How does ${path} work, in this tutorial - linux

I'm sure this is one of the dumbest problems asked on this site, but I am very new to linux, and a little out of my depths. I'm working off of this tutorial here and am stuck on the "add the path" and verify steps.
For this one the tutorial told me to use this:
export PATH=${PATH}:${DTITK_ROOT}/bin:${DTITK_ROOT}/utilities:${DTITK_ROOT}/scripts
I have already defined DTITK_ROOT, and have a few questions about the above instructions.
Should the ${} be left around the DTITK_ROOT?
My DTITK_ROOT is the full path (I think that's the right term) to the file I extracted the program to, should I change that?
What do I write for ${PATH} in that case? I understand that I'm supposed to replace it with something, but I don't know what. Everything I've tried doesn't pass the verify step.
I'm sorry if it seems like a dumb or really simple question, but I don't even know any keywords to google in order to find how to get the answer.

Yes. This is how you access the path stored in DTITK_ROOT. This is called parameter expansion. You can read more about it here.
No, don't change anything. Also, a more commonly used term is absolute path, in comparison to relative path. The absolute path is a path from the root directory, /. Relative path is a path from your current working directory. You can read more about paths in general and the difference between absolute and relative paths here.
You don't replace it with anything. Once again, parameter expansion comes into play and this will be replaced with what is already stored in your path variable. So really all this command is doing is taking your path variable, adding some more paths to it, and then storing it back into your path variable. If you didn't know, the path variable contains paths to all executable files that you would like to execute without typing the full path. Here is a good discussion on path variables, along with other environment variables.

1st command takes care of path
export DTITK_ROOT=mypathonSystem/dtitk
2nd command
export PATH=${PATH}:${DTITK_ROOT}/bin:${DTITK_ROOT}/utilities:${DTITK_ROOT}/scripts
I am not too sure but I think second command should run as is since you defined DDTITK_ROOT in first command
${PATH} is letting the system know where the resources can be found at
have you tried running first command, then running second command unmodified?

Should the ${} be left around the DTITK_ROOT?
Yes. In the case of the shell, it is not essential here because the / that follows the $DTITK_ROOT is enough to signal that we have reached the end of the variable name, but doing ${DTITK_ROOT} explicitly says that the variable name is DTITK_ROOT and not that plus whatever characters might be on the end of it. Other programs (such as make) which allow you to write shell commands to execute might not be so accommodating - make would think that $DTITK_ROOT would be the value of $D followed by the literal characters TITK_ROOT. So, it is a good practice to just get used to putting {} around shell variable names that are longer than a single character.
My DTITK_ROOT is the full path to the file I extracted the program to, should I change that?
If you mean the full path to the directory that you extracted the program to, then that is what you should use. I am assuming that you have something like "export DTITK_ROOT=/Users/huiz/unix/dtitk" (per the example).
On thing you can do is to verify that the value of DTITK_ROOT is available by executing a "echo ${DTITK_ROOT}" to verify that it has the proper value.


Is there a way to set "another" PATH variable?

I know that if I have a custom path CUSTOM_PATH=/some/custom/path/, then i just do export PATH=$PATH:$CUSTOM_PATH in order to have system-wide access to the executables in /some/custom/path.
But, for some complicated reasons, it would be great if I could define $CUSTOM_PATH, not append it to $PATH but still have its contents searched as if it were appended to $PATH.
This is what I mean by "another" PATH variable: a path which is searched like $PATH, but defined separately. Is there a way to do this?
Quick answer: No.
If this were possible, then it might be something like:
export CUSTOM_PATH=/usr/local/bin
export PATH='/usr/bin:/bin:$CUSTOM_PATH'
That would put the literal string "$CUSTOM_PATH" into your $PATH. You could then change the value of $CUSTOM_PATH, without touching $PATH, and implicitly update your system's search path.
But it doesn't work that way. The relevant library functions (execlp et al) treat the value of the $PATH environment variable as a colon-delimited sequence of literal directory names. It doesn't do any kind of expansion on those names.
You'll just have to update $PATH any time you want to change the system search path. (You can maintain the value of $PATH any way you like, including incorporating the values of other environment variables.)

Path variable: Find folder path of specific file

On Linux and other Unix-likes, how do I find the path to a specific file that I can use because of the PATH environment variable? For example, if I can use, from the command line:
ls # technically the file name is "ls.exe"
is there a way I can find the path of the ls.exe file explicitly without looking through the PATH variable myself (i.e. maybe have a program search through it but not look myself)?
I understand there are many pitfalls/caveats of doing this, for example a PATH can be a file or even part of a file (I think), plus symlinks, etc. could make it unreliable, but I'm looking for general use cases.
The reason I am asking is I have Windows with msysgit so I have A LOT of folders in my path, and searching every one would be annoying & time-consuming, not to mention harder because of Windows limitations, but I can still presumably use almost anything Linux can use.
$ type ls.exe
ls.exe is /usr/bin/ls.exe

What is PATH on a Mac (UNIX) system?

