone, I receive a message to my phone number (based out of india) with the verification code, but when I enter the verification code into the browser, i receive an HTTP 400 with too many requests and I'm not sure why. How do I ensure that this feature will be functional if I implement it into my application. Has anyone else faced this issue ? (tried incognito as well)
Looks like the file "Phone_Email_Base.xml" needed to be edited to include the tenant name in the two and tags. This was not mentioned in the tutorial and therefore took a bit of time to figure out why. I will be forwarding this to microsoft so that they can fix in their documentation.

Why do all of my Linux based email clients fail to authenticate using imap gmail?

I have tried to set up every email client available for linux, ubuntu 14.04 and each and every one fails. I'm looking to find what the common element is that causes authentication to fail in each and every instance. Is it because google has changed their authentication algorithm and nobody has kept up with the changes?
It seems that Google, sometime late in 2014 started blocking apps that are using IMAP/SMTP PLAIN authentication by default. It also seems no Linux email client has addressed this change (at least that as far as I have found).
It had only affected me recently. The change only propagated to me now, in February of 2016. I found this out by attempting to install one email client after the other; kmail, evolution, claws, sylpheed, thunderbird. Finally, after reading Gmail blocking mutt I found out that my mail account had been tampered with by Google to reject anything other than OAuth. One way to fix this is to
Allow less secure apps: ON
in the "My Account" settings.
I received a very nice email from Microsoft Google expressing their dismay that I would choose anything other than their email client to access my gmail account:
Hi ... ,
You recently changed your security settings so that your Google Account is no longer protected by modern security standards.
Please be aware that it is now easier for an attacker to break into your account. You can make your account safer again by undoing this change here, then switching to apps made by Google such as Gmail to access your account.
Don't recognize this activity?
Review your recently used devices now.
The Google Accounts team [emphasis mine]
Apparently the only "modern security standards" are Google's security standards. And for why the above is FUD see:
What are the dangers of allowing “less secure apps” to access my Google account?
Also, lmao, apparently "business users" of gmail do not need this security "improvement." I assume this is so because Google does not want to really make a needed security change (otherwise why leave business users out of this), but rather to strong-arm Mom and Pop into using their email software.
Bad Google.

Email Messaging module is not working on azure

I have deployed Orchard on azure and enable Email Messaging module. Enabling says it enables successfully and asks for email settings. I provided it the mail server setting. Strange thing is, User setting does not show me the settings which are dependent on email messaging module (Contact us email address and public site name) and does not show me ("Lost your password") link . Also I have built a module which sends email. This module is not sending email.
Same orchard package works fine and also email on my dev server with same mail server settngs(gmail smtp settings.) But email is not working on azure.
What am i Missing ?
Just FYI for anyone else who visits this Question, I just got this working from Azure using the gmail SMTP server without any third party add-ons. I simply added the following SMTP details:
Then used the contact form to send an email to myself. The first email gives me an alert to my gmail account:
Hi Simon,
Someone recently tried to use an application to sign in to your Google Account -
We prevented the sign-in attempt in case this was a hijacker trying to access your account. Please review the details of the sign-in attempt:
Monday, April 8, 2013 9:33:46 PM UTC
IP Address:
Location: United States
...blah blah blah
If this was you, and you are having trouble accessing your account, complete the troubleshooting steps listed at
Following the link give you the option to allow an application to login with your credentials. Just follow the link in step 3 and then you have 10 minutes to send another email from your orchard site. The next test message I received without issue.
Got it. Windows Azure itself does not allow sending email neither it allows to use SMTP. WE have to use third party email service like PostMark,SendGrid etc
So, I'm just curious how does WordPress, installed on Windows Azure (gallery), able to send emails?
There are still too many different suggestions on the subject so i thought i should write what I've found useful. Here's what i did to get it to work:
My SMTP settings:
Sender address:
Port: 587 (25 will also do)
SSL Communications: Checked
Credentials: My Gmail address and my password
These settings should work on your local environment just fine. But on the cloud you may need to do the following:
As your Azure VM may be at some arbitrary location, Gmail marks the login attempts as suspicious and blocks them. If this is the case, you should see a mail informing you about this suspicious activity in your inbox. Just follow the instructions there and mark the login as trusted. It will remain that way until somehow your IP on the cloud changes (e.g. deleting your deployment slot). VM relocation shouldn't be an issue since the IP still remains the same. You may have to do this separately for your staging and production slots.
Lastly, I enabled full trust for my web role as shown here:
I hope this helps others having this problem.
No more third-party with GitLab 15.5 (October 2022):
Deliver emails using Microsoft Graph API with client credentials flow
If you’ve enabled security defaults in Azure AD,
legacy authentication protocols for SMTP are blocked.
You can now configure your GitLab instance to deliver emails using
Microsoft Graph API
with OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow.
See Epic, Documentation and Merge Request.
The gitlab.rb would include:
gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_enabled'] = true
# The unique identifier for the user. To use Microsoft Graph on behalf of the user.
gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_user_id'] = "YOUR_USER_ID"
# The directory tenant the application plans to operate against, in GUID or domain-name format.
gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_tenant'] = "YOUR_TENANT_ID"
# The application ID that's assigned to your app. You can find this information in the portal where you registered your app.
gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_client_id'] = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"
# The client secret that you generated for your app in the app registration portal.
gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_client_secret'] = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET_ID"
gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_azure_ad_endpoint'] = ""
gitlab_rails['microsoft_graph_mailer_graph_endpoint'] = ""

Azure - Unable To Get SQL Azure Invitation Code!

I'm trying to convert my Silverlight Business Application over to the cloud with the help of Azure. I have been following this link from Brad Abrams blog.
Both the links to Windows Azure and SQL Azure crash out in Google Chrome, they work in Internet Explorer, but it's literally one of the worst user experiences I've ever had.
The Problem
I'm asked to sign in to Microsoft connect with my Live ID.
I do so, I'm then asked to register; I do so.
I'm then sent a verification email which I verify.
I'm then signed out!
When I sign back in, it repeats the process....
Any suggestions for making this work?
Finally managed to get signed up/in to connect. From here I was able to get hold of an invitation code to Windows Azure. Now I need an invitation code for SQL Azure. I cannot see ANYWHERE that advertises a way of getting this SQL Azure code, the only thing that I have seen is some text saying that there "may be a delay" in receiving codes due to volume of interest, which quite frankly I find hard to believe.........
It's so far been 3 days now. This officially sucks!
If I have any more news I'll post back here.
I eventually gave up and emailed the support team moaning about the poor service, got an email invitation code about a day later :-D
Let me assure you that the Windows Azure Portal itself works fine under Chrome... Connect however doesn't.
I'm not sure at what point of the process you're getting stuck. Is it registering for Connect? Or have you gotten far enough that you're filling in a survey to get access to Windows Azure?
If it's as early as registering for Connect, I would contact Connect Support:
Thats funny. I have just received an SQL Azure October CTP invitation that doesn't work.
But after 3 weeks i still dont have a Windows Azure invitation code. From where Im standing, the Azure registration process appears to be a jumbled mess.
As of Jan 4th SQL Azure (as well as Windows Azure) is now open to all users to register and SQL Azure no longer require tokens. For more details on this please see the blog post.
