multiple requests in one URLusing expressJS - node.js

I am using Express with Node and I have a requirement in which the user can request the URL as: http://myhost/api/add?mid="mid01"/userID
and I tried this
app.get('/api/:myMedia/:id', function (req, res){
and tried these req.query for getting mid01 and it didn't work.
I want to have and req.query together. How can I handle this?

If your requirement really is http://myhost/api/add?mid="mid01"/userID, it might be a good idea to change that requirement, because it seems really not the right way to do something
But if you really want to do that you should declare your route like app.get('/api/add', ...)
Then with req.query.mid you can get your query value which is "mid01"/userID
Finaly it's up to you to parse that query value to do what you want
But you should not use URL like that, if possible try to use URL in a more standard way, http://myhost/api/add/userID?mid=mid01 or http://myhost/api/add?mid=mid01&path=/userID

To chain requests, use &. http://myhost/api/add?foo1="bar1"&foo2="bar2". This way both of the queries will show up.


Should I store a very long array in back-end or front-end?

In my angular application, I have a very long array and would like to put it some where I could access very easily from my front-end don't slow down my application, there are multiple options and I don't which one is the best. Should I store it in:
my API
app.get('models', (req, res) =>{var models = ['m1', 'm2', 'm3', ..., 'mn'];
app.get('models', (req, res) =>{
Models.find({}, (dara, err){
in my front-end:
// models.ts
in a variable in my component
any comment will be appreciate.
The answer depends on what you want to do, so:
In the Frontend
Is never a good idea try to have data on your frontend, this implicates that the user will request for a full list of data that will only use or read a few.
If you still consider that you wanna do it there: You can have always in a constant, then you can consume that using local storage(be careful with the space limitation 10MB), global variables or just a file to import
Note: Using suspense or any lazy loading you will be able to avoid sending this data at the same time that everything else.
In the Backend
Yes, is the best place to have information that you need to request, there you can use a DB to store and a GET to request it is the common and best approach.
Note: Avoid send all the list in one request in you can, try indexing or use pagination, for most of the cases you don't need have such big arrays on FE.
But at the end, is more a decision based on what you want to build that only one good answer.
Hope this helps you!

Why is Express converting & to &amp%3B and how do I handle it?

I am running Express on NodeJS and I receive a request that looks something like
Express converts that to id=12345679&amp%3BcampaignId=123456. So now I can't get the campaignId because I'm getting 'amp;campaignId':'123456' in the query string instead.
So I'm wondering, do I have something set wrong in Express or should I be handling this differently?
In express multiple queries are seperated with '&'. You don't need to use 'amp;' before the next query string. In your case, the url below will give you both the id and campaignId query.
If you log req.query now, you will get
{ id: '12345679', 'campaignId': '123456' }
Because I have no control over the inbound request (which is incorrect), I have no choice but to handle it on my side. I've read that the inbound URI is most likely incorrect because it is being double-encoded on their side.
Here's the solution I have come up with:
JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(req.query).replace('amp;campaignId', 'campaignId'))
If anyone has a better idea I'm open to other solutions.

Express route wrong match

I've read up other questions on people's routes mismatching and then ordering the routes solving the problem. I've got this problem where my URL route is being treated as a parameter and then express mismatches and leads to the wrong route. e.g. here are the two routes:
app.get('/byASIN/:asin/:price', function(req, res) {});
Now all works fine but as soon as I take any param out of the first route it matches the route given below which is not what I want.
If I hit /byASIN/LowPrice/:asin/:price everything works fine but as soon as I hit /byASIN/LowPrice/:asin it matches byASIN/:asin/:price and hence calls the wrong function and crashes my server. I would like to have them match explicitly and if /byASIN/LowPrice/:asin is called, respond with some warning e.g. you're calling with one less argument. What am I missing here?
By default express Url parameters are not optinial, this is why
does not match /byASIN/LowPrice/:asin, because the second parameter is missing.
However you can make a parameter optional by adding a ? to it:
this should solve your problem.
Try to define a route for /byASIN/LowPrice/:asin/:price to handle, then use a wildcard to handle everything else.
Express matches the route by the order you insert them. If you have the loosely routes defined first, then express will use that one as the match first. An extreme example would be
app.get('*', function(req, res) {});
If this was defined as the first route, then no other route will be called (if without calling next()).
If you want express to always use the strict one first, then you will need to change the order of your routes by having the strict ones defined before the loosely ones.
It'd be nice if express support priority in the route, which could be a good solution for your problem, but until then, unfortunately, this can be fixed by ordering only :(

Node.js : Express app.get with multiple query parameters

I want to query the yelp api, and have the following route:
app.get("/yelp/term/:term/location/:location", yelp.listPlaces)
When I make a GET request to
I get the error
Cannot GET /yelp?term=food&location=austin
What am I doing wrong?
Have you tried calling it like this?
The URL you need to call usually looks pretty much like the route, you could also change it to:
To make it a little prettier:
In the requested url http://localhost:3000/yelp?term=food&location=austin
base url/address is localhost:3000
route used for matching is /yelp
querystring url-encoded data is ?term=food&location=austin i.e. data is everything after ?
Query strings are not considered when peforming these matches, for example "GET /" would match the following route, as would "GET /?name=tobi".
So you should either :
use app.get("/yelp") and extract the term and location from req.query like req.query.term
use app.get("/yelp/term/:term/location/:location") but modify the url accordingly as luto described.
I want to add to #luto's answer. There is no need to define query string parameters in the route. For instance the route /a will handle the request for /a?q=value.
The url parameters is a shortcut to define all the matches for a pattern of route so the route /a/:b will match
it wont match
/a/b/something or /a
Express 4.18.1 update:
using app.get("/yelp/term/:term/location/:location"), your query string can be yelp/term/food/location/austin
So your request url will look like this:

ExpressJS Route Parameter with Slash

Im using ExpressJS. I want pass url as parameter.
app.get('/s/:url', function(req, res) {
/s/ //
/s/ //
/s/ //
/s/ //
How to correct the route such that everything afterr /s/ will be considered as paramenter including slashes.
Uh, if you want to stick a URL inside of another URL, you need to URLencode it. If you want to stick one in their raw and suffer the consequences, just use app.get('/s/*'... and then manually parse out the url with req.url.slice(3). But hear me know and believe me later, URL Encoding is the right way to do this via the encodeURIComponent that is built in to JavaScript and works in both the browser and node.js.
