linking 2 excel files with filters - excel

I have two separate workbooks that I am trying to link: Register and Budget.
The Register file is the source of data and contains only 1 table with columns Date, Category, Credit, Debit. The Budget file is the destination file and has 12 sheets named for each month of the year. Each sheet contains multiple tables named for the Categories. Each table contains columns in which I want to automatically populate from Register one at a time.
So basically, as I manually populate the Register workbook with values in Date, Category, Credit, Debit, I want the Budget workbook to automatically update itself based on these values. The main problem I have is how do I get the Date entered as 01/01/2016 in Register to be recognized as the January sheet in Budget workbook? In addition, I want the correct Category to be recognized in Register as each table's name in Budget. I have changed the table names in Budget based on the category. Finally, I would like the amounts Credit or Debit to be copied from Register into columns in each table of Budget after finding the correct sheet and table in Budget.
I looked into Vlookup and it works except for the fact I would have to manually change the formula each time the category or date changes. Sum and Count don't work because I don't want to sum columns nor count data. I simply want to copy and paste from columns Credit or Debit in Register into each table's columns in Budget. I have a feeling I'd have to go into VBA coding to achieve this daunting task which I'm not familiar with.

There are many ways of getting information from other workbooks / sheets etc.
It depends on what you want to do with that information and how it's laid out.
Which you use will depend on how you want it to work.
If you edit your question to include specifics then I / others can advise further.


Data Combining- Need to combine monthly Atttendance entered in different sheet into one

I have monthly attendance on different sheets (almost 4 years).
The employee names might be in a different order or new employees might join. But the employee reg Number is unique.
Future employees will be added as new rows at the end.
Wanted to combine them all in one sheet and start entering the attendance in the combined sheet from now onwards.
In the Combined Sheet, I want a combo box (Or something else) to select a particular month and if I select that particular month it should hide (or filter not sure whether it is possible to filter horizontally) all the other days.
Need a button or something else to create days for the coming months.
Need to change the formula in Combined Sheet D to G Columns to get the subtotal values.
Please note that values in the COmbined sheet now doest not meet my requirements now.
Thanks in Advance and sorry for too many requests.

Sum across multiple sheets with criteria

I am using the formula below in my 'ALL SALES' sheet to consolidate sales from multiple sheets for a corresponding month in each sheet ... So E618 in each tab would be the sales for say Mar-22 and so on for 60 months. This has been working fine as follows
The sheets all had Mar-22 through Feb-26 in E617 onward so summing it was simple with the above formula..
Now my sheets are more dynamic in that E617 could have Mar-23 onwards for the other 59 months in row 617 in which case when I add the cells E617 from each sheet together I am getting the wrong result as it is adding E618 from one tab which has Mar-22 in E617 and the other tab's E617 is now Mar-23 which of course is incorrect. I have been searching a way to conduct the same calculation but incorporating one criteria of matching the month value in 'ALL SALES' month column (say Mar-22) with the month in each sheets' E617 which could be different... So to summaries.. IN ALL SALES under mar-22 I need to add all the corresponding values in each tab where the month in cell C217 match
There are examples I have found on the web which require a separate list of all the tabs that are being summed but as my sheets could be moved and new ones with different names added it makes for a very time consuming task....
I anyone able to assist me in this?
I hope the image below gives a better idea
Based on the formula you give within the comments:
This could be abbreviated using LET if desired.

How to create a salary payslip form just with power query in excel?

Is there any way to create salary payslip form just with power query and relationships between tables in excel instead of using a bunch of vlookup functions?
I intend to create a payroll accounting program in Excel and I need to create a payslip form (Salary slip).
On my first worksheet in the workbook, I have a large table of employees salary info with multiple columns and rows (roughly a 1000 rows and 10 columns) and in another worksheet (payslip sheet) I've already created a payslip form with the help of vlookup and drop-down menu of employees unic Id number but everytime I need to add a new column to employees salary info sheet everything is messing up and I have to edit every vlookup function from scratch.
I contemplate that every time I choose an employee's name from a drop-down list, then his or her data automatically shows the payslip report.
In the end, I'm really eager to know any creative solution or your special advice about this issue, Thank You.
Try using index/match in place of vlookup so that your formulas automatically adjust when adding new columns to the source data
In example below rather than using
If you added columns between B:D, it would not impact the index/match version, but the vlookup version would return the wrong value
Coming soon is XLOOKUP() function in certain versions of excel, which will replace the need for index/match

How to extract data using two Filters in Excel?

I am school student and new to the Forum and I need help with some problems.
I have been lately trying to build a Inventory Sheet in Excel, where there is a table of Partnumber, Responsible Department, Delivered Calendar Week and Product type.
I want to filter the data using two filters, for example: The parts that has been taken by customer on calendar week KW(10).
And I then need to take the total number of this filtered parts to another sheet.
Can anyone help me with this?
There is no need for VBA. You can use a simple formula for this in the example shown below:
=COUNTIFS(Tabelle1[Responsible Department],$F2,Tabelle1[Delivered KW],G$1)
Enter this formula in G2 and copy it to the other cells. Tabelle1 is the name of the formatted table.

How to Make a Summary Table combine data from Multiple sheets ?

I Would like to ask you how to transferred values automatically from multiple tables in multiple sheets, where this value will be under the same column's name
For Example, I designed a worksheets of month sales Report and create 4 sheets and named it " week 1, Week 2, Week 3,Week 4" this sheet have the same table columns with different contents based the sales information of each week, so in separate sheet I would like to make a summary to some of this columns from each sheet to combine the data in one table with specific columns
Please, Anyone Help ? I'd Be Thankful
Your data architecture is the wrong way around.
You have several sheets for data entry and you want to consolidate them into one report. That will always be hard work. Pivot tables won't work, formula solutions will be almost impossible, so you will need VBA and even then you probably won't be able to avoid constant manual adjustments.
... you change the data architecture and enter all data into one sheet, with a column for date (or week number or some such). Then you can quickly and easily create a pivot table and report on all kinds of aspects of the data, filter by week or other date ranges. You don't need to know anything about VBA or even formulas.
Work with Excel, not against it.
In my opinion, it is nearly doable - just use some tweaks.
What you can do is input the sheet names into one column, say column A: Week 1, Week 2, etc. and then you can use the INDIRECT() function to turn the strings/values in column A (Week 1, week 2, etc.) into a variable.
My source:
Since OP said the tables in each sheet are all the same, you'd easily be able to ctrl+d down the same cell value, but for different sheet names.
For example, if your values were in cell B2 in sheet "Week 1" and sheet "Week 2":
Column A Column B
Week 1 =INDIRECT(A1&"!$B$2")
Week 2 =INDIRECT(A2&"!$B$2")
