Ask for multiple (or all) violation traces in Spin - model-checking

Is it possible to get multiple (or all) violation traces for a property using Spin?
As an example, I created the Promela model below:
byte mutex = 0;
active proctype A() {
A1: mutex==0; /* Is free? */
A2: mutex++; /* Get mutex */
A3: /* A's critical section */
A4: mutex--; /* Release mutex */
active proctype B() {
B1: mutex==0; /* Is free? */
B2: mutex++; /* Get mutex */
B3: /* B's critical section */
B4: mutex--; /* Release mutex */
ltl {[] (mutex < 2)}
It has a naive mutex implementation. One could expect that processes A and B would not reach their critical section together and I wrote an LTL expression to check that.
spin -run mutex_example.pml
shows that the property is not valid and running
spin -p -t mutex_example.pml
show the sequence of statements that violate the property.
Never claim moves to line 4 [(1)]
2: proc 1 (B:1) mutex_example.pml:11 (state 1) [((mutex==0))]
4: proc 0 (A:1) mutex_example.pml:4 (state 1) [((mutex==0))]
6: proc 1 (B:1) mutex_example.pml:12 (state 2) [mutex = (mutex+1)]
8: proc 0 (A:1) mutex_example.pml:5 (state 2) [mutex = (mutex+1)]
spin: _spin_nvr.tmp:3, Error: assertion violated
spin: text of failed assertion: assert(!(!((mutex<2))))
Never claim moves to line 3 [assert(!(!((mutex<2))))]
spin: trail ends after 9 steps
#processes: 2
mutex = 2
9: proc 1 (B:1) mutex_example.pml:14 (state 3)
9: proc 0 (A:1) mutex_example.pml:7 (state 3)
9: proc - (ltl_0:1) _spin_nvr.tmp:2 (state 6)
This shows that the sequence of statements (indicated by labels) 'B1' -> 'A1' -> 'B2' -> 'A2' violate the property but there are other interleaving options leading to that (e.g. 'A1' -> 'B1' -> 'B2' -> 'A2').
Can I ask Spin to give me multiple (or all) traces?

I doubt that you can get all violation traces in Spin.
For example, if we consider the following model, then there are infinitely many counter-examples.
byte mutex = 0;
active [2] proctype P() {
:: mutex == 0 ->
/* critical section */
ltl {[] (mutex <= 1)}
What you can do, is to use different search algorithms for your verifier, and this might yield some different counter-examples
-search (or -run) generate a verifier, and compile and run it
options before -search are interpreted by spin to parse the input
options following a -search are used to compile and run the verifier pan
valid options that can follow a -search argument include:
-bfs perform a breadth-first search
-bfspar perform a parallel breadth-first search
-bcs use the bounded-context-switching algorithm
-bitstate or -bit, use bitstate storage
-biterate use bitstate with iterative search refinement (-w18..-w35)
-swarmN,M like -biterate, but running all iterations in parallel
perform N parallel runs and increment -w every M runs
default value for N is 10, default for M is 1
-link file.c link executable pan to file.c
-collapse use collapse state compression
-hc use hash-compact storage
-noclaim ignore all ltl and never claims
-p_permute use process scheduling order permutation
-p_rotateN use process scheduling order rotation by N
-p_reverse use process scheduling order reversal
-ltl p verify the ltl property named p
-safety compile for safety properties only
-i use the dfs iterative shortening algorithm
-a search for acceptance cycles
-l search for non-progress cycles
similarly, a -D... parameter can be specified to modify the compilation
and any valid runtime pan argument can be specified for the verification


atomic_or not atomically performing operation

I have a kernel which uses a global uint array, and I want to access and change entries in that array from all threads using the atom_or function in OpenCL.
The code:
void SetMove(int c, uint m, volatile __global uint *prevmove)
uint idx = c >> 4;
uint mask = m << (2 * (c & 15));
atom_or(&prevmove[idx], mask);
I am implementing a BFS algorithm using OpenCL. This is done in 'waves', where in every wave, an array in of states is analyzed. Each GPU thread evaluates a single state, finds it's successors, and places them in a different array out. At the end of the wave the contents of out are places in in.
The prevmove array is to keep track of what action you should do in a certain state to find the goal state. The SetMove function updates prevmove when a thread finds a new state.
Now the problem is:
The results are always non-deterministic. If I would chance the atom_or operation with a normal, non atomic |= operator, the kernel behaves exactly the same. I have tested this by checking how many entries in prevmove are nonzero when the algorithm terminates. This varies everytime I run my program.
Is cause of my problem due to not implementing the atom_or correctly or is it something else?
(I have #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics : enable in my kernel).

