Error failed to expand the variable - openmodelica

I have a model to read a file and do some operation on it and print the output in to a file. I got an error which I'm unable resolve it. The below code shows the declaration and assignment of the input data to an 2d array.
Real Data_2D[:,:]"data from input file as 2D matrix";
length := Streams.countLines(Infile)"length of the input file";
/*collect the data from input file in to 2D matrix */
for i in 1:length loop
currentLine := Streams.readLine(Infile, indexDataStart+i-1);
nextIndex := 1;
for j in 1:noColumns loop
(Data_2D[i,j],nextIndex) := Strings.scanReal(currentLine, startIndex=nextIndex,unsigned=false, message=" c[i,j] : Real scan not successful");
end for;
end for;
I got the following error "Failed to expand the vairable Data_2D"
It would be verymuch helpful if I get a solution.

Modelica tools in general do not like unknown dimensions during compilation. Modelica Specification says that all arrays sizes should be known at compile time.
In your case Data_2D has unknown dimensions. Also, from your code I don't see what type of component is length and Data_2D. Are they parameters, constants?
In your case it might be possible to use Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable2D to read the table from file.


How can I define template to command in lua into variable?

i'm trying to do something like that:
get_num_of_ones = "('1'):rep(%d)"
but i get the following result: ('1'):rep(24) and not 24 times the number 1.
how can I do it in this way so that i will get 111...11 (24 times the number 1) ?
The simplest, most straightforward, efficient and readable way to achieve what you want is simply to pass your number directly to string.rep; there is no need to format source code here:
get_num_of_ones = ('1'):rep(24)
If there is the artificial constraint that it needs to be achieved by formatting a source code template, you need to use load/loadstring:
get_num_of_ones = "return ('1'):rep(%d)" -- you need the "return" to make it a valid chunk, and to be able to get the result out
local source = get_num_of_ones:format(24) -- formatted source code
local chunk = assert(load(source)) -- load the source code; gives us a "chunk" (function) if there was no syntax error
local retval = chunk()

In GeoDMS, how can I transform string coordinates to dpoint?

I have problems converting coordinates in string format to dpoint format in GeoDMS GUI version 7.177.
I'm trying to read the BAG (basisadministratie gemeenten, Dutch municipality administration, a giant geo file) into GeoDMS directly from the Kadaster. It's first been converted from .xml into .csv, then the shapes of the buildings have been transformed in a format seemingly the same as the Vesta format, e.g.:
I am able to read the transformed CSV file into GeoDMS, then also able to write it as strings to .dmsdata format for speed and load it from there into GeoDMS again. However, when wanting to transform the strings into coordinates, I get the error
DPoint Error: Cannot find operator for these arguments:
arg1 of type DataItem<String>
Possible cause: argument type mismatch. Check the types of the used arguments.
My GeoDMS code looks like
unit<uint32> altBag:
storageName = 'c:/zandbak/output/bagPND.fss'
, storageReadOnly = 'true'
, dialogType = 'map'
, dialogData = 'geometry'
attribute <string> pandGeometrie; // works and looks good
attribute <dpoint> geometry := dpoint(pandGeometrie); // doesn't work, error above
attribute <rdc> geometry2 := pandGeometrie[rdc]; // doesn't work either
Is there a way to do this? Or is string to dpoint (or another type of point) unsupported and should I transform the CSV to shape file first?
you can try this:
attribute<dpoint> Geometry(poly) := dpolygon(GeometryStr);
and if a specific projection is required:
attribute<rdc_meter> Geometry2(poly) := value(GeometryStr, rdc_meter);

End_Error help, Using unbounded Strings in Ada

Can someone please tell me why I am getting an End_Error exception, I do not see how I am getting past the end of the file if I have a loop that opts out before it reaches this point. If there is an easy fix, I'd love to hear it, I've been stuck for a while and unbounded strings are not really my forte.
with Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO;
use Ada.Strings.UNbounded.Text_IO;
procedure checker is
InWord : Unbounded_String;
dictionary : File_Type;
count : Integer;
(File => dictionary, Mode => In_File, Name => "dictionary.txt");
exit when End_of_File;
InWord := Get_Line(File => dictionary);
end loop;
end checker;
raised ADA.IO_EXCEPTIONS.END_ERROR : a-textio.adb:690
You have
exit when End_of_File;
but since you’re looking for EOF on the input file it should be
exit when End_Of_File(File => Dictionary);
I’m not sure why you see the effect you do - when I tried it, nothing happened until I typed a couple of RETs and then I got the End_Error exception.
As you see, it’s nothing to do with strings, unbounded or otherwise!
As stated in the ARM, End_Of_File without parameters refers to the current input file.
In your case, it just refers to the standard input and not to your file.
Considering Simon's answer and the behaviour you got, I think you use your program with a redirection of the standard input (something like "cat myFile.txt | checker"). Am I right ?

