Integration of Java application with OpenCms - opencms

I want to know how to integrate a Java web application with OpenCms contents. Is it possible to integrate a Java application with OpenCms?

Yes, it's possible. For example you can integrate SpringMVC or Struts into OpenCms, or other tools like JForum, an open source java forum, which also supports single-sign-on (SSO).
You can find information here & a small sample OpenCms+Spring integration project:
Since OpenCms is open source and based on Java EE standards, you are pretty free.

What I have done successfully is to create a jstl tag library to connect JSPs in OpenCms to a business backend.
In my case it was done through a SOAP web-service.
Another advantage of this was that I could test and develop my code in Eclipse, without a dependency on OpenCms.
Deploying to production would then mean to deploy a jar file to the OpenCms webapp.
Yet another advantage: Since we put some of the view-logic into the OpenCms-hosted JSPs, they were versioned by OpenCms.

We have integrated SprigMVC into an existing OpenCMS installation. Here is a description of how we went about that:


How to deploy dependencies with XPages Runtime in Bluemix

I uploaded my project to Bluemix using IBM Domino Designer, the XPages runtime started fine. During testing, I hit the URL and I received a message
"The application /gittest.nsf requires org.openntf.xsp.debugtoolbar.library. This library cannot be found."
I use a UpdateSite on premises and this application also uses jars in the lib\ext folder on the Domino server.
How do I deploy external jars with the XPages runtime?
How do I deploy my servers updatesite?
When I build locally, I have a c:\sharedlib folder where I have Spring Boot, Hibernate, a Service jar with DAO. In my designer, the project is configured to use the external jars. On the server, I have these jars in the lib\ext folder.
I also use some openNTF projects in UpdateSites (like the error sampled here).
Please advise!
You need to put all the osgi plugins in a folder named 'shared-plugins' this directory should be at the same level as the Manifest.yaml file in your project's deployments folder.
More details see the blog of Oliver Busse

Configure WebLogic application/Web Application to not use MOXy for JAXB

My company has a Web Application that uses the JAXB provider in the JDK
The application runs great in Tomcat.
We have a customer that want to to use WebLogic
The application fails when trying to create a JAXBContext.
This page
documents how to configure a WebLogic application to not use MOXy for JAXB
When I use the "Global" solution, modifying the startup script to prepend modules/databinding.override.jar to the classpath, my Web App works fine
This is a rather large hammer as the customer has existing apps on an existing server and we are targeting that server.
When I try the Application level solution, no luck.
Any pointers as to where I going wrong?
Eclipse Workbench

Is it possible to deploy JSF application on Bluemix?

I have installed IBM Bluemix tools on Eclipse and created a 'Hello World' JSF and EAR project. While creating I have chosen a Bluemix runtime environment. Now I try to deploy EAR from Eclipse, it successfully deployed and started but when I try to open it I get the following error:
Not Found The application or context root for this request has not been found: [Ljava.lang.Object;#bdb04149
What have I missed? Is there comprehensive tutorial to deploy Java EE web applications on Bluemix available anywhere?
You can deploy complete EAR files on Bluemix yes. Using the eclipse tools also makes it much easier. This link has steps on how you can do this
Further down the page (you can use the menu on the left too) there are steps on how to push an EAR. It might be with pushing a complete Liberty profile to get finer control on the application behavior. This link has further details on pushing Liberty apps and the profile itself
If you deployed an EAR (containing your JSF app) you need to add the web module name to the URL, for example, if your project is called testJSF, your URL will look like this:
And of course, if your web page is not called you need to add the web page name as well, for example:

Dynamic Web Project with Seam Faces

I tried to start a new dynamic Web Project with Seam-Faces(Eclipse). I created a new JSF-Facility and addeed all the jar-Files from the official Seam-Faces homepage. When i try to create a dynamic web project eclipse says that the following File ist not found:
What i am doing wrong ? Is ist possible to use Seam-Faces without the Seam-Framework ?
There is not a Seam Framework anymore. Seam 3 is a bunch of reusable CDI extensions that you could use. The best way to start with Seam3 modules is to use maven for library management. More info about how to configure seam-faces dependencies can be found here.
For the exception you're facing make sure there are no jsf jars in WEB-INF\lib in case you're using a Java EE server like JBoss AS or Glassfish. For more info look here.

How to open a Java Web Start Application from a Hyperlink in a JavaFX 2.0 Application

I have a web application that loads other applications from within it, how can I open a java web start application from within my JavaFx 2.0 application. All help is greatly appreciated.
It's long to answer, you need to study how to Deploy Java Web Start application first.
The basic approach is:
Create a JAR file containing your application's class files and resources. including Main-Class attribute in your MANIFEST.MF.
Create JNLP files to describe how your application to run, You can also use JavaFX Packager tool to help.
Then look at source code for The Java FX Ensemble example to figure out JavaFX specific configuration, and full documentation Deploying JavaFX Applications.