Promela SPIN unreached in proctype error

I'm pretty new to SPIN and Promela and I came across this error when I'm trying to verify the liveness property in my models.
Error code:
unreached in proctype P
(0 of 29 states)
unreached in proctype monitor
mutex_assert.pml:39, state 1, "assert(!((mutex>1)))"
mutex_assert.pml:42, state 2, "-end-"
(2 of 2 states)
unreached in init
(0 of 3 states)
unreached in claim ltl_0
_spin_nvr.tmp:10, state 13, "-end-"
(1 of 13 states)
pan: elapsed time 0 seconds
The code is basically an implementation of Peterson's algorithm and I checked for safety and it seems to be valid. But whenever I try to validate the liveness property using the ltl {[]((wait -> <> (cs)))}, it comes up with the above errors. I'm not sure what they mean so I don't know how to proceed...
My code is as follows:
#define N 3
#define wait (P[1]#WAIT)
#define cs (P[1]#CRITICAL)
int pos[N];
int step[N];
int enter;
byte mutex;
ltl {[]((wait -> <> (cs)))}
proctype P(int i) {
int t;
int k;
for (t : 1 .. (N-1)){
pos[i] = t
step[t] = i
k = 0;
:: atomic {(k != i && k < N && (pos[k] < t|| step[t] != i)) -> k++}
:: atomic {k == i -> k++}
:: atomic {k == N -> break}
atomic {mutex++;
pos[i] = 0;
init {
atomic { run P(0); }
General Answer
This is a warning telling you that some states are unreachable due to transitions that are never taken.
In general, this is not an error, but it is a good practice to take a close look to the unreachable states for every routine that you modelled, and check that you expect none of them to be reachable. i.e. in the case the model is not correct wrt. the intended behaviour.
Note. You can use the label end: in front of a particular line of code to mark valid terminating states, so to get rid of those warnings, e.g. when your procedure does not terminate. More info here.
Specific Answer
I can not reproduce your output. In particular, by running
~$ spin -a file.pml
~$ gcc pan.c
~$ ./a.out -a
I get the following output, which is different from yours:
(Spin Version 6.4.3 -- 16 December 2014)
+ Partial Order Reduction
Full statespace search for:
never claim + (ltl_0)
assertion violations + (if within scope of claim)
acceptance cycles + (fairness disabled)
invalid end states - (disabled by never claim)
State-vector 64 byte, depth reached 47, errors: 0
41 states, stored (58 visited)
18 states, matched
76 transitions (= visited+matched)
0 atomic steps
hash conflicts: 0 (resolved)
Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
0.004 equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
0.288 actual memory usage for states
128.000 memory used for hash table (-w24)
0.534 memory used for DFS stack (-m10000)
128.730 total actual memory usage
unreached in proctype P
(0 of 29 states)
unreached in init
(0 of 3 states)
unreached in claim ltl_0
_spin_nvr.tmp:10, state 13, "-end-"
(1 of 13 states)
pan: elapsed time 0 seconds
In particular, I lack the warnings about the unreached states in the monitor process. As far as I am concerned, juding from the source code, none of the warnings I obtained is problematic.
Either you are using a different version of Spin than me, or you did not include the full source code in your question. In the latter case, could you edit your question and add the code? I'll update my answer afterwards.
EDIT: in the comments, you ask what does the following message mean: "unreached in claim ltl_0 _spin_nvr.tmp:10, state 13, "-end-"".
If you open the file _spin_nvr.tmp, you can see the following piece of Promela code, which corresponds to a Büchi automaton that accepts all and only the execution which violate your ltl property []((wait -> <> (cs))).
never ltl_0 { /* !([] ((! ((P[1]#WAIT))) || (<> ((P[1]#CRITICAL))))) */
:: (! ((! ((P[1]#WAIT)))) && ! (((P[1]#CRITICAL)))) -> goto accept_S4
:: (1) -> goto T0_init
:: (! (((P[1]#CRITICAL)))) -> goto accept_S4
The message simply warns you that the execution of this code will never reach the last closing bracket } (state "-end-"), meaning that the procedure does never terminate.