Is it possible to skip loading a row using the kiba-etl gem?

Is there a way I can skip loading certain rows if I deem the row invalid using the kiba-etl gem?
For example, if there is a validation that must be passed before I load it into the system or errors that occur and I still need to push the data into to sys regardless while logging the problem.
Author of Kiba here! To remove a row from the pipeline, simply return nil at the end of a transform:
transform do |row|
row_valid = some_custom_operation
row_valid ? row : nil
You could also "write down" the offending rows, and report on them later using a post_process block like this (in this case, require a moderate to low number of bogus rows):
#bogus_row_ids = []
transform do |row|
if row_valid(row)
#bogus_row_ids << row[:id]
nil # remove from pipeline
post_process do
# do something with #bogus_row_ids, send an email, write a file etc
Let me know if this properly answers your question, or if you need a more refined answer.
I'm dumb. I realized you can just catch your errors within the transformation/loading process and return nil.

Storing Matlab data and strings in a tabulated file

I am creating a program which opens an image, and uses the MATLAB ginput command to store x and y coordinates, which are operated on in the loop to fulfill requirements of an if statement and output a number or string corresponding to the region clicked during the ginput session. At the same time, I am using the input command to input a string from the command window relating to these numbers. The ginput session is placed in a while loop so a click in a specific area will end the input session. For each session (while loop), only one or two inputs from the command window are needed. Finally, I am trying to store all the data in a csv or txt file, but I would like it to be tabulated so it is easy to read, i.e. rows and columns with headers. I am including some sample code. My questions are: 1, how can an input of x and y coordinates be translated to a string? It is simple to do this for a number, but I cannot get it to work with a string. 2, any help on printing the strings and number to a tabulated text or cdv file would be appreciated.
Command line input:
While Loop:
[x,y]= ginput(1);
if (y>539)
if x<594 && x>150 && y<539 && y>104
%it's in the square
if x<524 && x>207 && y<480 && y>163
[x,y]= ginput(1);
if x<136 && x>13
%its' pitch column
if y<539
if y<465
if y<390
if y<319
if y<249
if y<175
if pitch==0
For the above series of if statements, I would prefer a string output rather than the numbers 1-6 if the condition is satisfied.
The fprintf function is used to print to a file, but I have issues combining the strings and numbers using it:
fileID = fopen('pitches.csv','w');
fid = fopen('gamedata.txt','w');
fmtString = [repmat('%s\t',1,size(Batter,2)-1),'%s\n'];
for i=1:length(M)
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %6.2f %d\n',M(i,1),M(i,2),M(i,3));
I have tried adding the string handles to the fprintf command along with the columns of M, but get errors. I either need to store them in an array (How?) and print all the array columns to the file, or use some other method. I also tried a version of the writetable method:
but I can't get everything to work right. Thanks very much for any help.
Let's tackle your questions one at a time:
1, how can an input of x and y coordinates be translated to a string?
You can use the sprintf command in MATLAB. This takes exactly the same syntax as fprintf, but the output of this function will give you a string / character array of whatever you desire.
2, any help on printing the strings and number to a tabulated text or cdv file would be appreciated.
You can still use fprintf but you can specify a matrix as the input. As such, you can do this:
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %6.2f %d\n', M.');
This will write the entire matrix to file. However, care must be taken here because MATLAB writes to files in column major format. This means that it will traverse along the rows before going to the next column. If you want to write data row by row, you will need to transpose the matrix first so that when you are traversing down the rows, it will basically do what you want. You will need to keep this in mind before you start trying to write strings to an file. What I would recommend is that you place each string in a cell array, then loop through each element in the cell array and write each string individually line by line.
Hopefully this helps push you in the right direction. Reply back to me in a comment and we can keep talking if you need more help.
