Diffrences between "apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk" and downloading *.tar.gz - linux

I want to install openjdk on ubuntu.
I found two ways to install it.
The first is typing "sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk" on terminal.
The second is downloading the binary file such as *.tar.gz and then unpack the file and set environment variables JAVA_HOME&PATH.
So, is there any difference between this two methods?
I mean, will it cause different results?
Thanks a lot.

With the first approach, the installation is controlled by Debians Apt package manager and will receive updates, with the second one you will have to do that manually.

It will probably not end with different result.
On linux distributions you have what is called a packet manager : Yours (and on almost every ubuntu) is APT.
So the main difference is that when you use apt, you can "trust more" what you are downloading, because hopefully, content in apt are check.
However, because of this checking, apt isn't every time up-to-date, and it may induce some difference in version.
However, in my opinion if you doesn't want to duplicate file or pollute your system, you may want to choose either one option and stay with it : if you use apt, use apt to update, if you download it manually keep updating it manually.
I personally prefer to use apt when possible.


Install an external library instance of libv8-3.14 to folder

I need libv8-3.14 to run some R packages on linux, but I don't have root access/sudo access on the linux computer I'm using so I'd like to install an external folder instance of libv8-3.14. I've seen R packages reference this as external as CDFLAG="folder/v8-3.14" so I know it is possible.
I'm new(ish) to linux but I've installed external libraries before with tar.gz files which then have a configure file in them, which I set the external folder with ./configure --prefix==/folder/loc, but the only downloads I can find of libv8 are .git (which I can't get to work either).
How can I install an libv8-3.14 to a folder and install so I can set:
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/install/
export `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/install/`
I had the exact same problem. In case somebody in the future comes across this post, I will leave my suggestions and how it worked out in the end. Also, all credits go to an experienced colleague of mine.
The most sure thing to do is to consult IT, or someone who has already had the same problem, there is usually a workaround these issues.
A way you can do it yourself:
Create an anaconda environment, you can name it 'V8' or something (make sure the environment is based on the latest python version, or recent enough for r-v8).
activate it
install the conda version of the V8 R interface with conda install -c conda-forge r-v8
That's it. Whenever you need V8, fire up your environment beforehand, and it should be A-OK.
Further advice: If you run into errors when installing r-v8, it may be a good idea to update your conda and all the packages. However, depending on your conda version conda update conda and conda upgrade --all MAY BREAK your conda installation, so be careful. (For further information on this problem, see the endless complaints of people in this issue: https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/8920).
V8 doesn't use autotools, so it has no ./configure. In fact, it provides no installation facilities at all, because it is meant for embedding, not installing.
What I would try is to download the Ubuntu package (guessing from your other question, you are on Ubuntu, right?) for the right architecture from https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libv8-3.14.5, and extracting it manually. .deb files are just ZIP archives.
As a side note, there's no point in setting PATH, because libv8, being a library, provides no executables. LD_LIBRARY_PATH is all you need.

How is possible that a not installed application still runs in Linux?

I am working with this software (rtabmap in Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS Indigo) and I was having some trouble with the installation. So I decided to remove eveything and uninstall it:
apt-get remove rtabmap
apt-get remove ros-indigo-rtabmap
cd rtabmap/build
make uninstall
And late I have removed the whole rtabmap folder.
So now I just run in the console rtabmap and it initiates, it even shows me other options like rtabmap-camera.
My question is, how is this even possible? And how can I locate the damm package in order to remove it?
Note: dpkg does not find it in any way.
So actually I found the answer myself. It turned out that the binary files of rtabmap where written in /usr/local/bin and there were 2 versions of rtabmap. This way the make was taking the incorrect version and was giving me weird errors.
I just removed the binary files and reinstall over eveything again and now it works.

