JSF Datatable update component when changing page (outside of Datatable) - jsf

<p:dataTable value="#{bean.list}"
rowIndexVar="qi" itemType="none"
<h:outputLabel id="anyComponenteID" value="Test"/>
I have this test code but, how can i update anyComponenteID when I paginate through primefaces datatable ?
Note : component is outside of dataTable.

You could bind an ajax listener to the page event inside primefaces datatable, you will need to set your form to prependId="true" so you can reach components outside of the datatable.
The code will look like something like this:
<p:ajax event="page" process="#this" update=":form-id:mycomponent-id"/>


<rowExpansion> evaluated during JSF phases

I have a datatable using rowExpansion.
When the page is loaded, the rowExpansion is not evaluated, which is fine.
When the paginator is used to show the next results or if a submission is done - the rowExpansion evaluation is triggered.
Here is a XHTML example :
<p:dataTable var="data" value="#{bean.dataList}" paginator="true">
<p:column headerText="Details">
<p:rowToggler />
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{not empty data.detail}">
<ui:include src="dataDetail.xhtml" />
<h:commandLink id="addData" value="Add data" action="#{bean.addData}" />
I've profiled this flow using visualVM, and used the debugger, to discover that the data.getDetail() method was called during the following JSF phases : (ApplyRequestValuesPhase, ProcessValidationsPhase, UpdateModelValuesPhase), when the paginator was used.
I've come to the deduction that the rowExpansion is part of the view, and is evaluated as a normal component.
Would you mind telling me if it is the expected behaviour for rowExpansion ?
Is there a correct way to prevent the evaluation of the rowExpansion content when using the paginator ?
Thanks for your answers.
NB : I'm using PrimeFaces 5.2.

Use PrimeFaces blockUI on navigation

I need an answer to exactly this question posted in 2013 please.
I have a PrimeFaces menuitem with a url attribute that calls an xhtml, that 'defines' content to go into a layoutUnit. When clicked, the entire page doesn't reload, just the layout unit.
How do I display a PrimeFaces Extensions blockUI component when the menuItem is clicked?
I've tried:
<p:menuitem value="Users" url="/users.xhtml" onstart="PF('blockUIWidget').block()" oncomplete="PF('blockUIWidget').unblock()"/>
where the blockUIWidget is:
<pe:blockUI widgetVar="blockUIWidget">
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:graphicImage library="images" name="loading.gif"/>
<h:outputText value="Loading"/>
Note, this widget works as expected from a commandButton:
<p:commandButton value="Login" action="submit" onstart="PF('blockUIWidget').block()" oncomplete="PF('blockUIWidget').unblock()"/>

unselect the selected rows in a datatable

I'm working on a datatable with a single selection mode.My problem is that when I refesh the page , the same selected rows before refreshing stay refreshed.
Any idea on how unselecting all datatable rows in this case.
I appreciate helping me with this issue.
This is my datatable code:
<p:dataTable id="cars1" var="car" widgetVar="carsTable" value="#{typePrimeManager.tprimes}" editable="false" style="margin-bottom:20px" paginator="false" selectionMode="single" selection="#{typePrimeManager.selectedtype}" rowKey="#{car.idPrime}">
<p:ajax event="rowSelect" update=":form:cars2" />
<p:ajax event="rowUnselect" listener="#{typePrimeManager.setSelectedtype(null)}" update=":form:cars2"/>
<p:ajax event="rowUnselect" listener="#{typePrimeManager.setSelectedtype(null)}" update=":form:cars2"/>
<p:column headerText="intitule des types">
<h:outputText value="#{car.intitulePrime}" />
You use a managed bean with SessionScoped ? This keep the value unchange. I Recommand to you to read this : How to choose the right bean scope?
If you want to keep using SessionScope and reset the selected rows you have to clean the selectedtype inside your bean
If you have to have a session scoped bean, you need to clear the value that DataTable holds to reference the selected item which in your case is typePrimeManager.selectedtype.
So if you set this value to null or any object of the same type that is not in the DataTable dataSource than your problem will resolved, but you have to do this before page is reloaded. To get that event you can use pre-defined JSF events ,like PreRenderView, to execute a method in which you should clear the selected value, or you can define a remoteCommand that will call the appropriate bean method and execute that remoteCommand with javascript when the page is loaded.

selectOneMenu of PrimeFaces breaks when calling from ajax

Below is screenshot of selectOneMenu break
Below is my code :
<h:commandLink value="Edit">
<p:ajax event="action" update=":editPanel" listener="#{myBean.open(productItem,'edit')}"/>
<h:panelGroup layout="block" id="editPanel">
<p:selectOneMenu label="hello" value="hello">
<f:selectItems itemLabel="#{mybean.labelvalueList}" itemValue="#{mybean.valueList}"/>
I am facing problem in display selectonemenu of PrimeFaces when event fire using ajax, as per my observation it will break combobox functionality when ajax call ,one more thing data from back end coming properly there is problem with display only.
Anybody can help me to fix this problem ?
I am using PrimeFaces 5

How to update a component inside of dataTable from outside of it

I am using Mojarra implementation of JSF 2.1 with Primefaces 3.2.
My problem approximately looks like this:
<p:dialog id="someDialog">
<h:form id="dialogForm">
<p:commandLink action=".."update=":someForm:someUIRepeat:someDataTable:someInputTextArea"/>
<h:form id="someForm">
<ui:repeat id="someUIRepeat" value=".." ..>
<p:dataTable id="someDataTable" value=.. >
<p:inputTextarea id="someInputTextarea" value=../>
.. here go other columns
The issue is that when I click on the commandLink in the dialog the inputTextarea is not updated. However, if I write this in the update of the commandLink:
then the whole dataTable gets updated and the inputTextarea updates as well, but the values in the fields located in other columns get erased after I click on the commandLink in the dialog.
The reason why I put dataTable inside of ui:repeat is that I need to bind a dataTable with each row of one collection and I think it's not related to my problem.
Any ideas how I can solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,
for start try this
added onclick="jQuery('#someForm:someButton').click();"(check the exact id of your hidden button) to your <p:commandLink inside the dialog
set the update to update=":someForm:someUIRepeat:someDataTable"
and add
<h:commandButton id="someButton" style="display:none">
<f:ajax execute="#form"></f:ajax>
to <h:form id="someForm">
explanation: the purpose of the hidden button is to execute (send its values) the form to the server so that when you do call update the fields wont be erased...
