Trojan FakeLook.A prevents compiling in Android Studio - android-studio

I'm currently trying to compile a project in Android Studio, but it does not want to compile. I'm getting an error message indicating that there is a virus or PUP in the generated code, and that Android Studio therefore can't continue compiling.
While looking in Windows Defender's history, I get the following:

This is an issue with the generated .dex files of the library JSch, as seen in the path name: Y:...\intermediates\transforms\dex\debug\folders\1000\10\jsch-0.1.53_05559622e5c446db6959df99d64c725274c702f3\classes.dex
It is mentioned in Google Issue Tracker by Issue 206229. It is a false positive that seems to only be generated by Windows Defender.
The solution to this issue is to submit the file on to make Microsoft recognize it as a false-positive and remove it from it's virus definitions.
Two possible workarounds are either temporarily disabling Windows Defender or switching to a different OS such as Linux.


Android Studio cannot run standalone Java applications?

(There on SO are similar unanswered questions though. Since I had worked a lot on this issue, so asked again with more experiences. Please don't close.)
If you run a test application (with main method) in Android Studio, an error will be reported:
SourceSet with name 'test' not found.
I tried removing the -Test suffix from the class name, and also tried moving the Java source file to the main/ directory, but neither worked, thrown the similar error:
SourceSet with name 'main' not found.
I googled a lot, but none of them worked.
The most confusing thing is that it was normal before, even if the class name ends with -Test.
At the same time, I have two computers, a laptop and a desktop computer, both running Debian 10. The strangest thing is that it is completely normal on the desktop, but failed the laptop. And failed and failed again after clean rebuilds.
I have tried upgrading Android Studio from 4.0 to 4.0.1, and tried reinstalling it entirely, no luck.
I have compared $HOME/.gradle/ (it's very large, about ~8G), and checked the very detailed difference of the two installations on my laptop and desktop systems, there's no point of subtle difference. No clue at all.
Some people say it's impossible to run standalone applications in Android Studio, and recommends NetBeans.
mighty-blob answered: (reddit)
I believe the Android developers took out the ability to run standalone java in the Studio (which creates its own default 'hello world' every time you open a new project).
For standalone java go for netbeans.
That's not true, since I did run it and used to before.
REALLY weird.

Location menu in extended controls of Android Studio virtual device

I need to import a .gpx file to my virtual device (something I'm attempting for the first time today), but I'm having a problem I can't find any reference to anywhere else. I'm either having a moment and missing something that should be obvious or there's an issue with the specific build I have that's causing an issue. I have Android Studio 3.5.3 installed and I've tried multiple different virtual devices.
All references to the menu page referenced in my title that I can find online look like this:
While my version of that page looks like this:
That "Import GPX/KML" button always appears to be greyed out. What am I missing here?
Eventually found the cause of this and a solution. The issue was caused by an Android emulator release that updated the Location settings to include a Google Maps based UI. Release notes here, though I've found the 29.2.11 release on 03/12 also contained the UI change: On my Windows 10 computers this also removed the option of importing a GPX file (not sure if this was an intentional choice by Google or a bug). Not sure if it will affect Linux or Mac users but I've observed the issue on multiple Windows 10 devices.
The fix I found for the issue was to downgrade my emulator to 29.2.1. That version can be found here:
In Windows, next go to C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator. Those of a cautious disposition can backup this folder, but either way the package.xml file will be needed and everything else can be moved or deleted. Edit the details in the XML to match the version number of the downloaded emulator. Copy the downloaded files to this location along with the package.xml. Then just make sure not to download the update again when Android Studio is opened.

Vuzix sdk loading error cvc-elt.1.a cannot find the declaration of element 'sdk: sdk-addon'

