Change my Azure subscription Tenant ID - azure

Following article describe how to move resources between Azure subscriptions.
However it says that both subscriptions must exist within the same tenant. Apparently that is not the case with my 2 Azure accounts and I didn't know until now that behind the scenes I have a Tenant ID linked to these accounts.
I'm now wondering how to get some of my accounts that I'm using for my company to be linked to a common Tenant ID.
Any ideas?

Updated answer for the new portal (early 2018).
Follow this link: How to associate or add an Azure subscription to Azure Active Directory to associate your subscription with the new tenant (directory).
Once you've done it, you can transfer between subscriptions.

Tenant here refers to Azure Active Directory (AAD) associated with your azure subscription.
The steps to change the associated AAD for an Azure subscription are described here.
The service admin of the Azure subscription, who is already a member of the current associated AAD, should also be member in AAD you want to associate.
Typically, existing AAD belongs to a Microsoft account. This accounts needs to be added to the target AAD.


What does it mean to be an Instance of the Azure Active Directory?

Microsoft says, "In Azure Active Directory a tenant is an instance of Azure Active Directory that an organization receives when it signs up for a cloud application like Microsoft 365."
Could anyone explain what it means for a tenant to be an instance of the Azure Active Directory?
I know that an instance is basically a virtual machine. However, I'm failing to see how that definition applies in this particular context.
In your context, Instance of Azure Active Directory means Azure tenant.
I agree with #Peter Bons, Azure tenant is a dedicated and trusted instance of Azure AD.
Tenant refers to a single instance of Azure Active Directory.
Please note that tenant will be automatically created when your organization signs up for a Microsoft cloud service subscription.
To make it simple, you can consider it as parent group that includes users and groups along with the access control to application and resources.
A tenant is associated with a single identity and can have one or several subscriptions.
Based on your requirement, you can have single tenant or multitenant.
Every tenant is linked to a single Azure AD instance, which is shared with all tenant's subscriptions.
Azure AD Tenants are globally unique and have scopes with a domain name ending with ‘’ and has a Tenant ID in the form of UUID/GUID.
For more in detail, please refer below links:
Understanding Tenants, Subscriptions, Regions and Geographies in Azure – siliconvalve
What is Azure Active Directory Tenant and How to create (

Azure subscription with a new Active Directory

I actually have a subscription linked to my company Azure Active Directory, but for security reasons, we are unable to use the AAD from the company.
So, the IT department told us that we can created our own Azure AD within the subscription, but, when I created the new tenant and try to link with the subscription, is not possible for the kind of subscription CSP.
Do you know how to create a AAD within an specific subscription or if it's not possible?
It's not possible with the CSP subscription, but this link should help you a little further on your journey -

Change Azure B2C subscription

Is there any way to change the billing subscription on a Azure B2C tenant. I see this article which states: "Azure AD B2C tenants can be moved to another subscription if the source and destination subscriptions exist within the same Azure Active Directory tenant." but I suppose this did not clarify for me.
I have two different subscriptions which are just independant Azure subscriptions and neither is part of a corporate enrollment, so I don't think they are apart of the same AD tenant, unless onmicrosoft is the AD tenant.
Has anybody done this before?
Tenant means directory. If both subscriptions appear when selecting the directory in the Azure Portal, then the B2C resource can be moved between them. If not, then you first need to move the destination subscription to the tenant in which the subscription that holds the B2C resource lives, move the resource, then move the subscription back to the original tenant if you need to. Moving subscriptions between tenants will lose all RBAC assignments, since they are tied to the users in the original tenant/directory.

What do you mean by Microsoft Account, Tenant, Subscription?

I started learning Microsoft Azure but I'm stuck
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between Microsoft account vs tenant vs Subscription in detail?
When you say "Microsoft account", this usually refers to personal Microsoft accounts (
But it could also refer to organizational Azure Active Directory accounts.
They are both kinds of user accounts, both types can exist as members in an Azure Active Directory "tenant".
This tenant is basically an instance of Azure AD for your users, in your control.
When you log in to Azure, you are logging in to Azure AD.
An Azure subscription is where you deploy your services, create resources like databases etc.
A subscription is always linked to an Azure AD tenant.
The users in this linked tenant can be given roles in the subscription to access/modify resources.
If anyone wants access to the subscription, they need to be added to the Azure AD tenant first.
This can be done by creating them an account there, or by inviting them by their email as a "guest".
microsoft account: the one used to log in
tenant: your azure active directory (usually the default is [account]
subscription: your microsoft azure subscription, the one used to create services/ deploy your applications

how to create an ad-b2c tenant under existing subscription

I am trying out ad-b2c and boy even the first step is turning out to be extremely frustrating. Anyway here's my problem:
I have an existing subscription with a default directory which has its own domain
According to instructions here: I should be able to create an ad-b2c tenant, and then go into the portal B2C features blade.
I created the tenant, which included me creating a custom ad-b2c directory. I had to choose another domain such as
I go to the portal under b2c blade, but now I have no subscription. This is because now I am logged in to the myadb2ctest directory rather than mydefaultdirectory which has my subscription.
I DO NOT want to create a new subscription. I just want this directory associated with my already existing subscription so I can try this thing out.
An Azure AD (and B2C) is a higher level object than a subscription in the portal user interface. That's why you lose your subscription view when selecting B2C.
Internally this will be linked to your subscription, otherwise Microsoft couldn't send you a bill. if you go to the B2C dashboard, there is text containing the linked subscription:
Subscription status
If there is no subscription linked, there is a warning in the B2C Dashboard:
No Subscription linked to this B2C tenant or the Subscription needs your attention.
And then you will need to take these actions:
This B2C tenant must be linked to an active Azure subscription for communication, support and billing.
If your Subscription status is No Subscription, please link this B2C tenant to an Azure subscription,
Switch Directories to the location of your target Azure subscription
Under Marketplace, search for and select 'B2C'
Select Create to link this B2C Tenant to a subscription
Unfortunately today B2C features cannot be turned on in an existing tenant.
Please make your B2C directory a default directory for an Azure Subscription. You could think of a B2C directory as a normal AAD during this process.
This process of switching the default directory can only be done through Azure Classic Portal using Service Admin (live account ONLY) for the subscription.
You could refer this article for further steps:
