How to keep WebRTC adapter.js updated in a project using npm - node.js

I am confused about how to make use of npm to keep the adapter.js updated in my project.
I have followed the instructions on and get the webrtc-adapter installed using the node command npm install webrtc-adapter.
A directory of node_modules is created and inside there are package.json, out folder, and other files and folders. Since the adapter.js is inside the out folder, I have to copy it to my project libraries folder lib/js/adapter.js.
However, if I run the npm update in the future, it should only update the adapter.js inside the node_modules/out but not lib/js/adapter.js. Then I have to copy it again. Is there anyway I could make the update apply to the lib/js/adapter.js directly?
Thank you.

The webrtc samples repository solves this by having an postinstall npm hook. See here


Should node_modules be in User folder or project folders?

I am a total Javascript newbie aiming to configure my Mac nicely for development.
NPM is installed.
I notice that folder node_modules exists in my Users/MyName directory.
I think this is a result of having either installed Node/NPM or specifically run npm install airtable the other day, which I did at the time in Users/MyName.
When I npm uninstall airtable, it removes airtable and its dependency folders from nodule_modules, leaving the following: #types and package-lock.json (hidden).
If I cd to new project-specific directory Users/MyName/Projects/Code/myusername/airtable-test and run npm install airtable from there, I expected the packages may get installed in that folder. However, again, they get installed up at Users/MyName/node_modules.
In both cases, .package-lock.json (non-hidden) and package.json are in Users/MyName, which seems messy to me. (I haven't done anything non-standard in install).
Is this the way things should be?
Attempts to solve:
I seem to read, including from questions on Stackoverflow, that storing modules at Users/MyName/node_modules is effectively storing them globally, accessible to any app, and such that projects don't have to get committed to server with all dependencies in tow - the idea being that, after you deploy your app, you then run npm install whilst in its folder, prompting it to install all dependencies.
Is this right? Should I be looking at storing all dependency modules in a project folder, or above and outside of it?
(If the answer to this question is opinion-based, I wasn't aware of that).
Here is what I believe is happening. You have your package.json in folder Users/MyName and you are running npm install in Users/MyName/Projects/Code/myusername/airtable-test. But the problem is you do not have package.json file in the folder Users/MyName/Projects/Code/myusername/airtable-test. So npm goes up in the directory to find the package.json and it found it in Users/MyName so it is installing the package there.
This is happening because the way npm identifies a project is by looking for package.json. If it does not find it in current directory than it assumes that you must be inside some sub directory of the project and start searching upwards in the folder hierarchy to find the package.json.
Do npm init in the folder Users/MyName/Projects/Code/myusername/airtable-test. This will initialize the folder as a npm package (by creating package.json).

How to get npm to favor local linked dependency over its published install

I've searched through other questions such as this one, but they all seem to be about a local npm link stopping working for another reason than mine. I assume this is a common use-case issue, so if I'm doing something methodically wrong, I'm more than happy to take suggestions on how I should be doing it.
Principally, I have a private npm module that I'm working on called #organisation/module. When working locally, I'll run npm link on it, and use it within my 'host' project as npm link #organisation/module — this all works great with hot-reloading, etc. I'll also import it as import module from '#organisation/module.
However, since I also want to publish my local changes to npm (as #organisation/module) from time to time, for build testing and production code, I need to run npm install #organisation/module on the host project.
This then seems to break the implicit npm link I set up earlier... I assume mainly because they are the same name, and npm favors an install over a link?
When I want to make live, local changes again, the only way I can currently get it to work is via npm uninstall #organisation/module and then to re-link it.
Is there a way to keep the published module installed (in order to avoid careless mistakes, like forgetting to reinstall it for build testing), but always favour the local, linked instance?
Diagram for ref:
Have you tried locally installing with the other method npm provides.
npm install /absolute/path/packageName
I believe this will change your entry in package.json to look like this:
"dependencies" {
"packageName": "file:../../path/to/packageName",
Since npm link creates a symlink in the global folder, while npm install is local to the project npm install takes precedence. You can read about npm link here:
To avoid this, my suggestion would be to use npm install <path to local> and when you need to use the production code use npm install #organization/module. This would update your node_modules per code basis. Read about npm install here:
Hope this helps :)
Go to the directory where your local package is located open package.json change the name from original_name to "original_name_local".
write npm link on terminal at the same location.
After this go to your working directory and write npm install <path to local>
Now whereever you're requiring or importing update the name to "original_name_local"
for example if it's require('space-cleaner') then change it to require('space-cleaner_local')
Like this you can have both local as well as production package just change the name wherever required.
Otherwise you can remove package by removing it from package.json and deleting from node_modules.
if local is needed go to local package directory and on terminal write npm link and then on your working directory write npm install ./path/to/package
if production then again delete the package as told above and write npm install package_name

Using npm how can I download a package as a zip with all of its dependencies included in the package

