Azure - Unable To Get SQL Azure Invitation Code! - azure

I'm trying to convert my Silverlight Business Application over to the cloud with the help of Azure. I have been following this link from Brad Abrams blog.
Both the links to Windows Azure and SQL Azure crash out in Google Chrome, they work in Internet Explorer, but it's literally one of the worst user experiences I've ever had.
The Problem
I'm asked to sign in to Microsoft connect with my Live ID.
I do so, I'm then asked to register; I do so.
I'm then sent a verification email which I verify.
I'm then signed out!
When I sign back in, it repeats the process....
Any suggestions for making this work?
Finally managed to get signed up/in to connect. From here I was able to get hold of an invitation code to Windows Azure. Now I need an invitation code for SQL Azure. I cannot see ANYWHERE that advertises a way of getting this SQL Azure code, the only thing that I have seen is some text saying that there "may be a delay" in receiving codes due to volume of interest, which quite frankly I find hard to believe.........
It's so far been 3 days now. This officially sucks!
If I have any more news I'll post back here.

I eventually gave up and emailed the support team moaning about the poor service, got an email invitation code about a day later :-D

Let me assure you that the Windows Azure Portal itself works fine under Chrome... Connect however doesn't.
I'm not sure at what point of the process you're getting stuck. Is it registering for Connect? Or have you gotten far enough that you're filling in a survey to get access to Windows Azure?
If it's as early as registering for Connect, I would contact Connect Support:

Thats funny. I have just received an SQL Azure October CTP invitation that doesn't work.
But after 3 weeks i still dont have a Windows Azure invitation code. From where Im standing, the Azure registration process appears to be a jumbled mess.

As of Jan 4th SQL Azure (as well as Windows Azure) is now open to all users to register and SQL Azure no longer require tokens. For more details on this please see the blog post.


Error OrganizationFromTenantGuidNotFound when accessing messages Azure

I get the error "OrganizationFromTenantGuidNotFound" while trying to access to my inbox messages.
To explain I am trying to develop an app and in this app I need to access my inbox e-mails.
So I try to use the Outlook API and for that I created an APP with all demanded permissions "Email.Read, Email.ReadBasics, Emails.ReadAll...". I have an Office 365 Family subscription, and an active paid azure subscription. My question is why getting my personal information works '/users/{user-id}' but when accessing to emails I got this error ? I read a lot of docs and never get an answer... Maybe my subscription does not get me access to Microsoft Exchange Online License, or due to my old microsoft address "" maybe it is not compatible, I dont't know, if someone can help me to clear it out, would be great. Oh, and abviously my Office 365 and Azure account are the same.
I tried, with 'client credentials flow authentication' (which give me the error 'need more privileges'), went back to Authorization Code Flow Atuhentication but then I get the OrganizationFromTenantGuidNotFound error. But only on /messages endpoint, the endpoint users/{user-id} works. Obviously I tried all threads I found, even with an Office 365 Developer account but don't really see the correlation with my problem here.

Cannot set up OAuthentication

We are trying to connect an internal application to Sharepoint 365. The goal is to read data from Sharepoint 365 lists and Excel documents. We want to take advantage of the fact we already use OAuthentication and basically our users login with their own Windows credentials. Now, to accomplish that we first need to register an application with Sharepoint which we did using this link:
After that we also need to get an authorization code for clients to login with their Windows account. We do that with this URL:
When we run that last link we get the error below:
Sorry, something went wrong
There is no claims identity. Please make sure the web application is configured to use Claims Authentication.
Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
Correlation ID: 367ee69f-5066-0000-e1ef-cee55f7b7000
As you can see, the error is not very helpful. I have done already lots of research and answers vary from lack of higher level of access, to invalid URL request. I have elevated access and the URL is well constructed. Yet the error persist.
So, my question, what is the meaning of the error? Why is not executing?
We logged a Microsoft Premier Support ticket and behold! the problem has been fixed.

Unable to add permissions to App on Azure Portal

I have created an app on Azure Portal to access some information via Microsoft Graph API but I am not able to add any permissions to it. It was working earlier but not any more. I also tried to register a new app, the app gets register but yet again the permissions could not be added.
As soon as I press the button to add the selected permissions these two popup notifications come up ..
1. Your session will end in a few minutes. You will have to refresh your browser to start a new session.
2. The portal is having issues getting an authentication token. The experience rendered may be degraded.
Additional information from the call to get a token:
Extension: Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps
This is happening since last 3 days now. I also searched on Google and found that people had similar issues earlier as well. Though I have raised a ticket on the portal for this but haven't received any reply yet.
Any help here would be very much appreciated. Also is there any way to check any logs on the portal itself. I did try to check the network logs via browser developer tools but they aren't much help.
It seems to be an issue with the Azure Portal for your region.
As #Hury Shen suggested, you should contact Azure Support for further investigation.
See how to open a support ticket on Azure portal.
Seems like there was an issue with my account address. I changed the address to one of US and it worked for me.
#Allen Wu Thanks for the suggestions. I had already asked them about it but no one replied.

Not able to generate DKIM record for .net domain in google app

I'm using google apps for mail service. I have generated and submitted DKIM records for .co and .in domains successfully. But I'm not able to generate DKIM record for .net domain (say It shows an error we are unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later. (Error #1000). I have tried this for 2 .net domains. Both provide the same error. I have tried using in different browser and different machine, and the results are the same.
I am not sure if the issue is with the .net domain or if this is just a coincidence.
Had the same issue today (setup of DKIM on a new GSuite domain) and chatted with Google Support about it.
They pointed me to the following quote on the DKIM setup process.
Important: After you create your G Suite account and turn on Gmail, you must wait 24–72 hours before you can generate a DKIM domain key.
So you'll need to wait 24 - 72 hours after setup of the GSuite account before you can set up DKIM.
I also asked the support person whether I could get access to submit this as a product request (that the DKIM setup is prevented before this time) and he gave me access to the G Suite Feature Ideas (customers only) Cloud Connect Community. I've posted this as a feature suggestion there - upvote if you think this is needed! (needs login):
Preview Screenshot:
I had a "Google Apps for Work" account and wanted to setup DKIM for Google Apps email and another provider and I couldn't do it. I contacted Google Apps support and they said it was a bug with no immediate plans to fix it.
I got the same useless error code you did. I'm disappointed in Google about this. They just leave the broken submit form up, leaving it to the user to contact support to find out it's broken with no plans to fix it.
I'm going to cancel my paying google apps account.
I experienced the same error message when I tried to set up DKIM immediately after signing up for GSuite. It worked when I re-tried about two days later.

Error 80045C17 when trying to login at Azure to manage account

Everytime I try to login im my azure account (, I keep receiving the same error 80045C17, and the error message says nothing more then ask my to try later.
I Tried Every possible browser and the same result comes everytime!
I use the same username to log at every microsoft service.
I can't even stop my sites!
How to fix this?
I was able to fix this by first signing in to and then go to . It is using your Microsoft Live login session anyway so you have to log in to anything Microsoft. For example
I think it happened to me because the azure portal was currently opened on another machine with the same account. Make sure you always sign out when you end using the Azure portal.
Alex Vezenkov