RPM fails to follow dependency order on install

I'm trying to force rpm to follow a given install order and it is not working as expected. The Requires clause I added is not being respected.
I am doing a bare-metal Linux installer (openSUSE 42.2-based). A whole system -- hundreds of packages -- are installed with one RPM command (using --root). I am having problems with three packages -- pam-config, pam-script, and openssh. The pam-config %post scriptlet tries to modify files contained in pam-script and openssh but is installed, by default, before them. It does not have dependencies by default, so, having the source, I rectified that by adding:
Requires: pam-script
Requires: openssh
to pam-config.spec. (I also tried Prereq: with same results.) As expected, with this change, it switches the ordering for pam-script and that error goes away. But it steadfastly refuses to change the order of installation for openssh, which is installed two packages after pam-config. [Openssh is dependent on coreutils and shadow (pwdutil), both of which are already installed at this point. It's also dependent (PreReq) on a mysterious macro, %{fillup_prereq}.]
Everything else installs (and runs) just fine, but I would like to understand better how rpm works. I thought if I used Required: to specify openssh in pam-config, that openssh would invariably be installed before pam-config. It worked for pam-script.
rpm -qp --requires on the .rpm file shows openssh. I repeated the install with the -vv option instead of -v. I can see the Requires: for openssh listed just the same as pam-script (YES (added provide)). I see a pam-config-0.91xxx -> openssh-7.2p2xxx listed under SCC #8: 11 members (100 external dependencies). I see the install of pam-config, which has no dependency information and nothing remarkable except for the %post scriptlet command that generates the error (pam-config --service sshd --delete --listfile). What other kind of things should I be looking at to debug this? What are these SCCs? Am I missing something about Requires? Or is there something obscure I may have overlooked, like circular, indirect, or hidden dependencies (I've checked for that, but ruled it out)? I've looked at several RPM tutorials and done a number of web searches and come up empty.
UPDATE: It appears that unlike pam-script, openssh is caught up in a mutual-dependency critical section. Here is the order of the packages actually being installed:
If I stage an installation on a production system and stop just before pam-config, it complains about being dependent on krb5, which is in the future! If I stop at ruby, it works. If I stop at pam-script, it works. If I stop at suse-module-tools, it complains about dependencies on dracut. So I'm wondering if RPM abandons its ordering principle within a mutual-dependency critical section, or if there is a dependency I haven't uncovered yet. I am using rpm -q --requires and rpm -q --provides to work this out. Stay tuned.
You can add more explicit sub-fields to the Requires tag, e.g. Requires(post): openssh-server or Requires(pre,post): openssh-server.
A single RPM transaction isn't really atomic, but is treated that way. Without this additional information, it just ensures that the packages are installed by the end of this transaction, which is "good enough" most of the time.
Another option is to put the required configuration into a %triggerin stanza, which I believe only executes once both packages are installed.

/usr/bin/time: No such file or directory

I'm trying to run the time command for a file on a virtual machine running Fedora 19 64-bit and I get the message "/usr/bin/time: No such file or directory". I tried googling, but it appears it's something that I should already have. How do I get this on my computer?
For those on a raspberry pi or similar debian-based distributions, I found that I could install the package time (sudo apt install time) to obtain access to the time command.
Edit: For Fedora-based systems, the package name might be different. Try a dnf search time, followed by a sudo dnf install {package_name}. I don't have a Fedora machine immediately to hand to get the exact package name from.
bash/zsh/modern shells usually implement a basic time command as a builtin. So it won't exist on the filesystem, but time mycommand should work.
If you want the "proper" time command (with more options eg: -l/-v), then you'll need to install it via apt/yum/etc. You'll need to run it as /usr/bin/time mycommand so the shell-builtin doesn't get invoked.
It might be in other locations. I'd start by typing:
which time
This command will give you the path to time, if it's anywhere in your path.
If you need to build it yourself, you can get the source here:

How do you uninstall in *nix?

One of the things I still can't wrap my head around is rules of thumb to uninstall programs in *nix environments. Most of the time I'm happy to let the sleeping dogs lie and not uninstall software that I no longer need. But from time to time I end up with several Apaches, svn, etc.
So far here's what I know about dealing with this:
1) if you installed using apt-get or yum, there's an uninstall command. Very rarely there's an uninstall script somewhere in the app's folder, something like uninstall.sh
2) to figure out which particular install is being called from the command line use "type -a" command
3) use "sudo find / | grep" to find where else stuff might be installed (from what I understand type only looks for things that are in the PATH variable)
4) Add/change order of things in PATH to make the desireable version of the app to be first in line or add an alias to .bashrc
5) delete the stuff I no longer want. This one is easy if the application was installed only in one folder, but tricky if there are multiple. One trick that I've heard of is running a find with a time range to find all the files that changed arount the time when the install happened - that roughly shows what was changed and added.
Do you have anything to add/correct?
If you didn't use a package manager (rpm, apt, etc), then you probably installed from source. To install, you performed a process along the lines of ./configure && make && make install. If the application is well-behaved, that "install" make target should be coupled with an "uninstall" target. So extract the sources again, configure again (with the same paths), and make uninstall.
Generally, if you're compiling something from source, the procedure will be
$ make
$ su
# make install
in which case, the vast majority of programs will have an uninstall target, which will let you reverse the steps that happened during install by
$ su
# make uninstall
As always, read the program's README or INSTALL files to determine what's available. In most situations you'll either install something via a package manager (which will also handle the uninstall), or you'll have invoked some kind of manual process (which should have come with a readme explaining how to uninstall it).
