Comparing Functional Reactive Programming packages in Haskell [closed] - haskell

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am new to functional reactive programming and I would like to know how different packages compare in Haskell. They all seem to have slightly different approaches and I don't know enough to choose between them.
I also think that the available information for some of the packages is out of date. This previous Stack Overflow question recommends either netwire or reactive-banana but currently netwire won't install with stack because it depends on an out of date profunctors package.
So basically, for a beginner, how do the various FRP packages compare against each other? And which are best for GUI applications and which are best for simulation/game applications?

I found this link very helpful for comparing FRP libraries. It gives example code for a simple application written in each library.


What are the differences between skylighting, pygments and Linguist? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Aside from being written in haskell, python and ruby, what are the main differences between skylighting, pygments and Linguist?
Do they vary widely in the language support? Do they have different internal structures? To what extent can they be used interchangeably? Are there any automatic tools for comparing the effects of their application (possibly in the vein of babelmark for markdown)?
Is there a list of all the tools/organisations that these different tools are used? Pygments has a list of "who uses pygments", and it's clear that skylighting is used by pandoc and Linguist is used by GitHub, but are there other major tools that use these?

Haskell for Robotics [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking up on web about Haskell and its applications. Basically i trying to learn functional programming language and i see Haskell is very famous among them. What i want to know is, is it possible to use Haskel as substitute for c in robotics? Can i use Haskell for embedded system programming and getting data from sensors, moving the motors, implementing mathematical model that is used to design the robot and its behaviour and if possible apply machine learning algorithms?
I am just starting off in this field so if the question is naive enough, please answer like you would answer any newbie.
Update: If the Question is too broad, i would like to know the specifics. Do people compile down the haskell to the embedded hardware or use haskell as a remote control in most of the cases? Which one is more approachable using haskell? What is the general way of using haskell in hardware embedded programming? If it is only used as a remote control, how to implement genetic algorithms and machine learning algorithms using haskell? I know its too broad but i would just like to know the general usage if my requirement is such.

Examples of planning and search usage [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What are applications where search techniques or more specifically planning techniques are used? I am most interested in examples in use.
I know that A* is used for path planning in Robotics, that planning is used in logistics (details would be great) but what other usages are there?
For Search in general Google, etc come to mind with their inverted indices. Again, where else is it used?
For planning examples, including logistics challenges, take a look at this list. Each use case comes with multiple datasets and a problem definition.

Coding an Image Vectorization Program [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am wondering how you would code an image vectorization program, al la Where would you even begin and would it be possible to create in any web based programming languages?
Behind vectorization programs are complex algorithms (for basic outline look on quite nice paper depixelizing pixel art by guys at Microsoft).
Anyway, it's possible to write almost in any language, that can process images, but those complex algorithms are pretty system resources expensive. So web based languages are quite inappropriate for that type of task.

Is there a way where I can design a program in a graphical way? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was wondering if there is a way to design a program in a graphical way. What I mean is that if its possible to have, for example, the classes on the screen as little child windows and that there is inside a list box with all the properties, functions, subs. and that the classes that inherit each other are joined by a line.
Hopefully you understood me...
Sounds like every UML tool that I know.
Take a look at squeak and scratch. Squeak is an implementation of smalltalk the pioneering object oriented language. If you are familiar with ruby you will see a lot of similarities.
