Copying rows from a worksheet to 4 different worksheets - excel

Please suggest how to copy rows of data from one worksheet to 4 different worksheets for
a. Previous month
b. Current year YTD
c. Previous year month
d. Previous year YTD

You can access any cell of any worksheet using
Sheet("Sheetname").Cells(rownumber, columnnumber) if you know the name of the worksheets or Sheet(index).Cells(rownumber,columnumber) if only the index of the worksheets are fixed.
To copy the value you can just write Sheet(index1).Cells(rownumber1, columnnumber1)=Sheet(index2).Cells(rownumber2, columnnumber2)
You can select a whole row as well by Rows(index).Select or multiple rows by Rows("startIndex:endIndex").Select


Compare and mark from two sheets in excel

I have a sheet
which i have to compare it with my another sheets data
here i want to compare Column A from first sheet two Row 1 in second Sheet and mark the diffenece in both and highlight it.

Excel Highlight differences in rows based on matching columns

I have an excel workbook with 2 sheets, Sheet 1 is last years data, Sheet 2 is this years data. I need to compare data in Sheet 1 Column A to Sheet 2 Column A. If the data matches in Column A in both sheets, I need to compare and highlight the differences in those rows where they matched up. I have only been able to highlight the differences in the columns not the rows.
Thanks in advance.

VBA macro in excel that will copy and paste a range of cells into another sheet weekly

I am very new to VBA but have a need use it in a report I run weekly. There are six columns that I need to copy and paste into another sheet each week - this would be cumulative so it would paste the new data after the old data each week, not replace it. The range for this case is A6:A24 through F6:F24. One additionally caveat is that I would like to add one column called date that posts that days date - is that doable? I have attached a snippet - my idea is to create the column headers in the new tab (manager, employee, etc.) and fill data down each week so I can create a chart with historical data.
Adding what I have come up with:
Sub sbCopyRangeToAnotherSheet()
'Method 1
Sheets("Summary Build").Range("A6:F24").Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2")
End Sub
You were nearly there. Your code will copy to A2. To find the next blank cell you need to start at the bottom of the spreadsheet, go up to the first filled cell and then down one. Bottom of the spreadsheet is range(sheet.rows.count,1) To go up we use End(xlup) and then down one .offset(1,0) That's One row, no columns. Put it together and we get range(sheets("sheet1").rows.count,1).end(xlup).offset(1,0)
So your line is
Sheets("Summary Build").Range("A6:F24").Copy Destination:=range(sheets("sheet1").rows.count,1).end(xlup).offset(1,0)
To put today's date into a cell you can use the date function eg:
Range("A2") = Date()
EDIT: Sorry it should read
Sheets(1).Range("A6:F24").Copy _
Destination:=Sheets("sheet1").Cells(Sheets("sheet1").Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)

Excel VBA matching record copy data between worksheets

I have spent the last week trying to find a solution to this. I'm a total novice in VBA and I need to match a name in column B of worksheet 1 with column A of worksheet 2 and then copy column C of worksheet 1 to the matched row in worksheet 2.
You can do this without VBA.
In worksheet 2 column C use the following formula
Replace Sheet1 with your sheet name.

Excel Automatically update a row in another sheet

I have a excel workbook with 3 sheets, sheet1 contains all the data which is split into remanning 2 sheets.
sheet1 data is updated on daily bases therefore i need to split sheet1 and update the reming two sheets, so at the moment i copy a each row from sheet1 and replace corresponding row in sheet2 or sheet3 with new data , each sheet contains the same columns: customer_id, customer_name, customer_surname, customer_deposit, total_deposits.
This requires so much manual work is there way where i can just automatically update a row in sheet2
and sheet3 with the data from sheet1.
Ps. The customer_id never changes so maybe there is a way i could use this t update the rows....?
If you only use sheet 2 & 3 for viewing the data then you can do something like this:
In sheet 2 set the formula for A1 to be
then drag the cell to the left (copying the formula) for however many columns you want. Then drag the higlighted cells down to copy the formula to all the desired cells. Then do the same on sheet 3 but starting at the point you want to split sheet 1. Then update sheet 1 and sheet 2 and 3 will automatically update.