Lock-free programming: reordering and memory order semantics

I am trying to find my feet in lock-free programming. Having read different explanations for memory ordering semantics, I would like to clear up what possible reordering may happen. As far as I understood, instructions may be reordered by the compiler (due to optimization when the program is compiled) and CPU (at runtime?).
For the relaxed semantics cpp reference provides the following example:
// Thread 1:
r1 = y.load(memory_order_relaxed); // A, memory_order_relaxed); // B
// Thread 2:
r2 = x.load(memory_order_relaxed); // C, memory_order_relaxed); // D
It is said that with x and y initially zero the code is allowed to produce r1 == r2 == 42 because, although A is sequenced-before B within thread 1 and C is sequenced before D within thread 2, nothing prevents D from appearing before A in the modification order of y, and B from appearing before C in the modification order of x. How could that happen? Does it imply that C and D get reordered, so the execution order would be DABC? Is it allowed to reorder A and B?
For the acquire-release semantics there is the following sample code:
std::atomic<std::string*> ptr;
int data;
void producer()
std::string* p = new std::string("Hello");
data = 42;, std::memory_order_release);
void consumer()
std::string* p2;
while (!(p2 = ptr.load(std::memory_order_acquire)))
assert(*p2 == "Hello"); // never fires
assert(data == 42); // never fires
I'm wondering what if we used relaxed memory order instead of acquire? I guess, the value of data could be read before p2 = ptr.load(std::memory_order_relaxed), but what about p2?
Finally, why it is fine to use relaxed memory order in this case?
template<typename T>
class stack
std::atomic<node<T>*> head;
void push(const T& data)
node<T>* new_node = new node<T>(data);
// put the current value of head into new_node->next
new_node->next = head.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// now make new_node the new head, but if the head
// is no longer what's stored in new_node->next
// (some other thread must have inserted a node just now)
// then put that new head into new_node->next and try again
while(!head.compare_exchange_weak(new_node->next, new_node,
; // the body of the loop is empty
I mean both head.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) and head.compare_exchange_weak(new_node->next, new_node, std::memory_order_release, std::memory_order_relaxed).
To summarize all the above, my question is essentially when do I have to care about potential reordering and when I don't?
For #1, compiler may issue the store to y before the load from x (there are no dependencies), and even if it doesn't, the load from x can be delayed at cpu/memory level.
For #2, p2 would be nonzero, but neither *p2 nor data would necessarily have a meaningful value.
For #3 there is only one act of publishing non-atomic stores made by this thread, and it is a release
You should always care about reordering, or, better, not assume any order: neither C++ nor hardware executes code top to bottom, they only respect dependencies.

Providing Concurrency Between Pthreads

I am working on multithread programming and I am stuck on something.
In my program there are two tasks and two types of robots for carrying out the tasks:
Task 1 requires any two types of robot and
task 2 requires 2 robot1 type and 2 robot2 type.
Total number of robot1 and robot2 and pointers to these two types are given for initialization. Threads share these robots and robots are reserved until a thread is done with them.
Actual task is done in doTask1(robot **) function which takes pointer to a robot pointer as parameter so I need to pass the robots that I reserved. I want to provide concurrency. Obviously if I lock everything it will not be concurrent. robot1 is type of Robot **. Since It is used by all threads before one thread calls doTask or finish it other can overwrite robot1 so it changes things. I know it is because robot1 is shared by all threads. Could you explain how can I solve this problem? I don't want to pass any arguments to thread start routine.
rsc is my struct to hold number of robots and pointers that are given in an initialization function.
void *task1(void *arg)
int tid;
tid = *((int *) arg);
cout << "TASK 1 with thread id " << tid << endl;
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutexUpdateRob);
while (rsc->totalResources < 2)
pthread_cond_wait(&noResource, &mutexUpdateRob);
if (rsc->numOfRobotA > 0 && rsc->numOfRobotB > 0)
rsc->numOfRobotA --;
robot1[0] = &rsc->robotA[counterA];
robot1[1] = &rsc->robotB[counterB];
counterA ++;
counterB ++;
flag1 = true;
rsc->totalResources -= 2;
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutexUpdateRob);
pthread_mutex_lock (&mutexUpdateRob);
rsc->numOfRobotA ++;
rsc->totalResources += 2;
if (totalResource >= 2)
pthread_mutex_unlock (&mutexUpdateRob);
If robots are global resources, threads should not dispose of them. It should be the duty of the main thread exit (or cleanup) function.
Also, there sould be a way for threads to locate unambiguously the robots, and to lock their use.
The robot1 array seems to store the robots, and it seems to be a global array. However:
its access is not protected by a mutex (pthread_mutex_t), it seems now that you've taken care of that.
Also, the code in task1 is always modifying entries 0 and 1 of this array. If two threads or more execute that code, the entries will be overwritten. I don't think that it is what you want. How will that array be used afterwards?
In fact, why does this array need to be global?
The bottom line is this: as long as this array is shared by threads, they will have problems working concurrently. Think about it this way:
You have two companies using robots to work, but they're using the same truck (robot1) to move the robots around. How are these two companies supposed to function properly, and efficiently with only one truck?

