WebApi site with Windows Authentication and workgroups? - iis

I have a WebApi2 site running in IIS 8.5 with Windows Authentification enabled. the site is working fine.
However, I would like to set up the site within a Workgroups environment instead of Active Directoy.
What are the changes necessary in IIS and/or web.config so that Windows Authentification can still be used?


Issue in accesing a website hosting on weblogic server through IIS

We are facing issue while configuring IIS setup for weblogic servers.
Following are the environment details:
IIS8.5 on windows 2012 R2 standard 64x, wls_plugin_12. for weblogic server.
We have done the following steps:
Created a new web site on IIS.
Enabling the authentication settings.
Enabling the Directory browsing.
Added the script mapping in Handler mapping and set the path of iisproxy.dll as executor.
ISAPI filter setting for the iisproxy.dll
We are able to view the directory structure while accessing the IP and Port, but the request is not redirecting to the weblogic ip and port what we have configured in iisproxy.ini.
Is there any web.config or handler settings required to process the request?
The issue is that we are using wls-Plugin12. whose iisproxy.dll is not working in IIS8.5 on windows 2012 R2 server. After using the lower version of the plugin, able to access the web logic instance through proxy the IIS.
After that we are able to view the login page of web logic instance but not able to login to the application as it through s "404 Not found error". For this we have to change the handler mapping settings --> Request restrictions --> Mapping --> uncheck the invoke handle, restart the iis application and try browsing again. You will be able to login to web logic applications.

Windows Authentication in IIS using Kestrel

My web application needs windows authentication (Kerberos or NTLM) to manage authorization by Active Directory memberships.
I've configured my IIS web site with windows authentication only.
My web.config is configured with forwardWindowsAuthToken="true"
But how can I use my windows account in my C# MVC controllers?

ASP.NET MVC 5 hosted on windows 7 local iis listing directory but not diplaying application

I have an MVC5 application deployed to my windows 7 local IIS. I have enabled directory browsing and also created an AppPool for the application. I have linked the application to it's AppPool and also tweaked the advanced settings to reflect localService.
When I visit the application, it only displays the directory listing without showing the application.
Would be waiting to read from you.
Re-installing the iis via the command prompt:
Lunch the command prompt on windows
Navigate to where you have the .net framework v4.0
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis.exe /I
Verify the appPool pipeline mode is set to integrated
Check your application, you should be fine.

Running ASP.NET MVC 4 app on IIS 7.5 Locally

I have an MVC 4 application that I can run using IIS 7.5. In the application properties there is an option to create virtual directory I click that button and nothing happens. When I open IIS Manager I do not see my application under Default WebSite.
UPDATE: I think I am able to setup the virtual directory. But now when I browse the web site it says "A default document is not configured for the requested URL and directory browsing is not enabled on the server".
You should change the path to your default website in IIS to see if it goes to the right place where your solution is.

How to host a custom webdav module in IIS?

I have been using an open source WebDAV framework named "Sphorium" for quite some time to talk to my data repository.. I have been using Cassini web server to host my WebDAV server module and everything was working just fine if I map the server as a web folder in my system. However, i found that Cassini web server does not support "https". So, I started looking out for deploying my WebDAV server application in IIS.. So I built a website in ASP .Net which talks to the Sphorium WebDAV module and authorizes the user. And when I run my website using the VS Debugger, it gets hosted on the ASP .Net development web server, prompts for the credentials and works just fine. However, if I publish my web app and try to host in in IIS, and try to browse, it prompts me for the password for 3 times and finally says "Unauthorized"...
Could someone pls throw some light on how I can use IIS in this case? Do I have to give any permissions?