What I'm trying to do is download packages with all their dependencies, in order to transfer them to another computer that does not have an internet connection and install it there.
So the scenario would be:
Download package (to zip/tarball/whatever file) without installing it.
Included in that downloaded file would be all of its dependencies (correct versions, and it's dependencies' dependencies).
Transfer file to other computer.
Run npm install to file location (optional -g important).
Package is installed with dependencies.
Happy camper.
I feel like there has to be a npm command to download and pack (create) files this way.
I've tried looking for a solution for this to no avail.
This is my first time using node so I'm affraid I'm not researching it correctly because lack of knowledge of the node/npm lingo.
I just used this gist by Jack Gill to do exactly what you describe -- bundle up a package, with all its dependencies. Basically what the script does is re-write a module's package.json file to move all its dependencies to bundleDependencies, then pack the whole thing. Upload the resulting tarball to your server, then npm install it. Works a treat.
Download the package to a machine with internet.
Make sure your app package has a package.json file at its root with all of your dependencies listed in it. You can make npm save your dependencies in package.json by doing npm install dependency-name --save. The --save flag will cause npm to write the dependency to your app's package.json file if it has one. If it doesn't have on then it will do nothing. You can also instruct npm to create a package.json file for your app if you need to by simply running npm init from in your app's directory.
Run npm install from inside the app's directory. This will create the node_modules directory and install all the dependencies listed in the app's package.json file.
Zip up the directory now that it has a node_modules directory in it with all your dependencies installed. Transfer the zip archive to another machine.
Simply unpack the archive in its final destination and you're done. The app is now where it needs to be and the dependencies are already installed.
Now just run the application with node app.js, replacing "app.js" with whatever the name of the app's main entry point file is.
You can just use the npm pack command.
So for example:
npm pack lodash
This command will download the npm package and create a file lodash-4.17.4.tgz.
Installing this can be done with:
npm install ../../my-location/lodash-4.17.4.tgz
More details here:
Simply run npm install in the package directory and archive the entirety of it.
Assuming there are no non-npm requirements you need to meet and both machines are running the same version of node, nothing more needs to be done. All of the downloaded dependencies will be installed inside the ./node_modules. But it is a generally good idea to archive the entire package, as the developer might have implemented some additional setup routines.
you can download package with all its dependencies with its dependents using single command. Kindly refer this link npm-package-downloader

Can't build my web application when integrating bootstrap template

I'm totally new to Node.js meteor and all development outside of visual studio.
When I go in the console and add bootstrap like this :
npm install twitter-bootstrap
It gets installed and adds all the bootstrap files in my solution but when I run my application with meteor it says
Process finished with exit code 254
No more information. No errors. If I delete all the bootstrap files, it builds and run just fine. Any idea what might be causing this?
I've tried looking for the exit code meaning but I can't find it for my IDE and I'm a bit clueless as for why simply adding those packages without even referencing them anywhere in the project might cause my application not to run at all.
You can't add npm packages in your project folder like that. It will create a node_modules sub-directory that meteor will treat like any other project folder, i.e., it will interpret all the files in it. That's not what you want. Either do the npm install in a super-directory, or, better yet, use the meteor meteorhacks:npm package (
meteor add meteorhacks:npm
and then add the npm dependency to your packages.json file.
"twitter-bootstrap": "2.1.1"
But the real question is: why do you need this package? bootstrap3 is already part of the standard meteor packages, i.e., you already have full access to bootstrap, incl. javascript.
You can use atmosphere meteor packages called mizzao:bootstrap-3 by running the commend
meteor add mizzoa:bootstrap-3
Alternatively if you want to use npm packages you must add meteorhacks:npm packages.
meteor add meteorhacks:npm
npm install twitter-bootstrap
You can specify all the required npm packages inside a packages.json file.

How to edit a node module installed via npm?

I'm using the node_swiz module, which in turn uses the validator module.
I want to make changes to the validator module, but I used npm install to install the modules/dependencies.
Can I just make changes to the validator module inside of node_modules, or will that node_modules dependencies be re-created and the latest version gotten when I publish to heroku or next time I run npm install?
The structure looks like this:
- node_modules
- swiz
- node_modules
- validator [this is the library I want to edit]
Thanks for the help!
You can edit the file directly, but this would be overwritten whenever npm updates, the best thing to do is go straight to the source.
If the changes affect functionality of the overall module, and may be useful to others, you may want to contribute to the original source on github and look for the change to be implemented.
If this is proprietary functionality that is needed, and would not help the development of the module, the best thing to do is fork it from github and make your changes. You can install items directly from github using NPM, and this method would let you integrate future changes in to your custom version from the original source.
To install directly from github, use the following command:
npm install<username>/<repository>/tarball/<branch>
You can use patch-package to make and persist changes to node modules.
This can be done by first making changes to the package inside node_modules and then running the following command, with <package name> being the name of the package you just made changes to.
npx patch-package <package name>
patch-package will then create a patches folder with a file inside, representing your changes. This file can then be commited to git, and patches can be restored later by running npx patch-package (without any arguments).
Optional step:
Add the following in the script section of your package.json to automatically patch the dependency when you execute "npm install".
"postinstall": "npx patch-package"
I didn't want to publish a new module and I also didn't want npm install to overwrite my changes. I found a solution to both of these issues, but it would probably be better to take #Sdedelbrock's advice. But if you want to do it, here's how:
Edit your package.json file to remove the dependency you want to edit.
Go into your project's /node_modules and move the folder somewhere else in your repository that can be committed. So now /node_modules/dependency is at /dependency
cd into the dependency directory and type npm link
cd into the root of your project directory and type npm link dependency It is important that you do this outside of /node_modules and /dependency
If everything worked, you should now have a symlink that was created in /node_modules/dependency. Now you can run your project to see if it works.
Fork the Github repo and make the necessary changes then you can install the package like
npm install git+
