MSDeploy broken on Team Build Server after Installing Visual Studio SDK - visual-studio-2012

I have had nightly builds set up and working for a few months until now. I installed Visual Studio 2012 SDK on Saturday and now my builds are not deploying via MSDeploy.
My build server has Visual Studio 2012 installed. It also has the admin console for both TFS 2010 and 2012 installed. We aren't using 2012 yet so I have the service turned off.
In my build definition, under Process/Advanced/MSBuild Arguments, I have this:
/p VisualStudioVersion=11.0;DeployOnBuild=true;DeployTarget=DeployToDEV;username=xxx;password=xxx;WebPublishPipelineProjectName=dev
My project has a targets file called dev.wpp.targets. Inside of this file I have a DeployToDEV target. I basically followed the instructions from "Inside the Microsoft Build Engine" so I can deploy to multiple servers at the same time. It worked beautifully until now.
I get no errors and no indication that Web Deploy has been run or not.
I would really appreciate some help.


Azure WebJobs and Visual Studio 2017

I need to deploy an Azure WebJob and tried to follow this article. Is this supposed to work in Visual Studio 2017? I have none of the mentioned context menu entries (tried two different machines).
I have none of the mentioned context menu entries (tried two different machines).
What type of project did you create? Until now, we could see the [Publish as Azure WebJob…] context menu when we create a Console App(.NET Framework) in Visual Studio 2017.
You also need to check whether you have checked the Azure Development option when you install your Visual Studio 2017. If you did not do that, you could re-run the Visual Studio 2017 install exe file to update your Visual Studio 2017.
If your project type is Console App(.NET Core), the publish function is not available until now.
WebJobs deployment features are available in Visual Studio 2015 when you install the Azure SDK for .NET.
It's not yet available in VS2017.
EDIT: See post below.

Visual Studio Migration 2015

We have around 100 projects in our solution built on Visual studio 2008. We migrated projects to Visual studio 2015. After migration, when the build is triggered to TFS build server, we are getting the below error:
"The type or namespace name does not exist in the namespace" (are you
missing an assembly reference)
Also note that the Build server has Visual studio 2012.
You need to make sure the environment on the build agent are as same as your local developer machine.
Since you can build the solution locally with VS2015 successfully, suggest you also install VS2015 on you build agent and try it again. (To make the environment clean, you can uninstall VS2012 first)

The directory containing the assemblies for the Visual Studio Test Runner is not valid

We have upgraded our TFS installation from 2012 to 2013. When running our builds they will fail with the following error if unit tests are enabled:
TF900547: The directory containing the assemblies for the Visual Studio Test Runner
is not valid ''
The build process template or build definitions has not been changed after the upgrade. The upgrade process did not change them. Where can I provide the path to the Visual Studio Test Runner and where is it located on disk?
I do not know if "Visual Studio Test Runner" is a new option for 2013 or if this setting was also used before, when we were using TFS 2012.
We use Visual Studio Professional 2012 on the build server.
To do the second choice in Oswald's answer:
Right click on your build definition and select "Edit Build Definition..."
Click on the "Process" group in the build definition.
Find the "Automated Tests" group under "Build Process Parameters" and click on the ellipsis.
A "Automated Tests" dialog box will appear, select the test under "Tests to run" that you want to edit.
Click on the "Edit", a "Add/Edit Test Run" dialog box will appear.
Change the test runner to "MSTest.exe test runner"
Note: I am using TFS2012
You have two choices:
Install Visual Studio 2013 or the Agents for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 if you want to continue to use the Visual Studio Test Runner.
Switch to MS Test as the test runner and change the Tools Version in the Build-Workflow. This will allow you to continue using Visual Studio 2012 on the build server.
Note: Tank you SteveC to post the link to the agents only site
The solution for us was to install the Agents for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, rather than Visual Studio 2013
As an alternative to installing Visual Studio on the build machine, you can simply copy the files from your local machine to the build machine.
ZIP the TestWindow folder found in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft
then copy it to the build machine, and unzip to the same location.
We had the same problem as the OP but, because the TFS server is considered a production box (other departments use it for other things), we were not permitted to install VS2013 on the server. The same applied to any third party tools needed for builds, they were a pain to integrate into the build.
I eventually worked round this by using another dev box to act as a build server for TFS. By installing the Build Server component of TFS on the dev box and setting up a controller and build agents on that box, TFS could pass the responsibility for the actual build to the dev box, on which we could install anything, without compromising the TFS server itself.
While it is not perfect - an extra box and VS2013 license needed - it is by far the easiest way to avoid poluting a production TFS box. Alternatively, nominate a developer's own box and install the build agent there - the environment is ready built, it will simply slow down a little during a build.
If your project does not have unit tests, you can just disable the unit test execution on the build definition.
To do that, edit the build definition, under process tab, delete everything in field "Automated Tests"

Is it possible to use a later version of TFS Build than the server it connects to?

We have a TFS 2008 server used for source control, and a build agent connected to it that handles our continuous integration.
I'd like to be able to set up builds for projects that were created in a later version of Visual Studio, like 2012, whilst still being able to build projects that use Visual Studio 2008 (For example, we've some Windows Mobile code that we need to support)
Should this "just work"; do I need to install a separate build agent, or do I have to upgrade everything (and if so, for do I keep the Windows Mobile code building)?
As was said you need to use the same version of the Build Agent as TFS (with the exception that TFS 2012 also supports 2010 build agents).
However, you can still install any version of Visual Studio supported by your build server OS. So even though you are using 2008 Build Agent, you should be able to install Visual Studio 2012 and build projects with it.
The build agent/controller needs to be of the same version as the TFS server itself - you can't just upgrade the build controller (wee tried this before upgrading from 2010 to 2012).
So, if I read the compatibility matrix right, you will have to upgrade your environment.

Visual Studio 2012 - Can't create win32 projects

I'm using Visual Studio 2012, update 1 on a Windows 8 machine. When I try to start a new win32 project using the application wizard something weird appens:
the windows that welcomes to the wizard has three empty bullets under "these are the current project settings". Both the cancel and the finish button do not work.
The folder for the application is created but no files inside.
please help!!
I solved my problem forcing a "clean" install of VS2012. ('clean' means that also the shared packages were uninstalled). Presuming that the installer I used to install VS2012 was on d:
D:\vs_premium.exe /uninstall /force
Once reinstalled, the problem was gone.
I am running Visual Studio Express 2012 for WP on Macbook via Parallels.
I did the update of VS today and could not load my project (HTML App, #C) nor create new projects afterwards.
The solution was to go to Windows program uninstall for Visual Studio Express 2012, BUT choose option "Repair". It took about the same time as the update but I was able to create new projects afterwards (my existing own app project from November 2012 also works).
Before I "repaired" the installation, I have removed manually from VS->Tools->Extensions and Updates a few packages added "Nu Get Package Manager and Packager". I am not sure if the latter is really needed.
Additional info: My VS 2012 Express for Windows8 installation worked and works w/o issues.