I'm trying to setup a project, storm from git:
Download a Storm release , unpack it, and put the unpacked bin/ directory on your PATH
My question is: What does PATH mean? What exactly do they want me to do?
Sometimes I see some /bin/path, $PATH, or echo PATH.
Can someone explain the concept of PATH, so I can setup everything easily in the future without just blindly following the instructions?
PATH is a special environment variable in UNIX (and UNIX-like, e.g. GNU/Linux) systems, which is frequently used and manipulated by the shell (though other things can use it, as well).
There's a somewhat terse explanation on wikipedia, but basically it's used to define where to search for executable files (whether binaries, shell scripts, whatever).
You can find out what your current PATH is set to with a simple shell command:
: $; echo $PATH
(Note: the : $; is meant to represent your shell prompt; it may be something very different for you; just know that whatever your prompt is, that's what I'm representing with that string.)
Depending on your system and prior configuration, the value will vary, but a very simple example of the output might be something like:
This is a colon(:)-separated list of directories in which to search for executable files (things like ls, et cetera.) In short, when you try to execute a command from your shell (or from within some other program in certain ways), it will search through each of the directories in this list, in order, looking for an executable file of the name you're provided, and run the first one it finds. So that's the concept, per your question.
From there, what this documentation is telling you to do is to add the directory where you've unpacked the software, and in particular its bin subdirectory, into your $PATH variable. How to do this depends a bit on which shell you're using, but for most (Bourne-compatible) shells, you should be able to do something like this, if you're in the directory where that bin directory is:
: $; PATH="$PATH:$PWD/bin"; export PATH
In just about all but an actual Bourne shell, this can be shortened to:
: $; export PATH="$PATH:$PWD/bin"
(I won't bother explaining for CSH-compatible shells (because: I agree with other advice that you don't use them), but something similar can be done in them, as well, if that happens to be your environment of choice for some reason.)
Presumably, though, you'll want to save this to a shell-specific configuration file (could be ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc... depending on your shell), and without reference to $PWD, but rather to whatever it expanded to. One way you might accomplish this would be to do something like this:
: $; echo "export PATH=\"\$PATH:$PWD/bin\""
and then copy/paste the resulting line into the appropriate configuration file.
Of course you could also generate the appropriate command in other ways, especially if your $PWD isn't currently where that bin directory is.
See also:
An article about $PATH (and more)
a related question on : How to add backslashes automatically

In, I read the context of system environment variable like $(MY_ENV_VARIABLE). The env variable contains following string inside "Program(x86) Files".
But the build fails, claiming that the specified library cannot be found. The failure takes place of windows style weird space in "Program(x86) Files".
So my question is, is there any mechanism to automatically escape the special symbols like space (i.e "Program(x86)\ Files", for my case).
You might be able to try using the windows pathing conventions of using the tilde character so instead of C:\Program(x86) Files\mydir it would be C:\PROGRA~2\mydir (PROGRA~1 is for the 64 bit program files).
Like eldar said in the comments it is better to not use spaces in path names because most of make's functions use spaces as delimiters. Another option you could try is to take a look at my suggestion here: WINAVR not finding file in include path with whitespace
Since Android is a pretty complicated build environment it might be hard to see where to place the final substitution unless you know what you're doing and hopefully won't break anything else in the makefile.

change shell directory from a script?

i want to make a script (to) that makes it easier for me to enter folders.
so eg. if i type "to apache" i want it to change the current directory to /etc/apache2.
however, when i use the "cd" command inside the script, it seems like it changes the path WITHIN the script, so the path in the shell has not changed.
how could i make this work?
Use an alias or function, or source the script instead of executing it.
BASH FAQ entry #60.
use a function
cd /etc/apache
put in a file eg and whenever you want to use it, source the file. eg
source /path/
As Ignacio said, make it into a function (or perhaps an alias).
The way I tend to do it is have a shell script that creates the function - and the script and the function have the same name. Then once at some point in time, I will source the script ('. funcname') and thereafter I can simply use the function.
I tend to prefer functions to aliases; it is easier to manage arguments etc.
Also, for the specific case of changing directories, I use CDPATH. The trick with using CDPATH is to have the empty entry at the start:
export CDPATH=:/work4/jleffler:/u/jleffler:/work4/jleffler/src:\
On this machine, my main home directory is /work4/jleffler. I can get to most of the relevant sub-directories in one go with 'cd whatever'.
If you don't put the empty entry (or an explicit '.') first, then you can't 'cd' into a sub-directory of the current directory, which is disconcerting at least.
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams gave a link to what probably answers the question, although I didn't really follow it. The short answer is to use either "source" or a single dot before the command, eg:
. to apache
But, I found there are down problems to this if you have a more complicated script. It seems that the original script filename variable ($0) is lost. I see "-bash" instead, so your script can't echo error text that that would include the full filename.
Also, you can't use the "exit" command, or your shell will exit (especially disconcerting from ssh).
Also, the "basename" function gives an error if you use that.
So, it seems to me that a function might be the only way to get around some of these problems, like if you are passing parameters.