I am trying to load the SDK for Vuzix through the SDK manager in Android Studio but for some reason it will not display the downloads in 'SDK platforms' and 'SDK tools'.
In the 'SDK update sites' tab next to the Vuzix link I added there is a red exclamation point that displays " cvc-elt.1.a cannot find the declaration of element 'sdk: sdk-addon' " when hovered over.
I am new to SDK's and have no idea what to do for this error. I've downloaded the android SDK's and sources for 26,25,24, and 23 thinking it could help but the error still shows up.
I still don't know what the error means but I solved it by connecting to my hotspot instead of my work network.
So my guess is it was a firewall issue or something, if anyone else has this error.
This means that the parser does not know the namespace. I tried it on Win7 and android studio 2.3.3 with the same result.
I tried it without the namespace or running android studio with oracle sdk. Both failed.
At the moment I try to run it on a virtual linux machine. Android Studio 2.3.3 will parse the addon xml file and download the files.
On Win7 I installed them manually, but they were not really integrated into to system and I stucked when I wanted to use the barcode SDK. maybe I am able some day to add simply this jar lib -
On a first look using linux seems to be the solution. But than I run into problems with the case sensitve file system. The vuzix SDK seems to need a linux system on a case insensitve file system.
*facepalm* and I am quite sure that i will fail at all. On linux a simple GUI compiles only against API 26 without errors.

Cannot launch Xamarin.iOS app on device

I am developing an iPad application with Xamarin.iOS and MVVMcross. So I have a PCL with my View-Model and my Model, and an iOS project with the view. I use Visual Studio.
Before, I used Xamarin.iOS 6.3.6 beta version, and when I tried to launch the app on the device, an .app file was created and getting it with my Ipad, I could launch the application (impossible to launch directly from Visual Studio).
Yesterday, I uploaded Xamarin.iOS to 6.4.1. On simulator, everything's okay. When I try to launch the application on device, now the app is directly installed but the build stop and the following error appear in the debug output :
Failed to load AOT module '<my PCL>' while running in aot-only mode: doesn't match assembly.
And if I click on my app icon on the device,a black screen appear and disappear immediately.
Does someone know why this error appear?
This looks like something was cached somewhere or not updated correctly.
Here are a few ideas to try:
Delete the app from the device.
Clean & Rebuild your app.
Build & install from Xamarin Studio on your Mac.
Copy the Debug configuration to a new configuration (DebugTest for instance), and run that configuration instead.
I regularly get the same issue here.
The workaround that I use is to switch the platform in the Visual Studio build Configuration Manager to "iPhoneSimulator", run a quick debug session on that, then switch the platform back to "iPhone", and the problem disappears for a while.
Unfortunately I have no intelligent reason as to why this works. It seems to be doing a better job of the "Clean and Rebuild".
After reading a similar bug, I found that clearing the mtbs folder on the OS X host which is located at $HOME/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/ fixes this problem for me.
I have to do it so frequently I just have a PuTTY session open on my Windows box to clear the folder. I do hope that Xamarin fixes this issue soon.
Make sure Linker Behaviour is set to Don't Link
Clean, rebuild, remove old version from app.
Worked for me at least.
This happened to me after I upgraded to XCode 5/iOS7. I noticed a warning that I hadn't installed XCode Command Line Tools. After I did that I rebuilt the application and it now runs.
I just had this problem and got it to work again by opening the Apple project properties and changing the provisioning profile identity from "Distribution" to "Developer".
My workaround on Mac is to
Close Solution in XS
Quit XS. Command-Q
Reopen it and reopen solution.
After that it usually works again.

VisualStudio 2012 crashes on opening web-based project - Windows 7 - Windows error message

Everything had beed working great, but suddenly something happened and every time I try to open any web-based project (either MVC or just 'Open Web Site', any others are just fine), Visual Studio 2012 crashes with Windows environment message:
MyProject - Microsoft Visual Studio (Administrator): devenv.exe - System error
Exception Processing Message 0xc0000005 Parameters 0x000007FEFD4A718C 0x000007FEFD4A718C 0x000007FEFD4A718C 0x000007FEFD4A718C
I did not notice exact moment when it stopped working. And obviously I have different extensions etc. But I believe, I did not install any big soft these days.
I've installed Windows 8 though, but separatly - on separate volume to try it. Theoretically, it might affect my situation, but I don't know how is that possible - at least I don't know any explanations.
I've tried to refresh Visual Studio 2012 installation, even removed and installed it again.
However, at the same time, I have Visual Studio 2010 previously installed, and it opens web-based projects without any problems.
Mentioned error message above is, as I understand, some generic error message - googling did not help on its recognizing, so don't know what to do - don't really want to reinstall Windows because of that.
Does anyone have any thoughts? Thanks!
I really don't know what was the cause of the problem, but after all other tries I've applied all pending updates of Windows Update service and everything works well after that.
