Configure WebLogic application/Web Application to not use MOXy for JAXB - jaxb

My company has a Web Application that uses the JAXB provider in the JDK
The application runs great in Tomcat.
We have a customer that want to to use WebLogic
The application fails when trying to create a JAXBContext.
This page
documents how to configure a WebLogic application to not use MOXy for JAXB
When I use the "Global" solution, modifying the startup script to prepend modules/databinding.override.jar to the classpath, my Web App works fine
This is a rather large hammer as the customer has existing apps on an existing server and we are targeting that server.
When I try the Application level solution, no luck.
Any pointers as to where I going wrong?
Eclipse Workbench


Packaging a Jax-Rs web project and hosting it

I have developed a java Rest Service in NetBeans.... It is a web application.It needs jax-rs jar files. Now when I want to buy domain and hosting for this project, what kind of packaging should i do?And can I host the resultant file in a shared hosting on Tomcat Server?
Well, you can deploy your application in 3 ways:
On JavaEE supporting hosting
On hosting with Tomcat — than you'll need to include JAX-RS implementation jars into your .war file
On any VDS/VPS, but you'll need to set up applcation server/servlet container yourself.

Users in in an standalone java app

I would like to know how can I have users for when using it in an standalone java app. I believe that you need to define a realm like containers do, but is there any guide or easy way to do this? I just want to protect my instance with user and password.
You can use Jetty or Tomcat as the embedded web server to run hawtio standalone. Then you can use their security out of the box. And its just like securing any other WAR web application, eg setup their realm, and setup web.xml stuff.
For example this is done in the Apache ActiveMQ distribution which has an embedded Jetty server for the web consoles and WebSocket support.

Grails and dynamic modifications at runtime

A deployable Grails war-File contains groovy files as well as a groovy.jar.
Is there a groovy agent running when the application is deployed?
Is it possible to make dynamic modifications for the application via Groovy at runtime?
if yes, how can this be prevented?
After the grails application war is deployed on let's say on Tomcat: Is there some kind of Groovy Shell/Process/Agent running where someone who has access to the system can connect to? And if this is possible can he make dynamic modifications to the application without touching any files on the file system?
You can use the Console plugin which provides a web-based version of the Groovy Console/Grails Console. Like the Swing-based app it has a ctx variable in scope to give you access to all of the app's Spring beans, and it will run arbitrary Groovy code in the context of your running web app, can access GORM, etc.
Obviously this is dangerous, so be sure to guard it with a security plugin
I wrote a blog post a while back about using a similar web-based console (which I've since merged into the plugin) to fix a bug in a running server:
By default Grails apps do not ship with a console that will let you execute arbitrary Groovy code at runtime.

Integration of Java application with OpenCms

I want to know how to integrate a Java web application with OpenCms contents. Is it possible to integrate a Java application with OpenCms?
Yes, it's possible. For example you can integrate SpringMVC or Struts into OpenCms, or other tools like JForum, an open source java forum, which also supports single-sign-on (SSO).
You can find information here & a small sample OpenCms+Spring integration project:
Since OpenCms is open source and based on Java EE standards, you are pretty free.
What I have done successfully is to create a jstl tag library to connect JSPs in OpenCms to a business backend.
In my case it was done through a SOAP web-service.
Another advantage of this was that I could test and develop my code in Eclipse, without a dependency on OpenCms.
Deploying to production would then mean to deploy a jar file to the OpenCms webapp.
Yet another advantage: Since we put some of the view-logic into the OpenCms-hosted JSPs, they were versioned by OpenCms.
We have integrated SprigMVC into an existing OpenCMS installation. Here is a description of how we went about that:

Override jsf implentation in WAS

I want to develop richface implented app on Ibm Websphere. I include *.jars under
WEB-INF/libs and it runs succesfull. But first deployment proccess is realy terriable..
So I want to add libraries to server, not include in application.
(i belevie it could increase 1st deployment).. Is there a way to override server impelemented
JSf in server side?
You need to set the webapp's classloading policy to module instead of application in the Websphere deploy manager.
