I can't properly uninstall Sublime Text on Debian - linux

This is probably a pretty simple problem to fix, but I'm quite new to Linux and certainly Debian so I'm quite lost here. Put quite simply I am trying to remove two different versions of sublime text from a machine running Debian, so I can reinstall just the latest version. This is all on a work computer given to me that I just started using so I'm not sure on past details of how things were installed, etc. Entering the command "sublime" opens sublime build 3083. Build 3114 should also be here but I can't open it. I can't figure out how to remove it because it isn't in apt-cache and when I try apt-get remove for "sublime", "sublime-text", "sublime-text-2", and "sublime-text-3" it can't find any packages under that name. How do I get rid of this thing? Thanks.
NOTE: I check usr/bin and sublime is listed there. So it must have not been installed through the package manager?

Jethro helped me learn this in the comments to the original question above. Thanks! https://askubuntu.com/a/327752


all-the-icons not working correctly (already ran all-the-icons-install-fonts)

I am currently running emacs on Gentoo linux. My intention was to use all-the-icons ivy (I also downloaded all-the-icons-ivy). Unfortunately, all the icons come out confusing.
I have already run all-the-icons-install-fonts, per the wiki instructions. Does anyone know what is happening?
You may lack the fonts for all-the-icons.
The all-the-icons documentation recommends installing the fonts by running this command in Emacs:
M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts.
Alternatively, you can try installing the fonts using the package manager for your OS. For Gentoo, there's a package for all-the-icons here.
I ran into a similar issue on an Arch based distro, and was able to resolve it by installing all-the-iconts. For those using Arch based distros, the package can be found here.

How to install unison-gtk in NixOS?

The title pretty much says it.
I installed NixOS 20.03 in a virtual machine to play a little with it and, if all goes well, install it on my work laptop.
I use Unison's gui, unison-gtk, to keep the laptop and my main production machine in sync. I found the unison package on the search page, but this package does not install unison-gtk, and there seems to be no package for it either. How can I install it?
Thanks in advance.
In NixOS, the unison package includes a GUI, no need for a separate package.

Kieran healy emacs 25.1.1 starter kit install error magit package unavailable

I'm trying to install Kieran Healy's Emacs Starter Kit (https://github.com/kjhealy/emacs-starter-kit) on linux arch (I have also tried on a Mint installation, running into the same errors), but I'm having quite some trouble.
After deleting my ~/.emacs.d and installing the starter kit, emacs starts installing packages, but runs into a 'Package magit- is not available'-error. Other Melpa-packages are installing fine. An m-x refresh-contents doesn't make a difference, and neither does an m-x install-package magit.
I am able to install magit if I temporarily rename my .d.emacs and run with a fresh .emacs, and if I, after installation of magit, enable the starter kit again, emacs will load the installed magit-package perfectly fine. It does stall again, on several other packages (ipython, typopunct), in exactly the same manner.
If I comment out the 'require of these three packages, installation seems to work, but stalls on a not found 'ob-shell (as in this question: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/21366/should-i-have-removed-shell-t-to-clear-an-ob-shell-initialization-error). This is in addition to several other errors that seem to indicate a not-complete installation as I try to continue use of emacs.
I have not been able to find any documentation relating to this. Appearently, missing packages are not uncommon with old emacs-installations, but as I am using a 25.1.1 install, this does not seem to be the problem.
Any ideas going forward?
The issue with magit was indeed solved a little while ago. The issue with ipython that apc raised exists because that's a package from the Marmalade repo, which needs to be added manually to the list of repositories. To install it, just execute the following code in the console.
M-x package-refresh-contents [RET]
M-: (add-to-list 'package-archives '("marmalade" . "http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/"))
M-x package-refresh-contents [RET]
M-x package-install [RET] ipython

Installing package control into sublime text 3 breaks it

I know that this is not a programming question. But it is stopping me programming.
I have installed Sublime Text 3. Now I am trying to install Package Control. My ultimate aim is to install the package which does syntax highlighting for CJSX files.
The problem is that when I install the Package Control manager this breaks Sublime Text 3. Specifically many menu items are missing. And the programme crashes. I keep going round in circles: install Sublime Text / it works / try to install Package Control (following both the console method or the manual method here: https://packagecontrol.io/installation) / Sublime Text breaks / uninstall - repeat.
It makes no difference how I install Sublime Text - manually with a tar file, using a .deb file, or using apt-get.
This is on Ubuntu 14.04.
Since a new version 3.1.0 of package control has been released a few hours ago, it could be a bug related to this version. I suggest you to post your bug on their issue tracker
Just visit this Link and execute the python code by opening command prompt
Ctrl+` for opening the command prompt, Both versions of Sublime Text(2/3) are provided there.

How to reinstall Eclipse on Linux?

I used the Software Manager in Linux Mint to install Eclipse Platform. It was working yesterday, however, now whenever I run it I get the following error message:
The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library.
I tried uninstalling it and then installing it again. Much to my confusion, this did not work. The error message still persists. It implies Eclipse requires a shared dependency that it cannot find. Is there anyway to find out what this is and install it? I've tried 'apt-get dist-upgrade' to update packages but this didn't resolve the issue at hand.
I have been using linux and Eclipse for years, but I would never suggest anyone install Eclipse from the platform repositories for any distribution.
Get your eclipse zips directly from Eclipse.org
Personally, I would just "Google it." (Or, in my case, "DuckDuckGo it.") Put the exact error-message text in double quotes to tell the search-engine that you are looking for the exact phrase.
DDG promptly referred me to this page: http://veeddie.blogspot.com/2010/06/eclipse-executable-launcher-was-unable.html
