Spark changes the schema when writing to Avro - apache-spark

I have a Spark job (in CDH 5.5.1) that loads two Avro files (both with the same schema), combines them to make a DataFrame (also with the same schema) then writes them back out to Avro.
The job explicitly compares the two input schemas to ensure they are the same.
This is used to combine existing data with a few updates (since the files are immutable). I then replace the original file with the new combined file by renaming them in HDFS.
However, if I repeat the update process (i.e. try to add some further updates to the previously updated file), the job fails because the schemas are now different! What is going on?

This is due to the behaviour of the spark-avro package.
When writing to Avro, spark-avro writes everything as unions of the given type along with a null option.
In other words, "string" becomes ["string", "null"] so every field becomes nullable.
If your input schema already contains only nullable fields, then this problem doesn't become apparent.
This isn't mentioned on the spark-avro page, but is described as one of the limitations of spark-avro in some Cloudera documentation:
Because Spark is converting data types, watch for the following:
Enumerated types are erased - Avro enumerated types become strings when they are read into Spark because Spark does not support
enumerated types.
Unions on output - Spark writes everything as unions of the given type along with a null option.
Avro schema changes - Spark reads everything into an internal representation. Even if you just read and then write the data, the
schema for the output will be different.
Spark schema reordering - Spark reorders the elements in its schema when writing them to disk so that the elements being
partitioned on are the last elements.
See also this github issue: (spark-avro 92)


Parquet file size using Spark

we had some old code using org.apache.parquet.hadoop.api.WriteSupport API to write Parquet formatted file, and we start to use Apache Spark to do the same thing.
Those two ways can successfully generate Parquet files with same input data, and the output data are almost identical. However, the output file size is quite different.
The one generated by WriteSupport is 2G-ish, whereas the one generated by Spark is 5.5G-ish. I compared the schema, they are same, is there any area I can further look into?
Btw, the WriteSupport has parquet-mr version 1.8.0; Spark one has 1.10.0.

Generate Spark schema code/persist and reuse schema

I am implementing some Spark Structured Streaming transformations from a Parquet data source. In order to read the data into a streaming DataFrame, one has to specify the schema (it cannot be automatically inferred). The schema is really complex and manually writing the schema code will be a very complex task.
Can you suggest a walkaround? Currently I am creating a batch DataFrame beforehand (using the same data source), Spark infers the schema and then I save the schema to a Scala object and use it as an input for the Structured Streaming reader.
I don't think it is a reliable or a well performing solution. Please suggest how to generate the schema code automatically or somehow persist the schema in a file and reuse it.
From the docs:
By default, Structured Streaming from file based sources requires you
to specify the schema, rather than rely on Spark to infer it
automatically. This restriction ensures a consistent schema will be
used for the streaming query, even in the case of failures. For ad-hoc
use cases, you can reenable schema inference by setting
spark.sql.streaming.schemaInference to true.
You could also open a shell, read one of the parquet files with automatic schema inference enabled, and save the schema to JSON for later reuse. You only have to do this one time, so it might be faster / more efficient than doing the similar-sounding workaround you're using now.

Lazy loading of partitioned parquet in Apache Spark

As I understand it, Apache Spark uses lazy evaluation. So for example code like the following that consists only of transformations will do no actual processing:
val transformed_df = df.filter("some_field = 10").select("some_other_field", "yet_another_field")
Only when we do an "action" will any processing actually occur:
I had been under the impression that load operations are also lazy in spark. (See How spark loads the data into memory.)
However, my experiences with spark have not borne this out. When I do something like the following,
val df ="/path/to/parquet/")
execution seems to depend greatly on the size of the data in the path. In other words, it's not strictly lazy. This is inconvenient if the data is partitioned and I only need to look at a fraction of the partitions.
For example:
df.filter("partitioned_field = 10").show()
If the data is partitioned in storage on "partitioned_field", I would have expected spark to wait until show() is called, and then read only data under "/path/to/parquet/partitioned_field=10/". But again, this doesn't seem to be the case. Spark appears to perform at least some operations on all of the data as soon as read or load is called.
I could get around this by only loading /path/to/parquet/partitioned_field=10/ in the first place, but this is much less elegant than just calling "read" and filtering on the partitioned field, and it's harder to generalize.
Is there a more elegant preferred way to lazily load partitions of parquet data?
(To clarify, I am using Spark 2.4.3)
I think I've stumbled on an answer to my question while learning about a key distinction that is often overlooked when talking about lazy evaluation in spark.
Data is lazily evaluated, but schemas are not. So if we are reading parquet, which is a structured data type, spark does have to at least determine the schema of any files it's reading as soon as read() or load() is called. So calling read() on a large number of files will take longer than on a small number of files.
Given that partitions are part of the schema, it's less surprising to me now that spark has to look at all of the files in the path to determine the schema before filtering on a partition field.
It would be convenient for my purposes if spark were to wait until schema evaluation was strictly necessary and was able to filter on partition fields prior to determining the rest of the schema, but it sounds like this is not the case. I believe Dataset objects always must have a schema, so I'm not sure there's a way around this problem without significant changes to Spark.
In conclusion, it seems like my only option currently is to pass in a list of paths for the partitions that I need rather than the base path if I want to avoid evaluating the schema over the entire data repository.

