Haskell for Robotics [closed] - haskell

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking up on web about Haskell and its applications. Basically i trying to learn functional programming language and i see Haskell is very famous among them. What i want to know is, is it possible to use Haskel as substitute for c in robotics? Can i use Haskell for embedded system programming and getting data from sensors, moving the motors, implementing mathematical model that is used to design the robot and its behaviour and if possible apply machine learning algorithms?
I am just starting off in this field so if the question is naive enough, please answer like you would answer any newbie.
Update: If the Question is too broad, i would like to know the specifics. Do people compile down the haskell to the embedded hardware or use haskell as a remote control in most of the cases? Which one is more approachable using haskell? What is the general way of using haskell in hardware embedded programming? If it is only used as a remote control, how to implement genetic algorithms and machine learning algorithms using haskell? I know its too broad but i would just like to know the general usage if my requirement is such.


What is extreme programming and when it is using? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am new to programming and I try to research as much as possible in this field. And once I came across to this expression: "Extreme and pair programming". Pair programming is an easy term, and I found quite clear documentation about this. But extreme programming... I found some articles about it, but explanation wasn't so well. All I understood that extreme programming is an Agile development framework. But why I must use that, what is difference between this and another types of programming styles?
Can anyone explain me what is extreme programming language very clearly?
Extreme programming (often called XP) is an agile framework that was developed by Kent Beck in the 1990's.
There aren't too many people that use the whole XP framework these days, but a lot of the engineering practices it popularised are very common.
Examples include:
Pair programming
Test driven development
Continuous integration
Frequent releases
Constant refactoring
XP favours an approach of writing the minimum amount of code to solve the problem at hand. Things like optimisation and forward planning are generally a low priority. This is the 'extreme' part of extreme programming.
The idea is that you write code to solve the current requirement. If you then find you need the code to be faster, or scaleable, etc. then you refactor it.

Why would i learn erlang or haskell? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Why should I learn Haskell, Erlang or other concurrent languages if I am already an OCJP and can master C/C++?
People have a craze of learning Erlang, Haskell, Oz, Prolog. But is it really necessary? Does it have any scope in a programmers carreer?
The main reason to learn new programming language is not in learning just another programming language but to learn new programming paradigms, techniques and tools. Once I learned Prolog I started to write very different C code. It happen again with Perl and again with Erlang. It change way how to you will see problems and how you decompose them into manageable chunks and also way how you will implement them in readability and maintainability sense. But don't forgot learn how to write Perlish, Haskellish and Erlangish and whatever way. If you will write C like code in all those languages it will be waste of time.
Haskell is a functional programming language. I had the chance to learn few things about Haskell last year and i can say it was something new.
I think you should dive into Haskell, you'll have to use only recursive functions as there is no loops. It helped me a lot to improve my programming methods.
Give it a try and if you don't like it, just try something else.

beginning functional programming with haskell? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Please excuse my poor English ,i am new to programming in the past 6 months i have learned java and c and have been suggested to get exposed to functional programming, is haskell a suitable language for a beginner?
Yes, Haskell is a suitable language for a beginner. In some ways it's easier to learn a functional programming language like Haskell if you haven't been steeped in the Object-0riented tradition. Since you're relatively inexperienced as a programmer, you're still learning the basics of how to analyse a problem and break it down into a series of definitions/steps, and how to debug; those skills are transferrable.
You will find Haskell very different from C and Java. But learning a functional programming will help you see different ways of looking at a problem. Even if you never program in Haskell professionally, knowing a functional programming language will make you a better Java or C programmer. And it seems that functional programming is the wave of the future, so it's a good skill to have.
You will find the Haskell community to be one of the friendliest and most helpful programming communities around (user2339071's reaction notwithstanding). So feel free to ask questions. Stack Overflow is not the best place for questions that require an opinion, but it's great when you have a piece of code you need help with.

How would you implement a functional programming language? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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In functional paradigm, a function is a primary 'control structure'. For eg., the + operator is also treated as a function and you can pass them around like any other 'objects'. I was wondering that if i had to implement a toy functional language, would i implement simple functions as true functions (i.e. translate + into a callable routine) or translate them into normal instructions that would be placed 'inline' into the translated code. But then, with the second strategy, would i be able to pass them around and apply them partially like in haskell? What are your thoughts on implementing/translating functions as a central idea in a functional language?
I can recommend the PJL book. I wrote a compiler with help from it (in 1989-90, in Prolog) and the book is a very good introduction to the subject.
It might be dated (written in 1987, 30 years ago) but it still covers the basics very well. It is, however, completely focused on lazy languages like Haskell. At the time Haskell did not exist and the book uses LML or Miranda, a predecessor language but the languages are very close.

Coding an Image Vectorization Program [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am wondering how you would code an image vectorization program, al la vectormagic.com? Where would you even begin and would it be possible to create in any web based programming languages?
Behind vectorization programs are complex algorithms (for basic outline look on quite nice paper depixelizing pixel art by guys at Microsoft).
Anyway, it's possible to write almost in any language, that can process images, but those complex algorithms are pretty system resources expensive. So web based languages are quite inappropriate for that type of task.