LTL model checking using Spin and Promela syntax

I'm trying to reproduce ALGOL 60 code written by Dijkstra in the paper titled "Cooperating sequential processes", the code is the first attempt to solve the mutex problem, here is the syntax:
begin integer turn; turn:= 1;
process 1: begin Ll: if turn = 2 then goto Ll;
critical section 1;
turn:= 2;
remainder of cycle 1; goto L1
process 2: begin L2: if turn = 1 then goto L2;
critical section 2;
turn:= 1;
remainder of cycle 2; goto L2
So I tried to reproduce the above code in Promela and here is my code:
#define true 1
#define Aturn true
#define Bturn false
bool turn, status;
active proctype A()
L1: (turn == 1);
status = Aturn;
goto L1;
/* critical section */
turn = 1;
active proctype B()
L2: (turn == 2);
status = Bturn;
goto L2;
/* critical section */
turn = 2;
never{ /* ![]p */
:: (!status) -> skip
{ turn = 1;
run A(); run B();
What I'm trying to do is, verify that the fairness property will never hold because the label L1 is running infinitely.
The issue here is that my never claim block is not producing any error, the output I get simply says that my statement was never reached..
here is the actual output from iSpin
spin -a dekker.pml
gcc -DMEMLIM=1024 -O2 -DXUSAFE -DSAFETY -DNOCLAIM -w -o pan pan.c
./pan -m10000
Pid: 46025
(Spin Version 6.2.3 -- 24 October 2012)
+ Partial Order Reduction
Full statespace search for:
never claim - (not selected)
assertion violations +
cycle checks - (disabled by -DSAFETY)
invalid end states +
State-vector 44 byte, depth reached 8, errors: 0
11 states, stored
9 states, matched
20 transitions (= stored+matched)
0 atomic steps
hash conflicts: 0 (resolved)
Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
0.001 equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
0.291 actual memory usage for states
128.000 memory used for hash table (-w24)
0.534 memory used for DFS stack (-m10000)
128.730 total actual memory usage
unreached in proctype A
dekker.pml:13, state 4, "turn = 1"
dekker.pml:15, state 5, "-end-"
(2 of 5 states)
unreached in proctype B
dekker.pml:20, state 2, "status = 0"
dekker.pml:23, state 4, "turn = 2"
dekker.pml:24, state 5, "-end-"
(3 of 5 states)
unreached in claim never_0
dekker.pml:30, state 5, "-end-"
(1 of 5 states)
unreached in init
(0 of 4 states)
pan: elapsed time 0 seconds
No errors found -- did you verify all claims?
I've read all the documentation of spin on the never{..} block but couldn't find my answer (here is the link), also I've tried using ltl{..} blocks as well (link) but that just gave me syntax error, even though its explicitly mentioned in the documentation that it can be outside the init and proctypes, can someone help me correct this code please?
Thank you
You've redefined 'true' which can't possibly be good. I axed that redefinition and the never claim fails. But, the failure is immaterial to your goal - that initial state of 'status' is 'false' and thus the never claim exits, which is a failure.
Also, it is slightly bad form to assign 1 or 0 to a bool; assign true or false instead - or use bit. Why not follow the Dijkstra code more closely - use an 'int' or 'byte'. It is not as if performance will be an issue in this problem.
You don't need 'active' if you are going to call 'run' - just one or the other.
My translation of 'process 1' would be:
proctype A ()
L1: turn !=2 ->
/* critical section */
status = Aturn;
turn = 2
/* remainder of cycle 1 */
goto L1;
but I could be wrong on that.