Fast Parquet row count in Spark

The Parquet files contain a per-block row count field. Spark seems to read it at some point (
I tried this in spark-shell:"x.parquet").count
And Spark ran two stages, showing various aggregation steps in the DAG. I figure this means it reads through the file normally instead of using the row counts. (I could be wrong.)
The question is: Is Spark already using the row count fields when I run count? Is there another API to use those fields? Is relying on those fields a bad idea for some reason?
That is correct, Spark is already using the rowcounts field when you are running count.
Diving into the details a bit, the references the Improve Parquet scan performance when using flat schemas commit as part of [SPARK-11787] Speed up parquet reader for flat schemas. Note, this commit was included as part of the Spark 1.6 branch.
If the query is a row count, it pretty much works the way you described it (i.e. reading the metadata). If the predicates are fully satisfied by the min/max values, that should work as well though that is not as fully verified. It's not a bad idea to use those Parquet fields but as implied in the previous statement, the key issue is to ensure that the predicate filtering matches the metadata so you are doing an accurate count.
To help understand why there are two stages, here's the DAG created when running the count() statement.
When digging into the two stages, notice that the first one (Stage 25) is running the file scan while the second stage (Stage 26) runs the shuffle for the count.
Thanks to Nong Li (the author of the commit) for validating!
To provide additional context on the bridge between Dataset.count and Parquet, the flow of the internal logic surrounding this is:
Spark does not read any Parquet columns to calculate the count
Passing of the Parquet schema to the VectorizedParquetRecordReader is actually an empty Parquet message
Computing the count using the metadata stored in the Parquet file footers.
involves the wrapping of the above within an iterator that returns an InternalRow per InternalRow.scala.
To work with the Parquet File format, internally, Apache Spark wraps the logic with an iterator that returns an InternalRow; more information can be found in InternalRow.scala. Ultimately, the count() aggregate function interacts with the underlying Parquet data source using this iterator. BTW, this is true for both vectorized and non-vectorized Parquet reader.
Therefore, to bridge the Dataset.count() with the Parquet reader, the path is:
The Dataset.count() call is planned into an aggregate operator with a single count() aggregate function.
Java code is generated at planning time for the aggregate operator as well as the count() aggregate function.
The generated Java code interacts with the underlying data source ParquetFileFormat with an RecordReaderIterator, which is used internally by the Spark data source API.
For more information, please refer to Parquet Count Metadata Explanation.
We can also use

Spark write.avro creates individual avro files

I have a spark-submit job I wrote that reads an in directory of json docs, does some processing on them using data frames, and then writes to an out directory. For some reason, though, it creates individual avro, parquet or json files when I use or df.write methods.
In fact, I even used the saveAsTable method and it did the same thing with parquet.gz files in the hive warehouse.
It seems to me that this is inefficient and negates the use of a container file format. Is this right? Or is this normal behavior and what I'm seeing just an abstraction in HDFS?
If I am right that this is bad, how do I write the data frame from many files into a single file?
As #zero323 told its normal behavior due to many workers(to support fault tolerance).
I would suggest you to write all the records in parquet or avro file which has avro generic record using something like this
format(FILE_FORMAT).partitionBy("parameter1", "parameter2").save(path);
but it wont write in to single file but it will group similar kind of Avro Generic records to one file(may be less number of medium sized) files
