Get a gid if you know the group name in Go - linux

I created a group on a Linux machine. Now I am trying to call os.Chown to change a file's ownership to that new group.
os.Chown requires me to know the uid and the gid:
func Chown(name string, uid, gid int) error
How can I get the gid for my group? I tried using user.Lookup("groupname"), but I got "unknown user groupname"
I can call os.Getgroups, but this only returns me an array of group IDs - it doesn't tell me anything about the mapping between a group name and the group id.
I am guessing there is a Unix utility I can shell out to (parse the result of calling id) but I'd rather not do that if I can help it.

Update: As of August 16, 2016, Go 1.7 is released with support for LookupGroup. Upgrading to Go 1.7 is recommended if you want to access information about POSIX groups.
There is a LookupGroup function in the Go 1.7 betas, but it was added only this February and isn't in any released version of Go, so you're kind of out of luck.
As far as I can see your options are:
Upgrade to a beta.
Wait for the 1.7 release, scheduled for August.
Write your own cgo function that calls getgrnam for the information you need (tricky)
Write your own code that parses /etc/group (relatively easy... as long as you can guarantee that the info you need actually comes from that file and not LDAP or something).


How to edit or set the TLA+ Toolbox Module Modification History Comment syntax or parameters?

Am starting my journey exploring TLA+ and more formal software engineering. Am using TLA Toolbox version 1.6.0, however, I notice that neither the inbuilt docs, nor the online docs offer any hints on how to go about editing or setting the default "Author name" used in the auto-generated modification history log.
For example, on my current machine, the logs take the form below...
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Sat Jan 11 12:21:35 EAT 2020 by GAMER
That "GAMER" is the string I wish to modify - say, to my initials. However, though you can manually edit that name inline - in the module editor, immediate you save this change, a new modification comment is inserted into the history with the same former mistake!
How to remedy this? Some environment variable used? A config file or registry value? I would understand that perhaps it reads the system user info or so, but that's not what I have as my system user name either!
./toolbox --launcher.appendVmargs -vmargs

custom type/provider case insensitive title

Is there anyway to normalize the title value through a munge call or something similiar?
I have a custom type/provider that manages local group membership on Windows machines (we needed more granularity over group membership, than just inside the user/group types.
group_member{"Group => Member":
group_member{"Group => DOMAIN\Member":
purge =>true,
In general, when everything is consistent everything works great. The issue comes in that windows/active directory are not case sensitive. Therefore, when self.instances gets called, It generates a resource Group_member["Users => DOMAIN\SomeGroup"], but in our puppet manifest, Users is hardcoded, DOMAIN comes from a fact, and SomeGroup comes from a hiera value.
We've been fighting with the case sensitivity of puppet for about 5 years on this, and most of our administrators have gotten used to ensuring case matches between domain and yaml configurations.
Now, we have a new problem... somehow DOMAIN is messing up. On a new testing domain, the NETBIOS name is lowercase. The fact we had returning DOMAIN still returns uppercase, but Windows ADSI is returning a lowercase form. This wouldn't be an issue if we wern't using resources{'group_member': purge=>true}, but now in this test environment the groups get added (through their respective .pp files) and removed (through resources{'group_member': purge=>true}}) every puppet run.
Ideally i'd like to just normalize everything to lowercase in self.instances and in all of our .pp files, but we have 400 puppet modules and we use group_member 120 times, managed by quite a few different teams. It would be significantly easier if I could just munge the title metaparameter.
Any suggestions?
So, the way i'm handling this is to rename the existing type/provider and wrapping it in a define type that downcase's the title.

