Deployment slots on Azure WebApp - azure-web-app-service

What exactly are deployment slots on Azure WebApp's? Are they separate websites on the same VM/IIS hosting the main webapp?
We currently use them and I understand what they do. Just want to understand what's behind the scenes.

You are right. Deployment slots are separate websites on the same VM that hosts your App service. That is why usage on one slot affects all other slots on the same app service as they are working under shared resources.

The underlying Infrastructure layer of the App Service Plan is abstracted from documentation. But there's a simple trick to validate your understanding.
Go to Advanced Tools from your WebApp Blade
Kudu->Debug Console-> CMD
This opens up the command Prompt. Now Type 'hostname'. You will now see the hostname of the machine running your webapp
Now try this on all WebApp Solots. You will notice that the machine name for all your WebApp Slots is the same as that of the WebApp itself.
This can logically conclude that the slots are part of the same machine as that of the WebApp


How many different ways are there to deploy a website under azure portal?

Good day dear community,
i have a smaller project where i need to search for different possibilities to deploy a website under azure portal.
Personally i found 4 different ways how to do it.
App services
App functions Serverless (which i dont understand how to deploy there a website)
Install a VM and then deploy a website
Use docker to deploy your code
Are there any more ways to deploy a website under azure and can somebody explain the deployment of websites with serverless as i dont understand how to publish a website there. i just managed to get the httptriggers and i am confused with that.
Thanks in advance
sorry for any spelling mistakes.
You can deploy to a website to a VM. But first you will have to setup the VM to be a web server. There are many different pre-configured images with either Linux or Windows OS. This will require you manage the OS of the VM.
An Azure App Service will abstract the OS and VM away from you. The OS will be managed for you and you can configure many settings through the Azure Portal. There are different plans that allow you to use more compute and/or memory. You can also setup Authentication through the portal. You can also elect to deploy you website inside a container to an App Service.
There are also Azure Function Apps which can be used. Azure Function Apps are not intended to serve as the backend to a website, but it can be. These are meant to serve only one purpose, not many like the backend of a whole website ( for example, you might use a different function app to serve content each page of a website instead of just one app service having multiple endpoints serving all pages of a website). With Azure function apps, you can deploy in a container or not in a container.
I am not sure what you mean by number 4, Container over docker. You can deploy a docker container an App Service or a Function App. You can deploy the container to docker hub or azure container registry (to name a couple), but that will not deploy your website so that it is accessible.

Is it possible to load-balance traffic between IIS on an Azure VM and an Azure App Service?

I have a web application that is currently running on IIS in 3 Azure VMs. I have been working to make my application App-Services friendly, but would like to test the migration to App-Services in a safe / controlled environment.
Would it be possible to spin up the App-Service and use an Azure Load Balancer to redirect a percentage of traffic off the VM and onto the App-Service?
Is there any other technology that would help me get there?
You might be able to achieve this if you are using an App Service Environment and an internal load balancer
However, based on your description of your current setup I don't believe there is an ideal solution for this as a standard load balancer only allows for the backend ports to map to VMs. Using an Application Gateway might be another option as well
I would suggest you make use of the deployment and production slots available that comes a Web App. Once you have the webapp running in the dev slots, test the site to ensure all works as expected. Once it does, switch it to the production slot and reroute all traffic from the VMs to the App Service.
All in all, running an app on a Web App is quite simple. Microsoft takes away the need to manage the VM settings so you can simply deploy and run. I don't see you having any issues simply migrating. The likelihood for issues is small. You can also minimalism it by performing the migration during off hours in case you need to make any changes.
There is also some Web App migration guidance you might find useful

azure VM staging to production

I am currently trying to figure out the best architecture for my Azure VMs.
I have a production website that is hosted in IIS in 2 VMs with a load-balancer over them, this is called Prod1 and for now is the live site.
I also have the exact same setup as my "staging" (called Prod2) environment, obviously this is not live .
I wish to deploy to Prod2, test and when happy switch it to live. Thereby making Prod1 not live.
Now i can simply drop the TTL and re-point the A record on the sites Domain name to the public IP of Prod2s load balancer.
But is there a better way of doing this to enable faster switching between these?
Azure Traffic Manager would be my suggestion for a seamless blue-green deployment.
For your workloads that are running in Azure, the recommendation is to setup the Blue environment, which has the old code, and Green environment, which has the new code, in separate Azure Resource Groups.
If the endpoint is external, you can use any continuous integration and deployment tool to manage and deploy the two environments.
Once you have the environments ready you can create a Traffic Manager profile using the Azure portal, PowerShell, or CLI, with weighted round-robin as the routing method and add the endpoints corresponding to these environments.
See Dilip's full post here.

Difference between Azure App Services and Web App for Containers

I was looking to use Azure App Services and noticed Azure now offers Web App for Containers, now I wonder what's the difference between them? And couple more questions come to my mind
Assuming I choose Web App for Containers, who is going to manage the container updates?
Is the deployment differs from App Services to Web App for Containers, from application perspective?
Web App for Containers is one of the offerings in Azure App Service. It allows you to deploy containerized applications on Linux and Windows (the latter is in preview).
The platform automatically takes care of OS patching, capacity provisioning, and load balancing. But, the container updates are up to you.
The deployment differs in that you will be deploying your application inside a Docker container instead of deploying directly like you do in a Web App.

Azure Web aps- When scale out on Web Apps happens does it put load balancer

Sorry guys if my question does not make sense. Let us say I have a website running in cloud. It is running under one instance.
I have a Scale out app service plan such that when CPU usage is more than 80% it creates one more instance. On day 3 let us say CPU usage gets to 85% and one more instance is created. My question is
1) Is it going to put a load balancer in front of these two instances.
2) Are these two Virtual machines going to be in different fault domain?
3) when I have two instances and I deploy from Visual studio, is it going to deploy to both instances?
1) Is it going to put a load balancer in front of these two
The answer is yes, after you enable autoscale settings, when your service receives additional traffic, you will get more instances without doing anything.
2) Are these two Virtual machines going to be in different fault
When multiple Cloud Service role instances are deployed, Azure deploys these instances to different fault domains.
More information about cloud service instances and fault domains, please refer to this blob.
3) when I have two instances and I deploy from Visual studio, is it
going to deploy to both instances?
No, after we deploy a new package, it will be applied in all instances of your WebApp.
More information about how to deploy APP to Azure app service, please refer to the link.
1-) Yes
2-) Probably, however I can't say this with 100% sure, because WebApps are PaaS, you delegate the management to Microsoft.
3-) When you deploy a new package it will be applied in all instances of your WebApp.
