Azure - Cannot edit Application Settings. Says they are deleted? - azure

Whenever I create a new App on Azure I cannot edit any of the Application Settings as it says they are deleted? What is going on here?

This can happen when you have created an App Service, deleted it, and then made it again with the same name.
Try from a different browser or clear your cache.


Deleted azure app service still accessible

I deleted azure webapp through azure portal. It seems it is deleted because when I run:
az webapp list
my deleted web app is not showing. But I can still access it
And it's showing in google search as well. Is there any cache I need to clear or other places I can check to fully remove it?
Also checked other places if there is any connection to this old web app, but didn't find any or don't know where to look.
I have also encountered a similar situation and found that the resource has been deleted after checking in portal. Sometimes visit it using InPrivate window also succeed.
It seems that this is a bug, and you don't need to care about it, or if necessary, you can also submit a bug in a GitHub Issue.
If you need to use the url again by creating a new webapp with the same name, try deploy a new project and access it, it should be refresh to the new one.

Azure Portal - Dashboard Not Found (new Portal)

After sharing my Azure Portal Dashboard yesterday I think I accidentally deleted my default dashboard as it had the same name as the shared one. Now when I log into the Portal I'm getting the following message:
Dashboard not found We could not load the dashboard named 'private/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'. Refresh the portal to
try again.
I have created a new dashboard and can select it from the drop down, but I was wondering if anyone knew a trick to make the new dashboard the default, and prevent this message from appearing.
My issue was that I had bookmarked an old dashboard link. Double-check your bookmarks and make sure that you're using the correct version:
The reason this was happening for me was permissions. Also make sure you assign the user/user group to the share access section of the dashboard as demonstrated here

Azure Web App is running but also is deleted

I am facing the above problem. I created and i deleted 3 times a Web App + Mysql in Azure with the same name.
Now it seems that the application is running in App Services Tab but its status it is deleted. So I can not do anything (Restart Delete Customize etc)
Can I do something with the azure command line in order to delete the Web App permanently? Or Any other ideas?
Yes, you could, use PowerShell to do that. Remove-AzureRmWebApp

Could not validate web app name (Azure)

I'm trying create a web app on Azure, but no matter what i name my URL, it always warn me that
Could not validate web app name
What could have cause this problem? Any ideas that could fix this problem? thank you. I'm thinking about deploying my app on Winhost if the issue won't be solved (please hear me out, I've tried a lot of names here but it still says the samething).
It is the preview (i.e. BETA) portal. I have experienced lots of weirdness like this. Try the old portal -
I hit this after deleting an API App to recreate on a new App Service Plan with the same name.
(In Chrome) I cleared storage for the site, refreshed the page (F5), and the problem was immediately solved.

How do I delete an application from azure active directory?

The title of my issue is clear enough by itself I hope....
I have only one application in my Applications list in Azure Active Directory. I would like to delete that, because it was only for experimental purposes.
But I cannot delete it, the delete icon in the drawer is greyed.
What can I do to delete the application from AAD?
For those coming by later and are using the new (preview) Azure Portal and are trying to remove a Native App;
The issue is due to the availableToOtherTenants setting, which you can not edit in the UI at the moment of writing. However, you can add the Manifest manually through the Azure Portal and edit the setting. After the edit, you can remove the app.
If it's a multi-tenant app, you need to convert it back to a single-tenant app before you can delete it. Please confirm that the setting 'Application is Multi-Tenant' (on the configure tab) is set to No.
Just adding to this - make sure that you are the owner of the application - if you're not, assign yourself ownership and delete will be enabled.
Unable to delete Azure AD due to Enterprise Apps (Delete grayed out)
Login to a Powershell (Admin)
Install-Module -Name MSOnline
(Provide GA Creds)
CAUTION: Following step may delete all the objects/applications recursively and may present multiple errors as well, but in the end, all this will help you to be finally able to delete the Azure AD instance successfully
Get-MsolServicePrincipal -All | Remove-MsolServicePrincipal
Sign-out and Sign-in Azure Portal
All enterprise apps will now be deleted --> You can Delete Azure AD Directory now
Whilst old, I stubmled across this issue earlier and found this post.
The portal has changed and none of the above worked for me (although I did not edit the manifest) - what I did do was go into AAD > Enterprise Applications and, from there, I could delete the Native applications.
Hope this helps someone (possibly me!) later.
