Reading data from HDFS on a cluster - apache-spark

I am trying to read data from HDFS on AWS EC2 cluster using Jupiter Notebook. It has 7 nodes. I am using HDP 2.4 and my code is below. The table has millions of rows but the code does not return any rows."" is the server (ambari-server).
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
sqlContext = HiveContext(sc)
demography ="hdfs://", format="com.databricks.spark.csv", header="true", inferSchema="true")
print demography.count()
But using sc.textFile, I get the correct number of rows
data = sc.textFile("hdfs://")
schema= x: x.split(",")).first() #get schema
header = data.first() # extract header
data=data.filter(lambda x:x !=header) # filter out header
data= x: x.split(","))

The answer by Indrajit given here solved my problem. The problem was with the spark-csv jar.


How to read data from a file with double delimiter on spark

Could someone please help, how to handle this case.
PySpark Code:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, types
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName('read csv').getOrCreate()
sc = spark.sparkContext
df ='delimiter', ',').csv('filename')
error more than 1 character.
I have come across a similar issue. please try with below, see if that works. Please feel free to make changes to the code based on ur data format.
'''#PySpark Code.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, types
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName('read csv').getOrCreate()
sc = spark.sparkContext
#df ='delimiter',',').csv('filename')
df ='filename')
header = df.first()[0]
schema = header.split('~~')
df_input = df.filter(df['value']!= header) x: [0].split('~~')).toDF(schema)

Fetching data from REST API to Spark Dataframe using Pyspark

i am building a datapipeline which consume data from RESTApi in json format and pushed to Spark Dataframe. Spark Version: 2.4.4
but getting error as
df = SQLContext.jsonRDD(rdd)
AttributeError: type object 'SQLContext' has no attribute 'jsonRDD'
from pyspark import SparkConf,SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from urllib import urlopen
from pyspark import SQLContext
import json
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("DataCleansing") \
def convert_single_object_per_line(json_list):
json_string = ""
for line in json_list:
json_string += json.dumps(line) + "\n"
return json_string
def parse_dataframe(json_data):
r = convert_single_object_per_line(json_data)
mylist = []
for line in r.splitlines():
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(mylist)
df = SQLContext.jsonRDD(rdd)
return df
url = "https://mylink"
response = urlopen(url)
data = str(
json_data = json.loads(data)
df = parse_dataframe(json_data)
if there is any other better way to query RestApi and bring data to Spark Dataframe using Pyspark.
I am not sure if i am missing something.
Check Spark Rest API Data source. One advantage with this library is it will use multiple executors to fetch data rest api & create data frame for you.
In your code, you are fetching all data into the driver & creating DataFrame, It might fail with heap space if you have very huge data.
url = "https://mylink"
options = { 'url' : url, 'method' : 'GET', 'readTimeout' : '10000', 'connectionTimeout' : '2000', 'partitions' : '10'}
# Now we create the Dataframe which contains the result from the call to the API
df ="").options(**options).load()

Error while using dataframe show method in pyspark

I am trying to read data from BigQuery using pandas and pyspark. I am able to get the data but somehow getting below error while converting it into Spark DataFrame.
py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o28.showString.
: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not find TLS ALPN provider; no working netty-tcnative, Conscrypt, or Jetty NPN/ALPN available
Following is the environment detail
Python version : 3.7
Spark version : 2.4.3
Java version : 1.8
The code is as follow
import google.auth
import pyspark
from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession , SQLContext
from import bigquery
# Currently this only supports queries which have at least 10 MB of results
QUERY = """ SELECT * FROM test limit 1 """
#spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('Query Results').getOrCreate()
sc = pyspark.SparkContext()
bq = bigquery.Client()
print('Querying BigQuery')
project_id = ''
query_job = bq.query(QUERY,project=project_id)
# Wait for query execution
df = SQLContext(sc).read.format('bigquery') \
.option('dataset', query_job.destination.dataset_id) \
.option('table', query_job.destination.table_id)\
.option("type", "direct")\
I am looking some help to solve this issue.
I managed to find the better solution referencing this link , below is my working code :
Install pandas_gbq package in python library before writing below code .
import pandas_gbq
from pyspark.context import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession
project_id = "<your-project-id>"
query = """ SELECT * from testSchema.testTable"""
athletes = pandas_gbq.read_gbq(query=query, project_id=project_id,dialect = 'standard')
# Get a reference to the Spark Session
sc = SparkContext()
spark = SparkSession(sc)
# convert from Pandas to Spark
sparkDF = spark.createDataFrame(athletes)
# perform an operation on the DataFrame
Hope it helps to someone ! Keep pysparking :)

pyspark rdd isCheckPointed() is false

I was encountering stackoverflowerrors when I was iteratively adding over 500 columns to my pyspark dataframe. So, I included checkpoints. The checkpoints did not help. So, I created the following toy application to test if my checkpoints were working correctly. All I do in this example is iteratively create columns by copying the original column over and over again. I persist, checkpoint and count every 10 iterations. I notice that my dataframe.rdd.isCheckpointed() always returns False. I can verify that the checkpoint folders are indeed being created and populated on disk. I am running on dataproc on glcoud.
Here is my code:
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
from pyspark import StorageLevel
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sys
APP_NAME = "isCheckPointWorking"
spark = SparkSession\
sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
#set the checkpoint directory
#create a spark dataframe with one column containing numbers 1 through 9
df4 = spark.createDataFrame(pd.DataFrame(np.arange(1,10),columns = ["A"]))
#create a list of new columns to be added to the dataframe
numberList = np.arange(0,40)
colNewList = ['col'+str(x) for x in numberList]
iterCount = 0
for colName in colNewList:
#copy column A in to the new column
df4 = df4.withColumn(colName,df4.A)
if (np.mod(iterCount,10) == 0):
df4 = df4.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK)
#checking if underlying RDD is being checkpointed
print("is data frame checkpointed "+str(df4.rdd.isCheckpointed()))
iterCount +=1
It is unclear why df4.rdd.isCheckpointed() is returning False each time, when I can see that the checkpoint folder is being populated. Any thoughts?
The checkpoint method returns a new check-pointed Dataset, it does not modify the current Dataset.
df4 = df4.checkpoint(eager=True)

read.json not working in spark 2.1 as expected

I was using spark 1.3 to read a JSON stream using .jsonRDD. However, when I was using this with 2.1 it did not work as it is deprecated. The updated version is read.json(). However read.json does not seem to work and gives me an error
u"cannot resolve '`availableDocks`' given input columns: [];
The code is given below
ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 60)
def getSparkSessionInstance(sparkConf):
if ("sparkSessionSingletonInstance" not in globals()):
globals()["sparkSessionSingletonInstance"] = SparkSession \
.builder \
.config(conf=sparkConf) \
return globals()["sparkSessionSingletonInstance"]
def process(time, rdd):
print("========= %s =========" % str(time))
# Get the singleton instance of SparkSession
spark = getSparkSessionInstance(rdd.context.getConf())
# Convert RDD[String] to RDD[Row] to DataFrame
df =
# Creates a temporary view using the DataFrame
results=spark.sql("select stationName from station_data where availableDocks > 20")
The json is a valid format and verified. Is there a way to specify columns for a json. This was working fine on 1.3 using jsonRDD. The json data can be obtained from where i am using only the stationBeanList.
