How to host a custom webdav module in IIS? - iis

I have been using an open source WebDAV framework named "Sphorium" for quite some time to talk to my data repository.. I have been using Cassini web server to host my WebDAV server module and everything was working just fine if I map the server as a web folder in my system. However, i found that Cassini web server does not support "https". So, I started looking out for deploying my WebDAV server application in IIS.. So I built a website in ASP .Net which talks to the Sphorium WebDAV module and authorizes the user. And when I run my website using the VS Debugger, it gets hosted on the ASP .Net development web server, prompts for the credentials and works just fine. However, if I publish my web app and try to host in in IIS, and try to browse, it prompts me for the password for 3 times and finally says "Unauthorized"...
Could someone pls throw some light on how I can use IIS in this case? Do I have to give any permissions?


How to resolve 404 error on deploying .net core web API

Hi I have done following steps while hosting my .net core web API in IIS of my laptop. But when I browse the URL I get 404 error.
Sample URL: http://localhost/Myapp/api/user
Help will be much appreciated! If need any further info let me know.
Install Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle 2.2.5
Hosted web api in IIS with defaul 80 port number without any hostname
Created new application pool with No MANAGED CODE as .NET CLR Version.
To host .NET Core Web API in IIS follow below steps:
Publish the Web APIs to Your Local Folder
for example, D:\testcoreapi
Install Microsoft .NET Core Windows Server Hosting Bundle File
ASP.NET Core Module Configuration Reference
Open IIS Create One Application Pool of No Managed Code
Create Web Site to point to the local folder of your published.
Do not forget to select an application pool which you created before with no managed setting.
If you are still not able to browse the site select your site from connection node in iis.
right click on site and select "Explore" and make sure that you select right folder.
For more detail you could follow the below article:

Running Node.JS with IIS. Can’t connect to site from other computers, but site runs on local server

I am trying to host a Node.JS app on a server that also has IIS running on it. I can open the site in the server browser. As you can see i have the website iisnode running in the browser and it is added in the IIS manager
However, i can not access this site from a different computer using ServerURL/siteName. I just get this error:
What could i be doing wrong? It works locally so i must be close to having it working. I can access other sites hosted on this server so i know the issue is with this app specifically.

Web Deploy unable to validate connection

I am trying to learn how to setup Web Deploy functionality on both sides Server and host/client computer. Created a Windows Server 2012 Web Server in Hyper-V and able to access default web page in host/client computer. On server installed Web Maintenance Service, Web Deploy 3.5 and performed all the required steps e.g. "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" and added Administrator to IIS Manager Permission for the website in IIS. I disabled Firewall totally to make it work for the first time.
On client computer I created a dummy MVC Application in Visual Studio and trying to create publish profile for this app. As soon as I hit the Validate Connection I got the option to receive and save the security certificate from server but after that in gives me following warning (snapshot):
Tried doing all the steps all over but no luck.
I am open to all feedback. Thanks in advance.
Found the solution. Instead of adding publish information manually, I am suppose to use publishsetting file generated in server through "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" feature of IIS. Server address ends with file name which ends with .axd

IIS 401.1 error

We have a .net web application running on iis 8 using windows authentication.
Everything was working fine until we installed a new version of our application without any changes to the iis settings or in the apps web.config file.
The problem is that ever since when we try to open up the app in a browser and fill out the windows authentication popup with valid user user information, it just wont authenticate and after the third try we get a 401.1 error message. This happens when we try to access the website from any pc even the pc that hosts iis and even when we try to launch the site through iis.
Any ideas on what could cause such a thing?

Single Sign On with NodeJS on Linux Server in Windows domain network

in the company i work for we've got a lot of windows 20xx servers.
we're using an active directory domain controller for authentication.
programs like SharePoint or Dynamics CRM 2015 (hosted on IIS of course) don't need a separate input of user credentials when opened in IE. you open it and you're logged in - magic :) i think it's something that only works with IIS?
i'm developing AngularJS applications with a NodeJS backend. NodeJS backend runs on linux machine, AngularJS app is hosted on the same machine by Nginx webserver. everything is in the same network.
is there any way to authenticate a user in my AngularJS app hosted on that linux machine without asking him/her for his/her credentials? a working solution that doesn't require IE would be best case.
thank you very much!
