Scrolling Past The Bottom In Android Studio? - android-studio

In Android Studio, when I'm typing new code, I'm always at the bottom of the file. This means I'm always staring at the bottom of my screen when I type, which is really annoying. Is there a way to configure Android Studio t scroll past the bottom of the file, so the last line can be at the centre of the screen? There's a question about the same topic for Eclipse here, to which the answer is no. Just wondering if this is possible in Android Studio? I currently just type ~50 new lines at the end of every file I create before coding, but that's just so inelegant.

Under Virtual Space section, check "Show virtual space at file bottom"
Or File>Settings and then search "virtual" in the search box to find the setting.


Android Studio Chipmunk - XML Layout Designer Split View Change Orientation

I'm not sure what happened, but the Split XML design view is now showing horizontally instead of vertically. (Design View is on bottom and Code view is on top.) I can't find anywhere on the UI to change the orientation of the design and code panes.
After playing around with the interface for longer than I'd like to admit...
Clicking on the Split button again flips the UI between horizontal and vertical split screen.
I'm not sure if this is a new feature in Android Chipmunk or if it's always been this way, but I could not find a duplicate question or answer on Stack Overflow or the web.
I faced a similar situation in version. Android Studio Chipmunk | 2021.2.1 Patch 2
I noticed that by pressing the Split button it became old value.

Android Studio 4.0 red line tooltip suggestions disappearing too quickly to read

I updated my Android Studio recently to 4.0 and now when I type code incorrectly, and I mouse over the red squiggly line to see what it expects or suggests, the tooltip appears and disappears very quickly. I can't read it. In fact, it's even harder now to get the thing to show up, it's very precise where the mouse pointer is. I've restarted everything including my computer. I've changed the tooltip settings from 700 to 2000 with no change. Anyone else have this issue and know how to fix it?
Thanks all!
I found the answer via this link:
Android Studio , tooltip disappearing so fast
Basically, put a bunch of random letters in your filter for Logcat and it will stop the messages, the tooltip will stay up. When Logcat is running it's interrupting the tooltips now for some reason. I think this must be a bug.

Can't get rid of huge left indent in AndroidStudio (screenshot)

Hi, does anyone know what is it on the left?
It is unfoldable, non-draggable, useless and empty area across entire code. It appears in every opened class. If you click on it, you'll set a breakpoint. You can not collapse it. I do not remember how or why I got this, but then I didn't find any key or menu or button combination to heal this bug.
THis is the last Android Studio 3.6.3. And the same was before upgrade.
Please help, it eats my space and nerves!
UPD Gutter icons look ok.
Maybe your gutter icons are messed up. Check via the settings or the context menu on the gutter (i.e. where the line numbers are).
After 2 months of terribly inconvenient work I finally found the cause. To turn it off do
View - Appearance - Exit Distraction Free mode.
Amazingly, but this big white indent was intended to not distract me (from what? nothing else has changed).

How to get rid of this Mouse pointer on Android studio and get the editable one

I am new to android development. The mouse pointer on the design page is as shown in the screenshot. I am not able to edit anything like increasing the height and width of the widget on this page. I might be able to do it in XML but I want it done here.
I want a normal mouse pointer where I can edit the widgets.
I tried looking at some of the blogs but it didn't help.
activity.xml - design
It worked after removing the cache files and restarting the android studio

Visual Studio 2015 Layout: Error List and Output

Problem: Having read this article, the initial intention was to dock the tabbed Error List and Output Windows to the IDE status bar, but won't accommodate as it seems this method is not implemented in the IDE interface.
Alternatively try raising the bottom edge of the IDE and move the Error List and Output below the IDE Window. Almost perfect except it squinches the right-docked Solution and Property Windows a little.
Now tabbed and grouped documents can be resized if they aren't docked to the top frame, but then the group becomes another Window outside the IDE (Win 8.11).
Questions: Is there a way to raise the bottom borders of the IDE docked document group to fit the Error List and Output?
That way it's not necessary to keep switching Window configs or hiding Error List & Output as we wish for a clear view of all content in a web page or document.
Or, as there's idle real estate either to the right of the IDE menu items or adjacent to the Notifications/Feedback/Quick Launch/ area is it possible to place buttons binding Window layouts to Ctrl+Alt+{num}?
Also reviving a question for previous VS version as a corollary, is there some way to bring back the old SDI feel of VB where the white space in the IDE is replaced by the desktop or another underlying window?
Helpful answers appreciated as always.
