Visual Studio Migration 2015 - visual-studio-2012

We have around 100 projects in our solution built on Visual studio 2008. We migrated projects to Visual studio 2015. After migration, when the build is triggered to TFS build server, we are getting the below error:
"The type or namespace name does not exist in the namespace" (are you
missing an assembly reference)
Also note that the Build server has Visual studio 2012.

You need to make sure the environment on the build agent are as same as your local developer machine.
Since you can build the solution locally with VS2015 successfully, suggest you also install VS2015 on you build agent and try it again. (To make the environment clean, you can uninstall VS2012 first)


How to Check Which Version of Team Foundation Server on my Machine (client side)?

Sounds like a simple question, but it's giving me a headache. I've tried looking under the Help menu in Visual Studio, in "About Visual Studio", but this only tells me that I have Team Explorer for Visual Studio installed on my machine, not the version I have installed.
I need to know the version. I've looked under program files but did not find anything to indicate the version.
I am currently running Visual Studio 2012, updated to the most latest release. Please note I need to know the version of TFS on my local machine, not on the server. Just simply what version of TFS is installed on my laptop??
TFS isn't installed client-side. On the client you use Team Explorer, which is part of Visual Studio. So the only version on the client-side that is important is the Visual Studio version which you get from Help->About.

How to fix "isproj" is not supported by MSBuild and cannot be built

I'm trying InstallShield project to create an installations using Visual studio TFS 2012. But, setup file is not being generated. When I looked into the error log, it says "isproj is not supported by MSBuild and cannot be built"
Let me know what is the fix for this issue.

Is it possible to use a later version of TFS Build than the server it connects to?

We have a TFS 2008 server used for source control, and a build agent connected to it that handles our continuous integration.
I'd like to be able to set up builds for projects that were created in a later version of Visual Studio, like 2012, whilst still being able to build projects that use Visual Studio 2008 (For example, we've some Windows Mobile code that we need to support)
Should this "just work"; do I need to install a separate build agent, or do I have to upgrade everything (and if so, for do I keep the Windows Mobile code building)?
As was said you need to use the same version of the Build Agent as TFS (with the exception that TFS 2012 also supports 2010 build agents).
However, you can still install any version of Visual Studio supported by your build server OS. So even though you are using 2008 Build Agent, you should be able to install Visual Studio 2012 and build projects with it.
The build agent/controller needs to be of the same version as the TFS server itself - you can't just upgrade the build controller (wee tried this before upgrading from 2010 to 2012).
So, if I read the compatibility matrix right, you will have to upgrade your environment.

MSDeploy broken on Team Build Server after Installing Visual Studio SDK

I have had nightly builds set up and working for a few months until now. I installed Visual Studio 2012 SDK on Saturday and now my builds are not deploying via MSDeploy.
My build server has Visual Studio 2012 installed. It also has the admin console for both TFS 2010 and 2012 installed. We aren't using 2012 yet so I have the service turned off.
In my build definition, under Process/Advanced/MSBuild Arguments, I have this:
/p VisualStudioVersion=11.0;DeployOnBuild=true;DeployTarget=DeployToDEV;username=xxx;password=xxx;WebPublishPipelineProjectName=dev
My project has a targets file called dev.wpp.targets. Inside of this file I have a DeployToDEV target. I basically followed the instructions from "Inside the Microsoft Build Engine" so I can deploy to multiple servers at the same time. It worked beautifully until now.
I get no errors and no indication that Web Deploy has been run or not.
I would really appreciate some help.

VS2012 C++ Runtime library does not appear in Publish Prerequisites

I am using ClickOnce to deploy a C# application with a reference to a C++ project, using VS2012 on Windows 7.
In VS2010, I was able to VC++ 2010 runtime library as one of the prerequisites, however in VS2012, there is no such equivalent.
When running the deployed app on a non-developer machine, I receive an error that the C++ project could not be loaded.
I installed the VC++ 2012 redistributables from but I still don't see this option in the prerequisites.
When I browse to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages\
there is a package.xml that says:
You do not have the permissions required to install Visual C++ 2012 Runtime Libraries (x86).
Which makes no sense because I am an Admin on this computer.
Has anyone been able to deploy a .NET project in 2012 with a reference to a C++ project?