PTC Integrity batch update member revision

Is there a way to update the member revision of a big list of files via command line?
I can't use :working or :head but have to specify a different revision for each file.
As far as I know --selectionFile only takes paths as input, but not the revision numbers.
edit: I wanted to set member a very big list of files and I wanted to avoid writing the command si updaterevision ... for every file, as it takes ages to complete for that many files. Instead I wanted to know if there is a more advanced method to specify a list of files and their revisions to be able to run the updaterevision only once (like it is with :working) for the whole list of files.
But as it is said in the comment there is no such possibility.
edit2: I use MKS for a couple of years now and as I now know, there is no such possibility (at least up to MKS 11.6) to update many files to different revisions with one single command line call. But using one call per member, as was proposed, made the whole operation take up to several hours as I had many thousands of members in the sandbox and MKS needs some time to complete each sicommand.
Some time already passed since you asked for this question, here is my comment in case it could still be useful for you in the future.
First, It is not completely clear what you want to achieve. Please be more descriptive and if possible provide example.
What I understand as of now is you need to set bunch of files listed as member revision thru the command line. This is fairly simple, the most complicated is actually to have the list of files to be updated to member and the revision that you want to set as member.
I recommend you to create a batch file with the commands to make each file member. You can use Regex to do it very quick and without much trouble.
Here is an example for updating one file member revision:
si updaterevision --hostname=servername --port=portnumber --user=username --changepackageid=5873763:2 --revision=:working myfile_a1.c
servername = the name of the server where your sandbox is located
portnumber = the port that provides access to the server for your sandbox
username = your login user id
changepackageid = here you change the number to use your defined TASK:ChangePackage for this changes
revision = if you have a working revision that you want now to become member, just use "working" as revision, otherwise you can define specific revision number, e.g. revision=1.2
At the end you define the name of the file you want to update.
Go to you sandbox root folder, open CMD window, and run the batch file. It will execute each line applying your changes.
If you have a list of files with the revision you want as member, you can use REGEX to convert it into a batch file.
Example list of files in text file:
file1.c 1.10
file3.c 1.19
support.h 1.7
Use notepad++ or other text editor with regex support and run this search:
Once you know which regex apply, you can now use it in the notepad++ to do a simple search and replace:
Search = ([\w].[\D])\s+([\d.]+).*
Replace = si updaterevision --hostname=servername --port=portnum --user=userid --changepackageid=6123933:4 --revision=\2 \1
\1 => FileName
\2 => File revision
See image below as example:
Finally just save doc as batch file and run it.
Just speculating that if you have a large list of members along with the member revision you want to update to, then you also have an sandbox that served you to generate this list.
If so my approach would be
c:\MySandbox> si updaterevision --recurse --revision=:working
If your member/revision list come from a development path you could first have a sandbox targeting that devpath, resync, (close thesandbox if opened in gui), retarget the sandbox to the destination devpath (or mainline) you want and then issue the command above.
For an single member approach I would use 'si rlog' to generate a list of si-commands directly
si rlog -R --noheaderformat --notrailerformat --revision=:working --format="si updaterevision {membername} --revision={revision}\r\n" > updaterevs.bat.txt
Review updaterevs.bat.txt rename it to updaterevs.bat and ecxecute it.
(Be careful if using it on other sandboxes)
Other interesting readings here might be the "snapshot sandbox" feature,
checkpointing in general and variants rsp. devpaths.
Using only these features might be politically more correct in the philosophy of Integrity.

Import Failure - Role With Id Does Not Exist

I am getting an import error in a specific environment with a managed CRM 2011 solution. The solution has been imported before into many other environments, but the one in particular where it is failing is throwing the following error:
Dependency Calculation
role With Id = 9e2d2d9b-645f-409f-b31d-3a9c39fcc340 Does Not Exist
I am a bit confused about this. I searched within the solution XML and was not able to find any reference to this particular GUID of 9e2d2d9b-645f-409f-b31d-3a9c39fcc340. I cannot really find it in SQL either, just wandering through the different tables, but perhaps I do not know exactly where to look there.
I have tried importing the solution multiple times. As a desperation effort, I tried renaming all of the security roles in the destination environment prior to importing, but this did not help.
Where is this reference to a security role actually stored? Is this something that is supposed to be within my solution--which my existing CRM deployment is expecting me to import?
How do I fix the problem so that I am able to import this solution?
This is the code we used to fix the issue. We had to run two different scripts. Script A we had to run a total of four times. Run it once, attempt the import, and then consult the log to find the role that is causing the problem--if you receive another error for another role.
To run script A, you must use a valid RoleTemplateId from your database. We just picked a random one. It should not matter precisely which one you use, because you will erase that data element with script B.
After all of the roles are fixed, we got a different error (complaining something about the RoleTemplateId was already related to a role), and had to run script B. That removes the RoleTemplateId from multiple different roles and sets it to NULL.
Script A:
insert into RoleBaseIds(RoleId)
values ('WXYZ74FA-7EA3-452B-ACDD-A491E6821234')
insert into RoleBase(RoleId
values ('WXYZ74FA-7EA3-452B-ACDD-A491E6821234'
,(select organizationid from Organization)
,(select BusinessUnitID from BusinessUnit where ParentBusinessUnitId is null)
Script B:
update RoleBase
set RoleTemplateId = NULL
where RoleTemplateID='ABCD89FF-7C35-4D69-9900-999C3F605678'
Perfect solution, worked for me! My only comment would be the error in Script B: it shouldn't clear the template IDs of all roles for the given template, only the template ID of the newly created "fix" role, as follows:
update RoleBase
set RoleTemplateId = NULL
where RoleID='WXYZ74FA-7EA3-452B-ACDD-A491E6821234'
I would've gladly put this in a comment to the answer, but not enough rep as of now.

Match a pid to an application desktop schema on Linux

All standards compliant applications in Linux store a desktop schema in /usr/share/applications/. In my particular use case, I have a WnckWindow data structure and I can get a pid from that. Using this pid, I can extract the command line from the proc.
Unfortunately, it seems that the proc command line entry does not match the desktop schema launch parameters. For example, the 'thunderbird' application is launched via /usr/bin/thunderbird but this is just a shell script which activates the real executable: /usr/lib/thunderbird-8.0/thunderbird-bin.
The real executable cannot be launched directly as it is dependent on the library paths configured in the /usr/bin/thunderbird script. Does anyone have any advice on how to match process id numbers to the appropriate desktop schema without getting caught by the issue I've described?, Thanks.
Ok, well, it appears that there's no nice way of solving this using the pid, however, it is relatively easy to match the Wnck windows class to application desktop schemas. The Wnck windows class needs to be preprocessed a little first to ensure that the filter works but it's pretty trivial stuff. Once you've got a good set of target strings, eg 'Thunderbird' or 'Google' + 'Chrome', you can use the system application menu API to zero in on a likely candidate, for example, by using garcon on Xfce.
